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Red Alert 2:YR AI improvement mod (Update!! Compatible with CNC client now


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Hey Mr. TK


So I have noticed the 3 factories making 3 tanks, and 2 rax making 2 boris/tanya and acting like cloning vat,


But there is something new about your ai


So i created new map and, with trigger, gave your AI 3 MCV. He made 9 war factories, and 3 nuclear power plants + 4 industrial plants LOOOL.


makes me wonder how much does it reduce cost XD


Im impressed with your trigger. I like it. Each MCV duplicate buildings just like cloning vat. I havent tried it with superweapons yet xD

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Hello Mr. TK,


I was thinking that paradropped GIs should auto deploy and destroy units around them. after they kill units/sentry guns, then they destroy buildings. after that they undeploy and move on. they will do much better damage when they deploy.


i hope thats not too much bother to do lol

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  On 7/20/2018 at 3:15 PM, MapDesigner said:

Hello Mr. TK,


I was thinking that paradropped GIs should auto deploy and destroy units around them. after they kill units/sentry guns, then they destroy buildings. after that they undeploy and move on. they will do much better damage when they deploy.


i hope thats not too much bother to do lol


I have tried and I can't do it. I guess it is hard coded too. Only modify exe file can do it.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey man, I originally found this mod through reddit and i wanted to comment on there but the thread was archived so i had to comment on here,
Anyway, i just downloaded your beautiful mod and played a game on my own map that i made (to see if unofficial maps affected the mod that much.) and i had a BLAST playing, it was 2v2 (me with a brutal bot against 2 brutals) i was so surprised when i saw my ally help me with a Repair IFV and the general improvements to AI.
This is a really well done mod, thank you for making this. 

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Disclaimer- Just an idea and i have  no idea the amount of work/time that would need to be put into this but that being said...

Why has CNCNET not taken advantage of this AI? They could put an entirely new setting aka "Ranked AI" This can also be the start of using bots in QM if you go idle for a certain amount of time, even taking it further you could put scenarios in game (you and a brutal ai spawning against 2 ranked ais' in whatever type of situation). I think this would add a nice dynamic to the game and a breath of fresh air etc..



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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

yes but also no. it is possible to add the rules.ini modifications AND the ai.ini modifications into a notepad file which a person could take and insert into any map and play over cncnet (which answers the question that guy asked like 2 years ago lol), but the files in the download are literally the raw ra2 rulesmd.ini and aimd.ini which makes it a whole ass lot of work to isolate JUST THE CHANGES from the original files... so much work that it would be easier for a person just to write a brand spanking new AI from scratch and port it to a shareable text file.

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  • 2 months later...


it seems to me that if AI starts with multiple MCV, he does not build shipyard.

does that happen to you as well?



  On 12/31/2017 at 7:03 AM, TK3600 said:

Now they use TD into a mix of attack force of grizzly, prism, mirage, IFV. Similarly unit composition are optimized on all AI attacks, a complete rewrite!


changing % might have un-intended consequences. Below are lines from RulesMD.ini

; NOTE: (Double Note, a float math bug caused 2% to be used when 1% broke down.  Fixing the bug is why I made 2%)
; A 0% means no force fire, no retaliate, no passive aquire 
; A 1% means no retaliate, no passive aquire
; A 2% means no passive aquire

  On 12/31/2017 at 7:03 AM, TK3600 said:

5. AI will try to build a MCV asap when construction yard is gone, if possible. Previously the trigger is so weak AI almost never replace it,


that is good.

sometimes MCV get stuck though.

  On 12/31/2017 at 7:03 AM, TK3600 said:

Remember AI's weakness focus on 1 target and completely ignore your tanks flanking them?



currently, if I hit one tank, that one tank retaliate. other tanks continue walking. If I have GI and GGI guarding base entrace, AI still come into them with prism tanks it seems.


I might add some more later today.

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  • 4 months later...

i looked though the log and it shows some pretty wild changes. theres a lot of things in rules that have been changed that have no business being changed... some game breaking, many redundant. i also looked briefly through the AI portion and found that its basically the vanilla AI but with some additions. some of the additions themselves are also game breaking and redundant, but with some neat features like functioning pool teams in there too.

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  On 6/23/2021 at 9:44 PM, McPwny said:

i looked though the log and it shows some pretty wild changes. theres a lot of things in rules that have been changed that have no business being changed... some game breaking, many redundant. i also looked briefly through the AI portion and found that its basically the vanilla AI but with some additions. some of the additions themselves are also game breaking and redundant, but with some neat features like functioning pool teams in there too.


that is because you are looking at wrong places. ai.md is where you should look. And believe me, it is like quadruple the size of original AI file.

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well i dont mean to sit here and bust your balls but the global controls in rules.ini are like fine control dials, one does not just torque on them until something changes and call it improvement. i have looked at the AI and will say that the teams and triggers look pretty good, but the scripts are not so good and the teams dont account for AI targeting which is important. i should mention also that engineer capture logic is hacky in such a way that it renders all of your engineer tech capture teams redundant and also i need to mention that adding all of those aircraft target teams will be prone cause a bug where the aircraft sit on the pad and jump up and down

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  On 6/24/2021 at 1:09 AM, McPwny said:

well i dont mean to sit here and bust your balls but the global controls in rules.ini are like fine control dials, one does not just torque on them until something changes and call it improvement. i have looked at the AI and will say that the teams and triggers look pretty good, but the scripts are not so good and the teams dont account for AI targeting which is important. i should mention also that engineer capture logic is hacky in such a way that it renders all of your engineer tech capture teams redundant and also i need to mention that adding all of those aircraft target teams will be prone cause a bug where the aircraft sit on the pad and jump up and down


yeah, those are known issue. You see I had to do quite a lot of hacks on the rule.ini to implement some of my changes. For example, if not for my hacky edits the naval AI never would have worked using dreadnought and carrier. No one else made it work, only I did.

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as long as your taskforce lists the carrier/dred first, then it will use that units targeting and attack properly, assuming the target is in range. but, for example, your team "Allied Naval Bombard- 1" lists 2 carriers and 1 aegis; since carriers are listed first their targeting will be used, but it also means the aegis will never be able to target aircraft (except when its the last unit alive in the team) rendering it useless in the team.

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  On 6/24/2021 at 1:25 AM, McPwny said:

as long as your taskforce lists the carrier/dred first, then it will use that units targeting and attack properly, assuming the target is in range. but, for example, your team "Allied Naval Bombard- 1" lists 2 carriers and 1 aegis; since carriers are listed first their targeting will be used, but it also means the aegis will never be able to target aircraft (except when its the last unit alive in the team) rendering it useless in the team.


are you sure? I am 99% sure even if you put carrier alone it wont work. I had to make an AI only version of carrier with large auto target distance to make it work. Also the Aegis does target air, I made it able to fire on move.

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it will and it wont. it will work until it tries to target something out of range, and then it will get confused. making AI only version of the carrier/dred passiveaquire is a workaround for that thats been done a million times over but also has problems like what happens when you mind control that hacked unit? naval AI is inherently trash in ra2. as for the aegis, changing a player unit to accommodate the AI crosses the line between improved AI and and gameplay mod...

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  On 6/24/2021 at 1:50 AM, McPwny said:

it will and it wont. it will work until it tries to target something out of range, and then it will get confused. making AI only version of the carrier/dred passiveaquire is a workaround for that thats been done a million times over but also has problems like what happens when you mind control that hacked unit? naval AI is inherently trash in ra2. as for the aegis, changing a player unit to accommodate the AI crosses the line between improved AI and and gameplay mod...


It only happens in mind control situation, which is very rare. Player variant is unchanged.

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  On 6/24/2021 at 9:22 PM, McPwny said:

are you still building this AI? and also, how do you test your changes?


mix of ai vs ai and me vs ai. former mostly for debugging. Lastly, I heard you can make a functional naval AI as good as mine without any of my 'hacks' by simply put them in single groups. You claim to be able to do it, and I am intrigued. I sure as hell tried every simpler solution before settled on the unconventional ways.

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its funny bbglas should mention fa2 here because thats actually the fastest way to build an AI; pick an 8 player map, give yourself an invincible superunit and a vehicle that deploys into an invincible spysat/map range psychic sensor, then turn off the global ai triggers under basic and build your own AI from the ground up using fa2's interface. launch the map at max speed and you can see exactly how the AI will behave in a matter of minutes with no effort. as an added perk to doing it this way, with a little renaming you can take your whole AI and port it to a text file and insert it into other maps with the insert ini feature.

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  On 6/25/2021 at 11:03 AM, McPwny said:

its funny bbglas should mention fa2 here because thats actually the fastest way to build an AI; pick an 8 player map, give yourself an invincible superunit and a vehicle that deploys into an invincible spysat/map range psychic sensor, then turn off the global ai triggers under basic and build your own AI from the ground up using fa2's interface. launch the map at max speed and you can see exactly how the AI will behave in a matter of minutes with no effort. as an added perk to doing it this way, with a little renaming you can take your whole AI and port it to a text file and insert it into other maps with the insert ini feature.


so you think FA2 has a good interface for greater potential? I might look into it.

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