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Everything posted by FunkyFr3sh

  1. Same crash as this one here: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/10706-monster-tank-madness-mission-error/
  2. I use WinDbg for it, but it's not easy to understand what's going on in there
  3. We've been using this now for some time and it's great, thanks for the suggestion @mohsen9010 dkeeton did some changes to it, what we use is here: wget downloads.cncnet.org/v2tunnel.sh wget downloads.cncnet.org/v3tunnel.sh sh v2tunnel.sh "My Cool Server" sh v3tunnel.sh "My Cool Server"
  4. You guys could also play an online game instead (until it's fixed)! Just host a room with a password and you should be fine
  5. What game are you plaiyng?
  6. CnCNet Client Reduced the loading time of the userlist (if filter user by game type or friendlist is enabled)
  7. Did you modify any of the files in the game folder? Or did you download any kind of mod or custom game translation? The game is trying to display a text message and fails. Probably the file that contains the mission text triggers is either missing or broken.
  8. Thanks for reporting, it seems like you're right, something is wrong with these two servers. Will try to contact the guys hosting them and let them know about it.
  9. CnCNet Client Reduced the loading time of the userlist Moved the ranked match button to the right
  10. loading the userlist on connect is very slow due to the massive amount of players in the list... Will push an update now to improve it, but will have to make another update the next days to optimize it (will take some time...)
  11. You can still download our old version, but it isn't supported by us anymore and we can't really help you with it if there are issues... http://funkyfr3sh.cnc-comm.com/files/CnCNet.dmg The problem is that with mojave apple added some annoying security features where you had to manually give “Accessibility” permissions to CnCNet to be able to play or else you end up with a black screen. Apple didn't make it obvious enough and most people didn't understand how to do it. So yeah, previous version (mojave) was screwed due to these new security features and current version (catalina) doesn't work at all. Those were enough reasons to just remove the downloads from the website.
  12. The game is using a old copy protection named SafeDisc, but microsoft removed support for SafeDisc for security reasons so now you can't install a lot of old games anymore Maybe someone found a solution for it, try to google for "SafeDisc Windows 10" maybe
  13. If you're trying to install the game from old CD's then yeah, that doesn't work anymore on win10... Most people use the origin version (aka "Command & Conquer™ The Ultimate Collection") these days to get around that issue
  14. This could help: https://github.com/CnCNet/cnc-ddraw/issues/8#issuecomment-480329794
  15. Start the CnCNet client Click "Options" Select "Display" and under the render options, select a new renderer. Try cnc-ddraw for example
  16. Red Alert 2? Check this: https://cncnet.org/buy
  17. Read this: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/10238-macos-downloads-removed/
  18. Try to click on Settings and change your renderer. If Automatic (aka OpenGL) doesn't work then try Direct3D 9, if that one also doesn't work then try GDI or DDrawCompat. Default and ddwrapper should not be used unless you have no other choice (both have issues on windows 10, Alt+Tab is broken)
  19. Nice! Yeah, I was about to suggest you to change the renderer. If Automatic (aka OpenGL) doesn't work then try Direct3D 9, if that one also doesn't work then try GDI or DDrawCompat. Default and ddwrapper should not be used unless you have no other choice (both have issues on windows 10, Alt+Tab is broken)
  20. It probably wasn't a cheat, it's just a bug that happens sometimes. CnCNet saves logs of all out of sync games (we already fixed a few of them). When was the game played? I will have a look into it! If you could upload the video somewhere that would be nice, it could possibly help to fix the bug
  21. By default the game doesn't have a gamespeed slider in the missions, cncnet will add that option. Skirmish does always have a gamespeed slider. Did you try both, skirmish and missions? Just tested it, works fine for me
  22. Even if you click on Settings in the game launcher it will not open the config program with the renderer selection? If that's the case, then i'm pretty sure it must be some kind of security software you have installed that is preventing the game/cncnet/config from starting. You could try to start the game directly from within your game folder using game.exe instead
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