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XMaDTanKX aka T-90

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Everything posted by XMaDTanKX aka T-90

  1. There are two rules files, rules.ini and rulesmd.ini, one for Ra2, one for YR, by that order Firstly make sure you have modified the right one. And secondly, it could be that the campaign modes doesn't use the rules.ini in the main folder but the one located in local.mix, and also most of the singleplayer maps have modified own .ini settings, having preference over the settings in main rules.ini
  2. Hi, the Ra1 AI is pretty simple specifically in skirmish mode, they don't create teams or whatsoever, also don't expect they would use the Chrono Tanks, Tanya, and other special units the way they are meant to be used. All the Ra1 AI can do is, ramdomly, create units, men, tanks, etc and in a random elapsed time, they all go 'all to hunt' mode which means they send all their stuff to randomly kill your units/buildings, usually starting with the Ore Trucks, meanwhile they keep creating more units, men, tanks, and in a random elapsed time you may receive a second wave, and even build some planes and copters in late game. That is the Ra1 AI exactly and it has not improved in the remaster. I am completely unaware of any mods being able to improve the AI in RA1, I hope someone can sum it up.
  3. Indeed I can only understand it if he is playing Rekool or Oil in Mid and such maps w/ crates on. If you play for fun, that's part of the fun buddy 😄 Once I got spied by Soviet and I was like wtf this freaking sucks dude, I thought he was cheating, but checking the damn map I realized spys were allowed for Soviets too.
  4. I assume if someone gets Allied and Soviet tech it's because we are talking about fun games or ffg's and/or crates are on, I don't see the problem then since you can do the same thing
  5. Hey!! This mission has two variants, depending if you skipped or not the previous mission. If you didnt skip, the bridge should be there, if you skipped you need to take an alternate way through the other bridge, head to the top of the map, kill the fake cliff, go by the top edge to the top left and near the bridge, take the ramp down to the river, then follow the river until you arrive to another ramp and you'll get to the hospital avoiding all the guard around. A Tiberian Friend will help you making a show in the enemy base xD Good luck
  6. Congrats to those who attended the event CnCNet members, [FC] Streamers and W3D guys. I really hope this is the first sign of good things to come.
  7. Main problem with CD's is overcoming the problem with the DRM (Digital Rights Management) and its driver, which Microsoft decided to disable in 2015. I struggled time ago to develop a workaround to make these CD's work on Windows 10, and actually worked, but EA/Youtube didn't like it so much and removed the video. Although I re-uploaded it on Rumble, I don't think it wouldn't work on Windows 11, and considering you can get the whole game for like 8€ since is out on Steam, I think it's pointless to try to keep using the CD's unless you are a true enthusiast and have an old WinXP system. Cheers
  8. Hi, the CnCNet Client was developed with Yuri's Revenge as base game. However if you want to play Ra2 online, you can check ther Ra2 Mode box in the lobby screen. There is not a pure Ra2 version of the client as such. Eitherway, if you want to play the original Ra2 for the campaigns, you should launch the game from EA app and click on Ra2 in the selection menu.
  9. Depends of the map and the money available But a basic Soviet BO would be, Power, Barracks, Refinery, War Factory, Trucks + More Refineries, More Warfactories, Radar - Lab... But depends alot of the map, the starting credits, how the Ore fields are spotted on the map, if there are Gems, if your opponent is an AI or human, if he's going to rush or is selling MCV... Get experience and you will learn the best build order for each situation
  10. This is f@ck1ng great man!! Now I feel encouraged to make new maps lol, only by that picture the software looks so good.
  11. Do you mean we can add text triggers to the maps, without the need of adding/modify the game original string tables? I think I remember to do that (modify the string tables) with only using the XCC Mixer by Olaf Van Der Spek
  12. XWiS links to Ra2 dl are broken Sam bro Otherwise I'm 100% agreed with you, anyone owning the game should be on the right to find his/her own way to play like I did two years ago when I had the same problem. And I said it very clearly on my videos where I've explained how to Ra2 install from CD's on Windows 10, which were removed by Youtube, and maybe under EA request... In the other hand, The Ultimate Collection is only like 10$ now... 1$, one dollar per game... btw interesting link
  13. Hi Sam, seems like XWiS download links to Ra2/YR free Multiplayer versions no longer work, and I'm afraid that it has something to do with EA removing permissions. This website doesn't support piracy and Ra2 is not a freeware, otherwise I'm sure anyone could help you. Sadly the only way is buying to EA as explained, and then patching with the third party software to make it work perfect in Windows 10. EA APP https://www.ea.com/ea-app?setLocale=en-us (buy The Ultimate Collection 60% off currently) CnCNet Client https://cncnet.org/red-alert-2 (patch and get online mode) Alternatively you may contact EA at https://help.ea.com/en/help-home/ and tell them you have the original game, but the possibility of success is to little...
  14. Yuri's Revenge CD can only be installed if you have installed Ra2 previously from your original CD, it doesn't work with the Ra2 Multiplayer from XWiS for example, or any other but the Ra2 original setup from CD. In the past there was a chance of asking Origin for a digital copy if you could prove you had the original game with serial etc, but since origin dissapeared, I've asked myself EA Support months ago if I could have a digital copy or Ra2/YR as I could prove I have the originals, and they just blatantly ignored me, and not just one time, I've even sent them pictures of my CD's/Serials. So the only remaining 'legal' way EA allow us to get Ra2/YR even if we got the original game, is installing their app and purchasing C&C The Ultimate Collection which includes every game. Also there is a workaround to run your CD's in Windows 10, you just need to install the DRM driver which Microsoft removed in 2015 due to 'safety' reasons or the driver being a potential backdoor for viruses and threats, or that's what they said to kill literally a very extense library of thousands of games CD based and shell them again on digital format.
  15. XMaDTanKX aka T-90

    RA2 WOL

    Hi, WOL sadly does not exist since 2005. If you installed Ra2 from an ald copy and click custom match, you're probably connecting to XWiS buddy. About the game crashing, download and install the CnCNet Client that you can download here https://cncnet.org/red-alert-2 this will fix most of the issues and will allow you to play online.
  16. Try running the TSLauncher.exe, open the settings and select a different video renderer.
  17. y0y0 I've just found out that Frank and the boys have remastered some TibSun music tracks. By now I've been able to find the Mad Rap and Dusk Hour on re-mastered versions. Any of you guys knows if there are any other of these re-mastered tracks from Tiberian Sun and being free to use for streaming/YT videos? I'd like to add them to my game playlist. Thanks in advance and cheers!!
  18. players who abuse taunts are usually noobs, just rush the sh1t out of them and they will stfu lol, or when they are getting owned you have the option to use taunts too 😄
  19. I didn't say it's caused by video compression, but definitely looks very similar to when you stream at a low bit rate, quiet images look good and when you scroll everything becomes blurry for a second, so, it looks to me more like a graphics problem than screen refresh rate. However you may try what sam-i-am said and see if there's any change. And yes, the CnCNet fixes alot of graphics problems mainly due to the old vanilla game not being able to work on modern graphic cards. If it improved, you can still get into the CnCNet Client options and try a different video renderer, and also try if your problem happens only on vanilla game or also in a CnCNet Client skirmish game so we could discard things.
  20. That's quite weird. What game are you playing? Vanilla game or CnCNet Client? Sounds like the blur caused by the H264 video compression. What are your computer specs and graphics card?
  21. Good, you have new follower. I have had exactly the same problem when I started to make videos 😄
  22. Maybe because you are recording the screen at your desktop resolution and it doesn't match the game resolution. If you do right click on the screen capture option (or whatever you have created) there should be an option called something like ''resize output/source size''. This will match your game screen size with your OBS.
  23. lol why would you need to play at so high resolution I'm still happy with my 1600x900 😄 and yes I have to scroll, but that's a part of the game!!
  24. Hi, what does that pop up messaje say? It would be good to know...
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