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Ladder Tester
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Everything posted by Kikematamitos

  1. How about that your PC can run't it? that is why RA3 aren't popular and because change to much maybe RA2 is the best inversion for EA but people never support my survey.
  2. I donate all what i have in my paypal: [image expired, removed it]
  3. At the end some people are just faster i think most of time new players are slow because not use hotkeys, for example me when i warm for 2 horus playing i know what to do but Zhasulan is just faster that me for react, use hotkeys only and always here a video where you can learn basics.
  4. No, is just multiplayer but AI is very hard to beat.
  5. Very nice i see many minecraft about RA2 before.
  6. Kikov reporting with a new video of experiments, bugs and glitches (or features?) that you never see it before! Clic in the picture to watch the video: Watch amazing videos in my YouTube channel
  7. I never use it but i remember you my last try of tournament in RA2 if you think about use it.
  8. I forgot to say that there is another systems not only that, like a league, the picture is a link to the web site.
  9. Yes like, use a web site for tournaments like this one:
  10. We can talk in Skype or another site for explain you my ideas.
  11. Alex maybe you hate me like everybody but i can give you great ideas for organice the next torunament i have experience with that and prices.
  12. It is posible to put transparent color?
  13. I think you can't do to much with 2 GI or 5 conscripts but if you get engineer is very bad, i am agree about ban people that use it.
  14. Not sure, is very hard to do and if you fail you lost MCV and also you waste time not building defenses like bunkers and pillbox.
  15. In my last live stream i see in many games how vulnerable players are not attacked specially wen he is over me, i think people can use private chats for plane my defeat and trolling me in every FFA game when i am live streaming, they first comment and vote for Extra Small FFA or similar matches and next happen weird things like a player deploying in center of Extra Small map and run over me before i take a corner and make units, the weird thing is that nobody attack that player before he defeat me. I think cncnet team need to disable private chats for prevent this, also they can use discord for make a trolling team against the YouTuber but i not kick anybody because they also think that i kick them for be better that me etc.
  16. Don't forget the free units with MCV-Deploy-Selling bug, watch it here.
  17. And can capture buildings if he is near of that.
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