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Everything posted by AchromicWhite

  1. It's certainly more open than Rattle Snake. It's the type of map that IS more balanced 2v2 IMO. But only time will tell. Also, it seems to be hard to get 2v2 games these days. People want to play FFA -.- and I always get jacked. -Liam
  2. The main issue is that IF Nod gets into the base, they're hard to stop... there's a lot of room inside. That and, GDI HAS to make a move, else Nod will capture the middle, where they're free to make a tone of units and slap turrets everywhere. But yes, I think it's a GDI friendly map, and, in many ways, I'd like to see more of them. It's not like Nod cannot siege bases; it just forces Nod players to use their full arsenal of weapons, rather than just relying on the idea that their light vehicles will be enough. (too used to open maps). -Liam
  3. People made trainers for RA2? Yuck! Man, good thing I never bothered with RA2. That would have pissed me off so much. I'll stick with TD. "Time to rock 'n' roll!" -Liam
  4. You could also just micro manage your troops; but yes, TD is an old game, and the units can get confused. It happens sometimes to me on other maps also, such as Blistering Sands. Sometimes my units try to take shortcuts (which are often long cuts anyway) through the 'base' areas, rather than sticking to the 'paths'. Well, I guess this is an RTS, micro and macro your way to victory people. I will say, I good GDI player can stop Nod rushes on this map. I think we could see some new tactics form from it. Here's hoping. Download; and play nice kids. (by which I mean, wreck each other). -Liam
  5. Snaking around... but don't get bitten. There are some trees near the middle paths that you'll have to destroy before you can use said paths. Quite a closed map, good for defense, but still with several openings. Cliffs near paths that will allow you to position artillery to shell into the paths. -Liam RattleSnake.rar
  6. Well, in my own mod, the sniper will NOT instant kill troops. He'll just do good dmg and have long range. Heavy M/G and regular rilfes in my own mod will be different warheads, the LMG will be infantry with the M/G warhead but without the extra dmg. The warhead will be the same vs infantry as regular rifle (small arms) but to extra against light vehicles and heavy etc. So, he'll be an expensive rifle if you only make him take on other infantry. -Liam
  7. Wow, I'm not a big fan of RA maps usually, but this looks really good. Well done. -Liam
  8. haha, cheers. It's got a while before it's perfect. Still needs ALL of the navy units balanced, and I'm unconvinced by the tanks and top tech units. If you're around and can help with the balancing, that would be great. I kinda want to get through this so that I can get onto vamping up Classic Revolution. -Liam
  9. Haha, probably true. I'll be looking at making the mortar troops very slow and low HP, they'll be like infantry artillery. Anyway, I'm not going to give away too much about what I have planned for my own mod, hehe. But, feel free to use them if you want; I'd be honored. -Liam
  10. I'd seen a lot of this before... but it's still awesome. Great work Kilk. Can't wait for the release! -Liam
  11. Are these the original FD missions... I remember that campaign becoming extremely hard later on. It's quite cool, none the less. -Liam
  12. Haha, not sure if I was quite going for that -Liam
  13. It's very much appreciated as a gamer, to have maps like this. So thank you for taking the time to make them. -Liam
  14. Thank you. I simply use MSpaint to make a wee picture of what I'm doing first. Else I'll get lost during the large scale process. -Liam
  15. That'd be great. I like to get the feel of how a faction works before making something like this for them. So I may try to pick the faction I find the most interesting and come up with something that either fits how they work OR make something challenging for their play style. -Liam
  16. A roundabout of run. In many ways I was a bit lazy with the edges of the tiberium; but it still looks pretty good. Have fun kids. And play safe... with guns. There are also some trees blocking some part of the map... destroy them to free your path. -Liam WhtPinWheel.rar
  17. Hm, could maybe try that. Would be neat to see some missions come together. OK Kilk, sounds like you maybe have your first contestants. Just need to understand what units I'm dealing with, a bit better. Also, did you check out my new infantry, Kilk? http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=3243.0 -Liam
  18. Could maybe make some cool missions with code like that.... hehe. -Liam
  19. Yeah, either would work. To be honest, once your at that part, you've done all the main task of taking out the enemy units anway. Oh hey, did you know that on the stnk mission, the Tech Center IS a prerequisite for the stnk itself (one time I lost the center before making the air strip and then I couldn't make stnk). -Liam
  20. Well, I can come up with ideas for missions and I can make maps, but I don't know how all the triggers and suck work, so I can't actually make missions, haha. -Liam
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