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New CnCNet site!


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We are pleased to announce the release of our new website and our new logo. We have been through many iterations and months of work to reach this stage. This does not mean we are done with the site. We will continue to work on it and improve it based on feedback and include certain things missing from the older site.


Most of the work on the new site has been done by Neogrant. tomsons26 has helped with boxarts and other graphics and the new logo has been done by CCHyper. hifi and myself have done some general help and has offered suggestions.


The site also includes certain hints on whats to come next!


We hope you like the new site design!

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I've seen similar templates for websites when I was making a wordpress. I would never choose to use ones like this. It takes up the entire page and offers very little information. Almost looks like a fake website. You need to scale it all down and have more information fit on the page.

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I've seen similar templates for websites when I was making a wordpress. I would never choose to use ones like this. It takes up the entire page and offers very little information. Almost looks like a fake website. You need to scale it all down and have more information fit on the page.


There is actually very little content on the CnCNet website. It didn't really change that much. The design these days is very much like this. For example see the PayPal front page http://paypal.com/ .

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I've seen similar templates for websites when I was making a wordpress. I would never choose to use ones like this. It takes up the entire page and offers very little information. Almost looks like a fake website. You need to scale it all down and have more information fit on the page.


There is actually very little content on the CnCNet website. It didn't really change that much. The design these days is very much like this. For example see the PayPal front page http://paypal.com/ .

I'll admit if I look at the site from a clean slate and not what it was then it flows fairly well. But I think it will go the way of the dodo just like flash intro websites lol. but for the time being i guess this is what you kids like.

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I miss the overview of current games per game entry, really.


That's the only problem, really. I did like the older and darker design better, but other than not seeing the games right away, there's nothing fundamentally wrong with this one. A bit puzzling though, as similar modern website designs are mostly tablet-oriented (touchscreen scrolling, etc.), while I assume the majority of the 300+ players will usually log on from a PC, and certainly play from one.

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I miss the overview of current games per game entry, really.


That's the only problem, really. I did like the older and darker design better, but other than not seeing the games right away, there's nothing fundamentally wrong with this one. A bit puzzling though, as similar modern website designs are mostly tablet-oriented (touchscreen scrolling, etc.), while I assume the majority of the 300+ players will usually log on from a PC, and certainly play from one.

An interesting point, but technically speaking if you're marketing CnCNet via any type of advertising media, the website needs to adapt for the fact that 70% of those users will be on their phone or tablet.  For example, one scenario, if we posted a link to CnCNet at 8:30am i.e at rush hour, chances are they will be using a mobile or similar. 


Its no longer acceptable for a site not to respond to different devices, even despite the fact people play these games on their computers.

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I think the whole site takes waaay too much surface area for what it tries to convey, personally. If you scroll down on the main page, the whole "ONLINE ANYWHERE" thing, that takes up a whole screen, is just a huge duplicate of the "status" link at the top. Who will ever even scroll past the games anyway? It looks rather lost and useless, there.


The whole intro screen at the top of the page is kind of the same thing, really. It reminds me too much of these old websites with a small useless intro page you need to click through to get to the actual site. Only difference is that this one you have to scroll through. Either way, same function... or, lack of function.


Also, clicking on a game in the main page list should really scroll you to that game on the downloads page. :dry:


On the subject of the download page... again; same remark. A huge "intro page" again, with a button that does nothing but... scrolling down? Seriously? Why not just give people the actual games list right away?


Oh, small remark: all the covers on the downloads page are squashed together in width. You should fix that; it looks kinda bad. Either trim the sides, make the images show as less high, or make them show to their full width. But keep that aspect ratio.

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I think the whole site takes waaay too much surface area for what it tries to convey, personally. If you scroll down on the main page, the whole "ONLINE ANYWHERE" thing, that takes up a whole screen, is just a huge duplicate of the "status" link at the top. Who will ever even scroll past the games anyway? It looks rather lost and useless, there.


The whole intro screen at the top of the page is kind of the same thing, really. It reminds me too much of these old websites with a small useless intro page you need to click through to get to the actual site. Only difference is that this one you have to scroll through. Either way, same function... or, lack of function.


Also, clicking on a game in the main page list should really scroll you to that game on the downloads page. :dry:


On the subject of the download page... again; same remark. A huge "intro page" again, with a button that does nothing but... scrolling down? Seriously? Why not just give people the actual games list right away?


Oh, small remark: all the covers on the downloads page are squashed together in width. You should fix that; it looks kinda bad. Either trim the sides, make the images show as less high, or make them show to their full width. But keep that aspect ratio.


That's a pretty huge assumption and not one I will totally agree with. You're basically saying no-one will scroll past the games section, so lets cut everything beyond it. No footer, nothing. You may or may not find users scrolling past the games section, but I can guarantee you will find people scrolling, people swipe up and down on a facebook newsfeed,  scrolling to reveal information. The old ways of are cramming everything above the fold are gone my friend.


Keep an open mind, everything is a work in progress and will be for some time.


@Small Remark: Its a responsive site. You're most likely in tablet view, things like this will be addressed with further in depth testing. Thanks for raising the points though, just wished you did it in chat whilst we were developing. ;)






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the site is awesome... less text, big buttons, straight to the point and easy to use for joe average


All of that might very well be true and I appreciate the fact that you guys are trying to make CnCNet more popular and accessible to new players (empahsis on 'download and play'). But, for the rest of the people who are already regulars, the site has lost it's major functionality, which was that it showed the number of open games for each supported game or mod right away. Now, I need to click on a link and then I also need to scroll down a couple of times to see that. Before I get where I want, I see the 'number of players' chart, which is very nice but really mostly irrelevant. Then I get to the 'number of games chart', ditto, as it only shows that RA is being played 'a lot' and TD, TS and all else 'very little'. And underneath that, in veeeery fine print, I can finally see who's playing what. Now, put all the modern design thingys in the world in this site, hell, I have suggestions even, if someone would actually take note of such things! One of them is restore the 'open games' display in the main page in one form or another, for people like me who only open the site to see if somebody's on playing their game. So yeah, for everybody that plays anything other than RA.

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...Simplicity is modern, everyone expecting everything to just work out of the box...

Guilty as charged! I have to admit, the main reason why I still play these classic C&Cs (from this site) is because they work out of the box. There are a lot of other older games that I'd like to play again, but I'm too lazy to find patches, figure out the correct compatibility settings, temporarily turn off explorer... and so on.

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Wow, people actually care about the site. I'm positively surprised by this. I thought no one really goes there and the only meaningful entry point to CnCNet was redalert1.com.


It's great that you give feedback so we can make it more suitable for everyone.

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