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Everything posted by FunkyFr3sh

  1. Try to change the renderer in the config program, if none works then make sure your anti-virus isn't blocking the game.
  2. There were 2 patches added, one was causing the bug and was reverted, the other one was not reverted. If there is still a issue then please record another video yeah
  3. Well, this update wasn't supposed to change anything in existing maps, it was only adding some new features for custom maps that you can enable manually (Holland requested it)
  4. Holland tested it and it used to be possible before, a recent update broke it. I can revert the update if needed
  5. live stream page has been broken for a long time... not sure when it will be fixed
  6. Here are the stats: Looks like you had the advantage but it wasn't that big of a difference, not sure how much money was left on the map though It was probably a connection issue between you two, doesn't look like either of you two lagged
  7. This may happen because cncnet is using a different renderer by default, open the dune 2000 config program and change your renderer to DirectDraw and it should work.
  8. These are the limits for cncnet (taken from spawn.xdp) For singleplayer you'll have to check rules.ini ; ******* Object Heap Maximums ******* ; These are the absolute maximum number of these object types ; allowed in the game (at any one time). [Maximums] Players=8 ; ipx layer limits this to 8 maximum Aircraft=150 Anim=100 Building=650 Bullet=50 Factory=32 ; 32 is minimum for 8 player game Infantry=550 Overlay=1 ; special case -- only needs one Projectile=20 ; projectile types, not actual projectiles Smudge=1 ; special case -- only needs one Team=60 TeamType=60 Template=1 ; special case -- only needs one Terrain=500 ; trees and rocks TrigType=80 ; trigger types Trigger=200 ; triggers themselves Unit=650 Vessel=150 Warhead=10 ; warhead types, not actual warheads Weapon=55 ; weapon types, not actual weapons
  9. check this: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/196962-command-and-conquer-red-alert/faqs/1701
  10. FunkyFr3sh

    ESC button BUG

    What game are you playing?
  11. We just updated the ladder maps! Removed maps: ribbon ore an gems and Bay of Pig Added maps: duck hunt, ridge war, rasta 1vs1 and combat zones Join now! https://ladder.cncnet.org/ladder/10-2020/ra/
  12. You can press F4 2 times in a row and it will refresh, but it's probably not a good idea because the server has a tight limiter and it might disconnect you for spamming
  13. Cool idea with the tooltip, will add that. Not sure yet about the /ping command, will think about a solution
  14. Try to change your renderer in the settings, maybe use GDI
  15. FunkyFr3sh

    Red Alert for Mac

    check this: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/10238-macos-downloads-removed/
  16. All you need is a fresh TFD installation and then install TSpatch and it should work fine. Do not install the unofficial TFD patch, it will rename/move some files around and then it will fail to launch the missions. The ddraw file isn't needed if you install TSpatch (it's included)
  17. I don't think it's possible to play it on catalina right now Try bootcamp for now: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201468
  18. Nope, TSpatch is not included with it, but you could in theory get the game working without TSpatch too if needed. To fix the menu you'll need this: https://github.com/CnCNet/cnc-ddraw/releases For the improved skirmish lobby + multiplayer support you'll need this: http://downloads.cncnet.org/cncnet5.exe
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