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Everything posted by Ezer_2000
In survival maps: when players has alot of buildings and units, and AI isn't attacking, game going without lags. But as AI attacking wave appears, game always slows down untill the last AI's unit dies in this wave. I think this caused by the current attack algorithms / or AI's pathfinding / or both reasons (AI's pathfinding while attack).
Really, i forgot about this extension. Just now extracted it from expandmd01.mix and looked in it. 1,3 and 1,5 are correct values. So the stuff what I posted before is wrong. That was my mistake. So, rhino reqires better cash flow.
Add me.
@MapDesigner i don't know which topic are these quotes from. But actually, for both (Rhino ang Grizzly) tanks BuildTimeMultiplier=1.5 Info from rulesmd.ini (YR 1.001) https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/7500-red-alert-2-laboratory/?do=findComment&comment=57622
Lag in the game during explosions and the like (Yuri Revenge)
Ezer_2000 replied to Apple Island's question in Support
What CPU? For now, i see the most important characteristic for windows XP is a frequency. If i play on Pentium 4 - 3,6GHz - Win XP(32bit) i have lags on huge survival maps with enormous mass of units. No matter what renderer you use. CnCGraphicsPatch won't help you. You can get same effect increasing speed from TS-DDRAW or DDWrapper (Tested on original .exe). P.S. I guess in win XP game using only 1 core of the processor, so doesn't matter how many cores you have. When i play in win 8 (64bit) Intel iCore3 - 1.8 GHz - game faster than i'd play it in P4. I don't know, probably win 8 provides better using of processor cores or/and bit capacity. -
No difference for me. But you can use GUI's ".exe" for your newer version too. More comfortable and faster. Say this to @Chrono Vortex, he kind of like to use command prompts. Actually.
What the hell? This program has its own GUI for years! Download from this topic: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/3806-ra2-yr-maps-a-ginormous-collection-of-maps/ Upd:
is there difference between the 3 ore mines available in FinalAlert
Ezer_2000 replied to MapDesigner's topic in RA2/YR Maps
Place 3 different ore mines on a blank map. Wall areas around them (about 10x10 for each one), and look at tiberium mining rate. -
Not all maps presume naval battles. For better balance, full explainiation will be complicated, so only facts: boomers available earlier than another long-range ships in game, yuri can use disks as antiair. And in this game balance between different sides is unsymmetrical. You cant compare one unit from one side with another "similar" unit from another side(exept low-tech). They are not similar at all. But you can find a counter-unit, which will have another counter-unit, etc.
Ok. Another question, why don't make 3rd value for possibility to set random sw? Let's assume (just for prediction fudge, i'm not pro player) Heck Freezes Over(8p) will have 6 different recordings by spots: LvL, RvR, TvT, BvB, and 2 diagonal. (x4) possible combinations of game sides: (3) SvA, AvY, YvS - different sides match-type, (+1)XvX - mirror matches. or 6 combinations of game sides if database(DB) does not support non-constant values (XvX turns into +3) Number of recordings with spots and sides for 8-player map: Min: 6x4=24, Max 6x6=36 With SW: x2: for random SW option. For mirror matches sw should be usually random, so take the part of multiplier from (+2) to (+6) for SvA - usually random (+2), for AvY - off (+1), for YvS - on (+1), Total multiplier: from (x6) to (x10) Number of recordings with spots, sides and SW for 8-player map: Min: 6x6=36, Max 6x10=60 And if DB does not support "S" "Y" "A" values, but only actual country names, the second multiplier will be 10^2=100 10+9+8+...+2+1=55 600 330 recordings for only Heck Freez map? No, i'm not going to do that even using ms excel. Also isn't that pretty hard to manage such DB in future? You better to split your DB into 2 or 3: Map names and starting positions - define spots for game Country names and game types - define game type(SvA, SvY, AvY) after countries are defined Map names, game types, and SW option. - define sw option for game corresponded to map name and game type. If DB support direct defintion of side (Soviet,Allied,Yuri) №2 is unnecessary. Attach Map pool to map names. gg? And Crates OFF, Short game ON. ALWAYS!
I Why not? If you are going to create some scenarios with constant parameters, you just have to create some copies of ones with different SW parameter value{yes and no), this way you can emulate random SW option, because scenario will be picked and launched randomly.
Sw should be auto-adjustable depends of player fractions, similar to XWIS logic. Sov vs Yuri - SW always on. Sov vs Allied - Random SW, don't know about huge maps and naval maps tho, needs an opinion of more experienced players (like Prep, fireworks or ZigZag). Yuri vs Allied - ???
Really we understand even more than you could possibly know. As you correctly said, you knows only the ****.
[v3cluster] really is unused stuff. Frequenzy copyied the wrong stuff from ini the really used data is (rulesmd.ini, i hope ver. 1.001 one): ; V3 Rocket launcher, or Chu-chu Rocket [V3] UIName=Name:V3 Name=V3 Launcher ;locked Category=AFV Prerequisite=NAWEAP,NARADR Primary=V3Launcher CanPassiveAquire=no ; Won't try to pick up own targets Spawns=V3ROCKET [General] ; V3 Rocket control ;SJM V3RocketPauseFrames=0 ; How many frames the rocket pauses on the launcher before tilting V3RocketTiltFrames=60 ; How many frames it takes for the V3 rocket to tilt to firing position V3RocketPitchInitial=0.21; Starting pitch of the rocket before tilting up (0=horizontal,1=vertical) V3RocketPitchFinal=0.5 ; Ending pitch of the rocket after tilting up; now it fires V3RocketTurnRate=0.05 ; Pitch maneuverability of rocket in air. Adjust by trial and error. V3RocketRaiseRate=1 ;GEF How much the missile will raise each turn on the launcher (for Cruise Missile only) V3RocketAcceleration=0.4 ; This much is added to the rocket's velocity each frame during launch V3RocketAltitude=768 ; Cruising altitude in leptons: at this height rocket BEGINS leveling off V3RocketDamage=200 ; Exploding V3 does this much damage (at center of explosion, presumably). V3RocketEliteDamage=400 ; Exploding V3 does this much damage (at center of explosion, presumably). V3RocketBodyLength=256 ; The body of the rocket is this many leptons long V3RocketLazyCurve=yes ; The rocket's path is a big, lazy curve. V3 yes. DMisl no. V3RocketType=V3ROCKET ; V3's rangefinder virtual weapon [V3Launcher] Damage=1 ROF=150 Range=18 MinimumRange=5 Spawner=yes Projectile=InvisibleHigh Speed=10 Warhead=Special [CombatDamage] ... V3Warhead=V3WH ; this is the warhead on a V3 Rocket DMislWarhead=DMISLWH ; this is the warhead on a DredMissile V3EliteWarhead=V3EWH ; high explosive (shrapnel) -- V3 Rocket warhead [V3WH] CellSpread=1 PercentAtMax=.25 Wall=yes Wood=yes Verses=100%,90%,80%,90%,70%,70%,100%,100%,50%,80%,0% Conventional=yes Rocker=yes InfDeath=2 AnimList=XGRYSML1,XGRYSML2,EXPLOSML,XGRYMED1,XGRYMED2,EXPLOMED,EXPLOLRG,TWLT070 Deform=10% DeformThreshhold=300 Tiberium=yes Sparky=no Bright=yes ProneDamage=70% ; Presumes air burst ; high explosive (shrapnel) -- V3 Rocket warhead when elite [V3EWH] CellSpread=2 PercentAtMax=.5 Wall=yes Wood=yes Verses=100%,90%,80%,80%,70%,70%,100%,75%,50%,80%,0% Conventional=yes Rocker=yes InfDeath=2 ;AnimList=XGRYSML1,XGRYSML2,EXPLOSML,XGRYMED1,XGRYMED2,EXPLOMED,EXPLOLRG,TWLT070 AnimList=MININUKE Tiberium=yes Sparky=no Bright=yes ProneDamage=70% ; Presumes air burst "As you can see above" MinRange is 5, MaxRange is 18, Dmg is 200, and EliteDmg is 400. Damage ingame counts by their warheads multiplier described in "Verses" sequentially, by armor types. More here http://modenc.renegadeprojects.com/Armor_types In few words: Verses=100%,90%,80%,80%,70%,70%,100%,75%,50%,80%,0% White - dmg to Infantry, Yellow - dmg to Vehicles, Red - dmg to buildings. I hope you understood me.
I changed renderer to DxWind and this was a solution for me, but game is lagging on huge battles now. If you don't like this solution you can try to disable your windows key (link).
No, we cant. I had created topic about suggestion to keep default map thumbinails as custom map previews, and about problems outgoing from using map renders (high reso previews). But topic has been vanished since forum software has been updated, so i can't find it anymore. I can try to fnd the saved copy of that topic to argue my standpoint again, but not now. @Roooo if you want to have high reso map preview - create your own map preview from rendered image and downscale it to fit in 200x200 pixels square.
RA 2 stuff looks ugly in common design(style)
Garrisoned in-building infantry are trainable. In original RA2 it is not. Unsure in this> If possible to deploy ore miners on ally ore refs. In original RA2 this is possible. In original RA2 you cant cancel all queued objects through Shift+ RMB (right mouse button), you should keep pressing RMB to make counter reach zero. Pip distortion bug More info here: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/4457-redalert2-mode/?page=4 Upd: 6. Psi sensors do not have visual disguise of mirage tanks, spies and underwater units https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/7308-ra2-mode-the-discussion/?do=findComment&comment=56126 . In original RA2 it disguises all enemy units for player. 7. Yuri clone (just a yuri) unable to release captured object by attaking a ground. In original RA2 it can. 8. Yuri psi wave (deployment weapon) kills only enemy infantry units. In original RA2 it kills all infantry units wich are not "immune to psionics". I can't provide any video on that for some reasons. You can just go to game and check. Nothing difficult. @Grant and friends. I still curious why did you create this topic? Are you really going to improve the gameplay or just for increasing forum activity?
Long ago i met the same trouble when "Brutal AI" option was enabled. Did you have it like that? Checked it just now. The problem is still atcual. I played map "Top of the hill" with another player and Cuba AI as enemy.Brutal AI was enabled.
When will you get 4K or 8K patch of video released?
Ezer_2000 replied to PS4=PRO's topic in Red Alert 2
My apologies in advance, if i understand you wrong, english is not my primary language, but i prefer to be polite and i call for keep up the rules of the mutual respect. I do not understand properly your idiom of the "lowest common denominator". But i feel it offensive and insultish. If this style of conversation is normal for you, i'll take my apologies back. __________________________________________________________________________ Mr. aWarNoob1, I'm not a luddite. Xwis is a perfect place for a "high-end equipment noobs" style life, like you, which prefer to have an advantage among other by having some free cash in the pocket and "high-equipment" hardware, you are welcome to be there! 4K: 8K: Enjoy! -
When will you get 4K or 8K patch of video released?
Ezer_2000 replied to PS4=PRO's topic in Red Alert 2
It is not. Some training wih a good mouse is a solution. However after years of playing on smaller screen this going to be extremely hard. I have a counter-offering quiestion: Why don't you make patch which limites game screen resolution (around) Full HD (1920*1080). All these guys with huge screens, compared to players with small screens, are cheaters.