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We are going for a 100% authentic ra game experience and that means duplicating the path finding logic accurately as well. Any changes will be for obvious bug fixes, anything where its not clear it wasn't intentional or it was done because of restraints at the time we will try and replicate exactly. Any "improvements" will be optional off by default features for modders to use.

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I guess what I wrote came out wrong. What I was more referring to was that GPL is copyleft and maybe a bit too strict?


The project might see more mods if they don't have to by default share their code and assets. Permissive licenses like MIT, BSD or Apache might suit the project better, but it's not my place to decide.


I understand that you guys want to try and emulate OpenRA's GitHub "success" (?), but think of the children!


I was hoping to see the engine ported to Apple's App Store so it could be played on an iPad. I have fond memories playing the original RA + Retaliation on my old PSP via the built-in PS1 emulator. The problem is that Apple's App Store license model doesn't allow GPL'ed code. Not sure about Google Play, though.

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I don't really want to get into a debate on the pros and cons of licensing, but its only strict in that people can't use the code to create a proprietary version, they have to release their code changes as well. Apple doesn't like it because it would mean if they distributed GPL code, they would also have to give up the signing keys needed to install things on iOS breaking their monopoly on software distribution to their devices. I advocate jailbreaking to get round such issues.


The GPL wouldn't require that people also license their assets as GPL as well, only any code changes and personally, I don't see that being a big limitation, it ensures that no one has to go to the trouble of re-creating the game again, they can just port the code to whatever it needs porting to on going so its playable forever. The assets have to be distributed as part of a mod anyway, no way to get out of that. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
I was hoping to see the engine ported to Apple's App Store so it could be played on an iPad. The problem is that Apple's App Store license model doesn't allow GPL'ed code. Not sure about Google Play, though.


That would be your least concern. Other intellectual property rights will force you to stay out from app stores of any kind.

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  • 7 months later...

We've mainly been posting updates on Facebook, this is a screen shot of our most recent progress update there. Basically, we can get in game, most things draw more or less correctly and you can select things. Still a way to go before we have units moving around doing stuff though, we are currently working on the path finding classes.


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