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Everything posted by ore_truck

  1. I think so too. In medium, the enemy stats is the same i think but on hard, they have tougher armor, your units do less damage or both. I never played easy but I suspect it's the opposite of hard (YOUR stuffs had the same armor/firepower boost like the hard enemy and/or the enemy stuffs are weaken like yours on hard mode).
  2. Anybody can be nice if you know their soft side.
  3. another helpful ban thread
  4. I once had 100 tarnyas and blew the hell out of a russan base. Good old times.
  5. ore_truck


    I thought jump jets only reveal stealth in Firestorm expansion.
  6. ore_truck


    If this bug really exists, shouldn't there be a shitstorm of complains? The game is over 10 years and I never knew anything about this.
  7. Yuri is part of the game. Allow it.
  8. Make a mod like this and name it C&C Tank Rush Only.
  9. I see your point, was just saying how I felt about it.
  10. I like RA2. It's weird they have the expansion pack but not the base game. It's like a professional pizza chef who can make 10000 pizza flavours doesn't know how to make a plain cheese pizza. (sorry i had to say that)
  11. Additional motivation: Still enjoying the game that doesn't need clans to be perfect.
  12. I can understand if people conclude it's a glitch or cheat if a spy rampaging their base with C4s since it's not how the default unit should work but when "an enemy is sending 'regular soldiers' towards my base but they have MY color" is obviously something very normal and shouldn't have jumped to the conclusion he is cheating/glitching. You can spend the first 30 minutes after installing playing the Soviet campaign and get the idea that spies are like that when you reached mission 3.
  13. I'm wondering the same thing too if you fail the Tiberian Sun Nod missions, they can't reach their goal anymore like when you fail to deploy the ICBMs and Nod can no longer fire the WAM. Maybe they'll just accept defeat and live in peace? I'm guessing Mortimer's cult would commit suicide if that happens.
  14. Did you have something positive to contribute? LMFAO Yes, I'm giving you all hope to believe there is still fun in TS while waiting for the clan.
  15. im having fun even without clans
  16. But this "internet behavior" that gets people banned is also stupid to begin with so they are just giving them their own medicine. :yo:
  17. Wow, you were really asking for it.
  18. Boomer garbage!? You're talking about it being garbage because it trashes the game, right? Naval units in a C&C game were never main assault units. Like aircraft, they're there to support your real units.
  19. Every unit has a reason in the game. You were not using a frown upon tactic, you were being smart to defeat the Grand Cannon camper efficiently. There will be idiots who thinks they're perfect that blame others instead of their own lack of skills. Ignore them and move on, sooner or later, they lose reputation in the community unless they grow up. Next time this happens or anyone insults you after you beat them, tell him/her "makes stomping you even more satisfying" and mute them.
  20. Well, that's Youri's Revanche. I miss the firestorm and laser walls in Tiberian Sun.
  21. ore_truck

    Hidden sountrack

    I believe there was a track made exclusively for the last mission score screen(not sure for GDI, but there's definitely one for Nod). I think it was cut but Nyergud's patch reused it again.
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