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  On 10/4/2016 at 1:51 PM, SiRaLeX said:




Is this a real unit/infantry or just theoretical/hypothetical?


The real thing in Tiberian Sun. You could build only one.


However, they are talking about the engineer. Which is a difference of 1350 in costs.

I considerer this one rather useless. But with an engineer, it would be worth the try. Never knew that such a bug existed.

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I highly doubt it was even possible...

Technically it could be given what i know how the Hijackers and Engineers work and the shared code between them.


If it was possible it was definatly a bug its NOT,never was or ever was intended to be a tactic.

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Oh look so many "tactics" to fix.  :D


SENSORY ARRAY SUB TRICK - Not really a tactic, more of a exploit of the game's limitations/flaws.


EMP misc - Technically it should however the reason why it doesn't is due to a game limitation, that is when the Harvester Docks with a Refinery it goes in Limbo, in the Limbo state it only visually exists on the map and is Immune.


SURVIVOR SUB TRICK - If this is possible while Short Game is on then its a exploit of a bug.

When you are Defeated(as in actually Player Defeated) any units you owned should be killed or become Nautral and do nothing at worst case if the game isn't able to kill them for some reason.

If Short Game is off and you are not actually Defeated just have no buildings anymore, yes then this is a tactic to get you back in the game.

In either case if you are actually in the "Player Defeated" state then you should not have any control what so ever on anything, if you do then it's definatly a bug.


GHOST TRICKS - not sure if that should be possible....


HARVESTER-TIB TRICKS NR.3 - LOL, this probably made my day.

The Tiberium Tree spawns Tiberium at random intervals given by to the code that does this in TiberiumClass by Random2Class.

60's Spiderman gives more fucks than the Tib Tree if you shoot it.

Only thing that can happen to it eventually under certain scenarios due to a bug is the game just might delete it, a bug present since Dune 2 lol.


PAVEMENT PREVENTION - No you can't do anything to Pavement. On the technical side what happens is when you place the Pavement you place down a temporary Dummy Building which once placed down turns into a piece of Terrain which is Immune to everything.


ONE SHOT DIZ TAKEDOWN (3 titans) - The Carryall should only be attackable by ground units when it's on the ground. This is a bug actually.


CROSS SCOUTING - This a exploit of a bug. The Subterrain units should surface/try to find where to surface once they are given the stop command, they shouldn't stay down there.


JUMP JET STEALTH REVEAL - This a exploit of a bug. JumpJet code is buggy as hell.


VETERAN STATUS - It doesn't.

There are two levels,Veterancy and Elite.

The unit that gains Veterancy, gets increased Combat, Speed, Sight, Armor and ROF, the multipliers for these are defined in the Rules as VeteranCombat, VeteranSpeed, VeteranSight, VeteranArmor, VeteranROF.

On Elite the unit gains bonuses specific to it, in some unit cases a new weapon.

For example of a Elite bonus, the Tick Tank gets Sensors which detect Stealthed Units.


INFANTRY-2-FIEND TRICK - The Infantry Transmorgify into Small Visceroids by default.

None of the original Westwood maps change this. It is indeed possible to change by setting the ini tag SmallVisceroid in the [General] section of the map.


Commando/Ghost forever STEAL - Technically it's not the APC that needs to be destroyed it's the unit in it but yea, as long as the unit exits you won't be able to build another.


Make 2 Mutants - I don't see how this counts as two Hijackers, unless you can get the Hijacker out of the unit which isn't something you should be able to do, if you can it's a bug. On the Hijacked units death the Driver which is the Hijacker should die with it too.


COMMANDO-SUB-BOOST - AFTER? The game doesn't care about the order units are in a Transport.


TEMPLE BUILD TRICK - Sounds more like the Temple's Adjacenty is bugged then a "tactic". It depends on the range it gives.


BUILD GLITCHING - The Tiberium fields are already perfectly accessible i don't see a issue in that map.

And, yes, that's cheating and it should be fixed on the CNCNet version for that matter already, if its not report it and the steps to reproduce it.


ARTILLERY FOG REVEAL - Yes it will. The attacking units are revealed. The question however here is how much does it reveal, if it's practically a large portion of your base then that'd be a issue that needs to be looked at actually.


STACKING PLANES - That's a pretty nasty and shameful exploit.... :\

Eh guess i should be happy these games weren't written by Blizzard as unlike in the C&C engine where you need a lot of nerves most of the time to get the units to stack it StarCraft and StarCraft 2 it happens automatically whether you want it or not...


Plane FS kill and Vehicle FS kill and SUB FS KILL and SEEKER FS KILL - This isn't a tactic... Every single one is a bug, in fact sounds like the exact same bug.... The Firestorm should kill everything except Superweapons.


INFANTRY NOISE - Basically a exploit of the hardware limitations Westwood was bounded to back then, the game is fixed to a certain amount of sounds to be played back once that amount is reached you won't hear new ones, this isn't a new thing, TD/RA already has these issues where it gets to a point that something glitches and you can't hear any sounds for moments.


Elite Chemical Missle - So such thing. There's just A Chemical Missile. It's all about the precision, tho it sounds like something is buggy because taking out the entire base sounds OP.


Proper Engineer Loading - The game has no code to keep track of this so it couldn't care less.


Engineer Service Depot - Thats sounds like a exploit of a bug, but i'm not that sure, would probably need to be discussed with WW devs to answer with certainty...


Jump Jet Sam Disable - That's a exploit of a bug. What happens due to how buggy the JumpJet movement code is is the Sam get's confused and thus breaks.


Carryall Landing Stopper - Sounds possible yea. Perhaps misclicking perhaps a bug without looking carefully into this can't really tell more.


Visc Fiend Defense - It's a Tiberian Fiend, they make great pets you know. Forget dogs! :P


Engineering deployed vehicle - If we did, good job us.


Suidide 1 hit planes - This is a exploit of a nasty bug. What actually happens is because of the bug the Alt command tries to force the Aircraft to land at the location you are Alt Clicking on. This bug is a lot less worse in the second generation C&C engine(TS to YR) than in the first gen (TD/RA) tho, in TD/RA you can force Aircraft to land on a building more easily than in TS/YR.


Mutant ServiceDepot NO! - That seems to be a bug. It should be possible, maybe isn't cause of some engine limitation maybe just because of a bug.

Whatever reason this happens is related to why ever "Engineer Service Depot" is possible. It's all about the state the Vehicle on the Service Depot is in.


Weed truck bombs - Nope. The Weeds are special Terrain objects. They have no Strength or anything, or should affect how the Weeder acts.


Ion Carryall No! and Missle hits AIR units - Sounds like one of these is bugged. If you can attack air units with the Multi Missile then you logically should with the other Superweapon which is the Ion Cannon. The question is should you be able to, if not then the Multi Missile is bugged if you should then the Ion Cannon is bugged.

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I guess it cncnet has patched it?? haven't confirmed that.


However! I will confirm that engies were indeed able to steal tick tanks, MSA, juggs, artillery, etc.  pretty much anything deployed.


You had to click on the engi and put him near the deployed unit.  Then you had to hold down alt + ctrl and click near the unit and the engi would run into the unit and infact capturing it.

I think you can try it if you run the game off the disc itself and not the cncnet interface. Try it in the skirmish im sure it still works in the original legit game.

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Capturing a service depot with a unit on it works in all games. Same logic as capturing helipads/airfields. It's actually a legit way of giving high cost units to an ally in TD / RA1. Wanna help out an ally who has a single engineer left, but enough money to restart? Donate an MCV to him! You can force-capture allied structures in TD IIRC :P


In TS it's just harder because they immediately get off again when repaired.

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  On 10/12/2016 at 9:41 AM, Nyerguds said:

Capturing a service depot with a unit on it works in all games. Same logic as capturing helipads/airfields. It's actually a legit way of giving high cost units to an ally in TD / RA1. Wanna help out an ally who has a single engineer left, but enough money to restart? Donate an MCV to him! You can force-capture allied structures in TD IIRC :P


In TS it's just harder because they immediately get off again when repaired.


That's a great tactic, didn't think of that,  nice!!  1) put mcv on service depot 2) un ally 3) have ally take ur mcv 4) re-ally  !!!    Totally adding that to the guide    ^_^

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You forgot step 3.5; recapture your service depot after the ally has moved the MCV off it ;)


As I said, it doesn't work on TS unless you purposely damage the MCV so it stays on for long enough to capture it. That same auto-eject logic also makes it near-impossible to sell units on the service depot in TS...


I think force-capture with ctrl works, in TD at least, so I don't think you actually need to un-ally.


Also, in TD they can pay you back because unloading harvesters in allied refineries gives the ally money  XD




Hmmmmm...... Doesn't this technically open an exploit to build infinite Mk2s? Build, damage, put on repair pad, let ally capture it, build another, give to ally, build another, give to ally...  XD


Not very practical though, especially with the added cost of all the engineers. And I imagine you'd have to be allowed to capture the occasional silo from that ally to cover the costs. But imagine the look on the face of your enemies when about eight Mk2s get airdropped in their base :roll:


Someone should try that out, just for the lulz.

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Also, in TD they can pay you back because unloading harvesters in allied refineries gives the ally money  XD


For real?

What about enemies that you want to give a boost since you want them to defeat another enemy?

This in TD, right?



Not very practical though, especially with the added cost of all the engineers. And I imagine you'd have to be allowed to capture the occasional silo from that ally to cover the costs. But imagine the look on the face of your enemies when about eight Mk2s get airdropped in their base :roll:

And put it on youtube as well, if it works!!!

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You can't force-unload a harvester in an enemy refinery, lol XD


I was thinking players could exchange Mammoths with APCs with cyborg commandos inside them, building up build-limited units on both sides, but sadly captured APCs apparently don't convert the crew to the new side :laugh:


Mind you, in FS, ally-capturing between a GDI and Nod player should allow infinite mobile factories... but you don't even need any repair pad tricks for that.

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  On 10/12/2016 at 2:25 PM, Nyerguds said:

You forgot step 3.5; recapture your service depot after the ally has moved the MCV off it ;)


As I said, it doesn't work on TS unless you purposely damage the MCV so it stays on for long enough to capture it. That same auto-eject logic also makes it near-impossible to sell units on the service depot in TS...


I think force-capture with ctrl works, in TD at least, so I don't think you actually need to un-ally.


Also, in TD they can pay you back because unloading harvesters in allied refineries gives the ally money  XD




Hmmmmm...... Doesn't this technically open an exploit to build infinite Mk2s? Build, damage, put on repair pad, let ally capture it, build another, give to ally, build another, give to ally...  XD


Not very practical though, especially with the added cost of all the engineers. And I imagine you'd have to be allowed to capture the occasional silo from that ally to cover the costs. But imagine the look on the face of your enemies when about eight Mk2s get airdropped in their base :roll:


Someone should try that out, just for the lulz.


You can do this to get more than one chemical missle factory, but in any type of real game that isn't 99% memes it isn't realistic as you mention.


In TS, you can use your allie's ref, but it gives you the money from the dump (as kaizen points out in his guide), so it seems opposite of TD.


To be able to force fire capture an allies building would be awesome, especially if you could force fire hijack mcv that is stealthed, cause right now you cannot steal one of your allies mcv unless they send it out of stealth or you fire on it to reveal it.

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  On 10/12/2016 at 6:16 PM, Nyerguds said:

You can't force-unload a harvester in an enemy refinery, lol XD


I was thinking players could exchange Mammoths with APCs with cyborg commandos inside them, building up build-limited units on both sides, but sadly captured APCs apparently don't convert the crew to the new side :laugh:


Mind you, in FS, ally-capturing between a GDI and Nod player should allow infinite mobile factories... but you don't even need any repair pad tricks for that.


You used to be able to ally the enemy, alt your harv in there, declare war right before it 'dump's and BOOm ref blows up.


Thankfully the wonderful home boy xmexyou patched this for us!

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  On 10/13/2016 at 3:50 AM, Humble said:

In TS, you can use your allie's ref, but it gives you the money from the dump (as kaizen points out in his guide), so it seems opposite of TD.

The moment I noticed this quirk in TD was the moment I lost 700 credits to an ally :puppydog:



To be able to force fire capture an allies building would be awesome

So, you can't do that in TS, then? Pity.

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