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Ladder Tester
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Everything posted by Kikematamitos

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAp0xO-LwFs
  2. I work a lot thinking in posibilites and i make this experiments to discover if is posible, just playing with game engine, clic on the pictures for watch the videos in YouTube. This not gone a be the last one, fell free to share ideas for experiments here, also you can if you want.
  3. Reid Next live stream your maps but i kick you because you not clic ready
  4. Use combo pillbox tanks also your tanks build faster that balance the game and micro the miners as posible to get money fast, some players can hold the production line with 4 miners.
  5. You need to learn how to make thumbnails see what happen with the video were you stole my thumbnail you get more views is all about thumbnails
  6. Resignación para sus familiares y amigos no le conocí mucho pero es triste que buenos hombres mueran a causa de malos hombres, la vida hasta el ultimo aliento puede latir para siempre, denuncien a los delincuentes hacer algo es mejor que hacer nada, me llena de rabia el saber que murió a causa de un delincuente.
  7. Yes, but can be better if just we can block it
  8. I recibe this kind of messages every time, i am tired of this, i think i am the only one that happen this.
  9. Is ok my bad english make me not understand now i understand.
  10. Works with a soviet miner but i think not with an allied miner.
  11. Also is not a lame tactic because is a hard rush were you not get money and is more easy to defend that attack
  12. I think nobody watch the video they was units in the WF Not works with allied miner only soviet miner
  13. Yes but do you see the video? in cncnet the tank in wf move for leave the tank in construction go out side maybe zhasulan play in another server like Game Ranger
  14. How he can block the WF? i try to alt like that and my miner always move for leave the tank or miner go out side, i think he was cheating or you play in GR?
  15. Is better if you learn to use final alert i don't know but people make maps and all that stuf there
  16. So you not use the native resolution, this game have all resolutions working and they are many 4K players come one i try to help you and you don't take it.
  17. Use native resolution please they are good videos but have that little stretched look that is painful for my OCD.
  18. OMG that can be very uncomfortable for play but nice for spectate some tournaments because you can eat and watch without need to use the mouse.
  19. I saw that before in that map was epic glad to see you record it!
  20. I can't load a saved game in skirmish was very frustrating because i was making something special for hours and i save it for continue latter and this happen.
  21. The history of a YouTuber in a free for all game: Player: Hello Kike, do you gone a record this? Kikematamito: Sure Kikematamito Gang Banged by all the players. I like to play Free for all games, but most of the time people are focused on me and ignore the strong or near player, i like to use my name but i think i gone a change it and not say that i am recording or who i am, because everybody gang bang me and in normal games people troll me, team mate seal my base to, what is the average age of the players?.
  22. I recibe an update advice every moment and my client is updated, also sometimes people quits and the match crash for the rest, ¿How to fix this?
  23. That happen to me all time, people that lag that lag the game because is not fast to play.
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