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Yuri's Revenge Rebalanced 2.0


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Yuri's Revenge (YR) Rebalanced 2.0
This patch includes Quality of Life improvements to the sub factions and weak units in Yuri's Revenge. Playing with these changes will provide greater depth and variety, and create a more balanced environment at a competitive level. 

This patch can be played by toggling the below checkbox "Yuri's Revenge Rebalanced 2.0" with the red underline.


YRR Rebalanced June 7th


Power Plant: Cost reduced to $600 from $800.

Tank Destroyer: Speed increased to 6 from 5. Range increased to 5.75 from 5. (These values match the Rhino tank's speed an range). Turn rate increased from 5 to 7, damage to Terror Drones increased 1% to 100%.

Robot Tank: No longer requires power.

Guardian GI: Movement speed increased to 4 from 3.

Chrono Legionnaire: Cost reduced to $1200 from $1500.

Harrier: Missiles are much more accurate and will connect with moving targets.

Black Eagle: Missiles are much more accurate and will connect with moving targets.

Patriot Missile: Missiles are much more accurate and will connect with moving targets (missiles will connect with flying units flying away from patriot missiles).

Grand Cannon: Is now hostile structure, enemy units will auto-fire at Grand Cannons.

IFV: Elite IFV's shoot two less missiles. Missiles are much more accurate and will connect with moving targets.

Sniper IFV: Attack speed reduced by half, but will one-shot terror drones and Brutes.

Tanya IFV: Can one-shot enemy Brutes.



Apocalypse Tank: Can now attack while moving. Can no longer be crushed by the Battle Fortress.

Tesla Tank: Range increased to 6 from 4. Can attack while moving. However, damage to heavy armor tanks reduced by 50%. Given area of effect damage, 3 total targets. Each fragment has 30 base damage. Elite weaponry is now yellow tinted.

Demolition Truck: Speed increased to 6 from 5, radiation duration of Demo Truck increased to 500 (Same as Desolator).

Terrorists: Can also no longer be crushed. Blast radius increased to 2 from 1.5.

Tesla Trooper: Cost reduced to 400 from 500; range increased to 5 from 3.

Flak Trooper: Range of ground weapon increased to 6 from 5. Elite troopers deal 20 damage per cannon ball instead of 8. (Elite troopers were dealing less damage than normal Flak Troopers).

Kirov: Will drop bombs on passerby units.

Terror Drone: Will now grind for $1 instead of $500. (This is to prevent Yuri from benefiting from his Terror Droned units).



Psychic Dominator: Increased the delay of the Psychic Dominator effect and it's starting animation from 20 of first animation start to 90. The mind control capture range increased by 1.

Boomer: The Boomer now shoots one missile at a time instead of 2, but the rate of fire has been greatly increased.

Tank Bunker: Health reduced to 600 from 1000.

Yuri Clone: Does not fire out of Battle Fortress.

Magnetron: Units dropped by the Magnetron deal much less damage to buildings they are dropped on.

Brute: Cost reduced to $400 from $500.

Chaos Drone: The cost has been lowered from $1000 to $800.


Dogs: Attack speed reduced by 50% (one dog can no longer kill multiple dogs by itself).

Engineers: Health reduced from 75 to 50 (A pillbox or sentry gun can kill an engineer in one-shot).

Trees: Health reduced from 200 to 100.

Walls: Extension segments doubled.

Full INI file

Yuri Rebalance Patch.ini

Previous changes -- April 30th

Crossed out changes, removed from June 7th update


Power Plant: Cost reduced to $600 from $800

Tank Destroyer: speed increased to 6 from 5. Range increased to 5.75 from 5. (These values match the Rhino tank's speed an range)

Prism Tank: Can now shoot while moving.

Robot Tank: HP Increased to 200 from 180

Guardian GI: movement speed increased to 4 from 3.

Chrono Legionnaire: cost reduced to $1200 from $1500

Harrier: Missiles are much more accurate and will connect with moving targets

Black Eagle: Missiles are much more accurate and will connect with moving targets

Patriot Missile: Missiles are much more accurate and will connect with moving targets (missiles will connect with flying units flying away from patriot missiles)

Grand Cannon: Is now hostile structure, enemy units will auto-fire at grand cannons 

Battle Fortress: Damage bonus given to infantry reduced to 10% from 20%

IFV: Elite IFV's shoot two less missiles. Missiles are much more accurate and will connect with moving targets

Sniper IFV: attack speed reduced by half, but will one-shot terror drones and Brutes

Tanya IFV: Can one-shot enemy Brutes

Gap Generator: Gap Generator does not extend build radius, cannot base stretch using Gap Generator



Apocalypse Tank: can now attack while moving. Can no longer be crushed by the Battle Fortress.

Tesla Tank: range increased to 6 from 4. Can attack while moving. Can also detect Mirage Tanks. However, damage to heavy armor tanks reduced by 50%. Given area of effect damage, 3 total targets. Each fragment has 30 base damage.

Demolition Truck: speed increased to 6 from 5, radiation duration of Demo Truck increased to 500 (Same as Desolator)

Terrorists: Can also no longer be crushed. Blast radius increased to 2 from 1.5.

Tesla Trooper: cost reduced to 400 from 500; range increased to 5 from 3

Flak Trooper: Range of ground weapon increased to 6 from 5. Elite troopers deal 20 damage per cannon ball instead of 8. (Elite troopers were dealing less damage than normal troopers)

Kirov: Will drop bombs on passerby units.

Terror Drone: Will now grind for $1 instead of $500. (This is to prevent Yuri from benefiting from his droned units.)

Desolator: Radiation damage deals slightly reduced damage to light armor tanks (Mirage tanks/Prism tanks/IFV/Magnetron/Gatling Tank)



Psychic Dominator: Increased the delay of the Psychic Dominator effect and it's starting animation from 20 of first animation start to 90. The mind control capture range increased by 1

Boomer: The Boomer now shoots one missile at a time instead of 2, but the rate of fire has been greatly increased.

Tank Bunker: health reduced to 600 from 1000

Yuri Clone: Does not fire out of Battle Fortress

Magnetron: Units dropped by the magnetron deal much less damage to buildings they are dropped on

Brute: cost reduced to $400 from $500

Grinder: All units grind for half their build cost instead of their full build cost.

Chaos Drone: The cost has been lowered from $1000 to $800

Psychic Tower: Psychic Tower does not extend build radius, cannot base stretch using Psychic Tower



Dogs: attack speed reduced by 50% (one dog can no longer kill multiple dogs by itself)

Engineers: Health reduced from 75 to 50 (A pillbox or sentry gun can kill an engineer in one-shot)

Trees: Health reduced from 200 to 100

Infantry: Infantry do not reveal Mirage Tanks anymore by simply being near them

Edited by burg93
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Nice. I just returned to the forums after many months after seeing the news. I look forward to try this patch (once I deal with some real life stuff)

One small oddity/issue I noticed is "Robot Tank: HP Increased from 600 to 620". I think this is the robot control centre's health, not robot tank's. Because as far as I know, original YR robot tanks only have 180 health. Even Rhino tanks only have 400 health.

Apart from the oddity, I also have some balance suggestions.

  1. Make Grizzlies (and by extension Lashers too) build faster, like the Grizzlies did in vanilla RA2 and also increase their range from 5 to 5.5 (thus giving Grizzlies/Lashers a bit better fighting chance against Rhinos)
  2. Robot Tanks can likewise have their weapon range increased from 5 to 5.5 and health slightly increased (from 180 to 200)
  3. Make initiates do less damage when garrisoned and bring them close to garrisoned GI's damage (like it was in Ravage's YR balance patch).
  4. Make infantry garrisoned in Yuri's bio reactor give 75 power instead of 100. Right now, one fully garrisoned bio reactor can pretty much sustain an entire base up to the battle lab + one super weapon.
  5. Reduce Slave Miner's health from 2000 to 1500. Right now, they are way too good as meat shields.
  6. Reduce Gattling Tank's health from 210 to 200. This would make Black Eagles more useful against Yuri as they would 1-shot gattlings just as they can 1-shot IFVs and Flak Tracks.
  7. While the changes to Tank Destroyers are nice, I suggest that they still need even more improvements to be better. I suggest to make them (non-elite and elite both) 1-shot terror drones and also increase the range to 6.25 instead of just 5.75, because I think they would still struggle against Rhinos at that range due to the fact that they have no rotating turrets.
  8. Increase the delay of magnetrons changing targets for lifting. This is to nerf the infamous gattling+mag combo of Yuri which is ridiculously hard for Soviets to deal with without superweapons.
  9. Bring Genetic mutator's health to the same level as Chronosphere/Iron Curtain.
  10. Make elite Chrono Legionnaires be able to shoot through walls just like non-elite can.
  11. Decrease Grand Cannon's maximum range from 15 to 13.

I may post more suggestions once I start trying this out.

Edited by ReaperAA
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10 hours ago, ReaperAA said:

Nice. I just returned to the forums after many months after seeing the news. I look forward to try this patch (once I deal with some real life stuff)

One small oddity/issue I noticed is "Robot Tank: HP Increased from 600 to 620". I think this is the robot control centre's health, not robot tank's. Because as far as I know, original YR robot tanks only have 180 health. Even Rhino tanks only have 400 health.

Apart from the oddity, I also have some balance suggestions.

  1. Make Grizzlies (and by extension Lashers too) build faster, like the Grizzlies did in vanilla RA2 and also increase their range from 5 to 5.5 (thus giving Grizzlies/Lashers a bit better fighting chance against Rhinos)
  2. Robot Tanks can likewise have their weapon range increased from 5 to 5.5 and health slightly increased (from 180 to 200)
  3. Make initiates do less damage when garrisoned and bring them close to garrisoned GI's damage (like it was in Ravage's YR balance patch).
  4. Make infantry garrisoned in Yuri's bio reactor give 75 power instead of 100. Right now, one fully garrisoned bio reactor can pretty much sustain an entire base up to the battle lab + one super weapon.
  5. Reduce Slave Miner's health from 2000 to 1500. Right now, they are way too good as meat shields.
  6. Reduce Gattling Tank's health from 210 to 200. This would make Black Eagles more useful against Yuri as they would 1-shot gattlings just as they can 1-shot IFVs and Flak Tracks.
  7. While the changes to Tank Destroyers are nice, I suggest that they still need even more improvements to be better. I suggest to make them (non-elite and elite both) 1-shot terror drones and also increase the range to 6.25 instead of just 5.75, because I think they would still struggle against Rhinos at that range due to the fact that they have no rotating turrets.
  8. Increase the delay of magnetrons changing targets for lifting. This is to nerf the infamous gattling+mag combo of Yuri which is ridiculously hard for Soviets to deal with without superweapons.
  9. Bring Genetic mutator's health to the same level as Chronosphere/Iron Curtain.
  10. Make elite Chrono Legionnaires be able to shoot through walls just like non-elite can.
  11. Decrease Grand Cannon's maximum range from 15 to 13.

I may post more suggestions once I start trying this out.

Good catch on the robot tank and great suggestions! Feel free to join the Yuri's Revenge discord as well https://discord.gg/MDePmm6ZP3


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4 hours ago, burg93 said:

Good catch on the robot tank and great suggestions! Feel free to join the Yuri's Revenge discord as well https://discord.gg/MDePmm6ZP3

Thanks for the discord invite :)


2 hours ago, Ezer_2000 said:

Allied player made this patch. Aliies uber-OP that's fucking obivious.

Apart from the prism tank buff, I see nothing close to super-OP changes in Allies. Also Soviets got many buffs changes too, so I see not much issue here.

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34 minutes ago, ReaperAA said:

Also Soviets got many buffs changes too

All these soviet buffs are useless. Apoc tank should get +fire range and rhino tank speed. Or remove BF infantry range bonus and decrease its speed instead. Otherwise every noob who got luck to build bunch of them feels himself "pr0" whoithout having any idea what real tank control is.

Allied PP cost reduced to 600? That makes first made grizzly ready faster than rhino. Set it to 800$ back or make it build slower and reduce power production to tesla reactor level.

Some noobs advicing to increase grizzly production speed without having any idea that YR rhino production is also decreased compared to RA2.

etc, etc, and more etc...

Overall, YR Rebalance v2 is much worse than 1st one.

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1 hour ago, Ezer_2000 said:

All these soviet buffs are useless. Apoc tank should get +fire range and rhino tank speed. Or remove BF infantry range bonus and decrease its speed instead.

The fire range is understandable, but rhino speed? That would make Rhinos obsolete. A speed increase of Apocs from 4 to 5 would be more reasonable (for comparison, Rhinos have speed = 6).


1 hour ago, Ezer_2000 said:

Allied PP cost reduced to 600? That makes first made grizzly ready faster than rhino. Set it to 800$ back or make it build slower and reduce power production to tesla reactor level.

Because Grizzly is 200$ cheaper?

Though I do think that you are right about the power advantage. So I think the cost should be set back to 800, but production speed increased to make the Allied PP build as fast as the Soviet counterpart.


1 hour ago, Ezer_2000 said:

 YR rhino production is also decreased compared to RA2.

No it isn't. Rhino has same production speed in both RA2 and YR.

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Regular GI needs to be nerfed to RA2 level. Because when deployed it's able to kill any dog before it get close enough for attack and it makes dog as special anti-infantry unit absolutely pointless.

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Yeah, Sniper IFV one-shotting drones is laughable.

I played around 15 games today with this patch, here's what I liked:

  • Tesla tanks are monsters now. For some reason Robo tanks take a lot of bolts to get destroyed though. I thought they were light armored?
  • German TDs mixed with Prisms were great. However I think TDs should be able to fire on the move, especially considering they cost $900 now but have no turret.
  • People actually played as Cuba and Libya.

Here's what I didn't like:

  • Screw Prisms. I got 3 Elite Prisms really easily in one game, and they just destroyed everything and everyone. It was already an OP, brainless unit. And now you made it even more brainless. Like wtf is a Soviet player supposed to do against Prisms who he cannot catch up, it constantly moves, doesn't miss, outranges everything bar V3 or deployed crappy choppers, does crazy AOE, slow downs units when hit, and further buffed with Desos doing less damage to Light armor? It got so crazy in fact that I wasn't even afraid of Battleforts, another braindead OP unit from the Allies.
  • You buff Prisms, barely change anything about Battleforts, and do nothing about Spies. Can you just imagine how cancerous Prisms will be now?
  • Apocs are still trash. Who's going to run them over with Battleforts? The piece of shit will die long before that.
Edited by xe3
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2 hours ago, ReaperAA said:

The fire range is understandable, but rhino speed? That would make Rhinos obsolete. A speed increase of Apocs from 4 to 5 would be more reasonable (for comparison, Rhinos have speed = 6).

But isn't that the point of Teching up? Allies don't build Grizzlies when they get Battlelab. Unless they get free, totally earned Veteran promotions via Spy, and even then it's a rarity. 

Apocs still take a long time to build, so fielding them in large numbers is out of the question. And you can still cheese them with Air units....

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53 minutes ago, xe3 said:

But isn't that the point of Teching up? Allies don't build Grizzlies when they get Battlelab. Unless they get free, totally earned Veteran promotions via Spy, and even then it's a rarity. 

Apocs still take a long time to build, so fielding them in large numbers is out of the question. And you can still cheese them with Air units....


You're right that Allies don't make Grizzlies in late game. That's because grizzlies are just not very good, which I think is bit of a shame because I think early game units shouldn't just become obsolete when players are at higher tech level.


And speaking of Apocs, speed is supposed to be their weakness. They are already the most cost-effective tanks in a head-on battle that giving them Rhino's speed would make them absurdly OP. Couple that with the industrial plant and you will have a single unit that would be cost-effective against pretty much anything an Allied player can throw at them.

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2 hours ago, Ezer_2000 said:

Regular GI needs to be nerfed to RA2 level. Because when deployed it's able to kill any dog before it get close enough for attack and it makes dog as special anti-infantry unit absolutely pointless


Or make dogs more durable because nerfing GIs for the dogs would mean that Yuri's Initiates would need nerfing too.

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31 minutes ago, ReaperAA said:

Yuri's Initiates would need nerfing too.

Yuri initiate still can't kill dog. That means his complex firepower (counting with range) is less than deployed GI. Looks ok.

But if you try GI vs initiate, GI easily beats him due to enormous range.

I agree, Yuri Initiate might need slight nerfing, but it needs testing and comparing with deployed GI.

You can't make dogs more durable because thay will eat all of your enginners and sentry won't help you to deal with it noob.

Sorry I'm not going to continue arguing about apocs, because you've start talking about Industrial plant without consideration Allied Purifier gains x2 money boost, not to meantion using some empty epithets in place of arguments.

56 minutes ago, ReaperAA said:

They are already the most cost-effective tanks

That's just ridiculous.

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Hell yeah that's what I'm talking about.  I hope you solve elite dread having weak weapon problem. Because ravage did change boomers missile and it had affected dreadnought missiles aswell. So both of them got nerfed badly. Im completely okay with yuri i actually really like this patch. Good job @burg93

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5 hours ago, Ezer_2000 said:

Sorry I'm not going to continue arguing about apocs, because you've start talking about Industrial plant without consideration Allied Purifier gains x2 money boost, not to meantion using some empty epithets in place of arguments.

That's just ridiculous.


Even with the purifier it won't be enough to deal with rhino speed Apocs.

Also i am not going to argue with you anymore since all you have to call me is a noob. You're just a pro player and your opinion is definitely "above mine".


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33 minutes ago, Ezer_2000 said:

In vanilla RA2 there's no such setting at all. So both is 1.0 :)


I am pretty sure that it is there. But then again I haven't checked the RA2's rules.ini in a long time.


Lets assume that you are right. It still means that Rhinos and Grizzlies have same build multiplier (1.0 as you say). That is much more fair than the 1.3 of Rhinos vs 1.5 of Grizzlies in YR.


27 minutes ago, Ezer_2000 said:

That's one of the reasons why YR is a slow, awful and retarded game...

For once I somewhat agree with you. RA2 is overall better than YR in terms of balance.

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11 hours ago, ReaperAA said:

And speaking of Apocs, speed is supposed to be their weakness. They are already the most cost-effective tanks in a head-on battle that giving them Rhino's speed would make them absurdly OP. Couple that with the industrial plant and you will have a single unit that would be cost-effective against pretty much anything an Allied player can throw at them.

...What are you talking about??? Apocs being the most cost-effective unit???....... Are we playing the same game?

Mirages + rockies annihilate Apocs. Thanks to the fact that all the Allied player needs to do is put a few Rockies infront of Mirages, and Apocs will use their shitty missiles instead of canons. And then the fact that the Soviet player needs to click on each Mirage, which in turn slows down the Apocs on each attack order due to the stupid "acceleration". Meanwhile the Allied "pr0 pliar" picks his nose. 

Battleforts absolutely destroy them without suffering a SINGLE loss. And now you have Prisms that fire on the move...Apocs will never catch up to them, and as soon as a single Elite Prism shows up.... Apocs stand no chance. Hell I bet you that even Veteran Grizzles will find more uses than Apocs. 

The most cost-effective Soviet tank is the Rhino. Apocs are too costly, take too long to build, are too slow, easily cheesed and even with fire on the move have barely any use.

Edited by xe3
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