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  • Grant pinned this topic
  1. There looks to be a server related issue with Custom maps not transferring if it already exists.
    Potential Fix: Custom maps folder not existing may have caused unintended behavior. Custom map folder if not created will be auto-created on client startup.
  2. Load issues
    Unknown:  Still investigating though may tie into 4.
  3. Alting infantry sometimes does not work.
    Potential Fix: v3.4.0.0
  4. Reconnection errors
    Potential Fix - Re-connection errors caused by out of sync client data.



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  • Grant featured this topic
On 1.7.2017 at 3:55 PM, Grant said:
  1. There looks to be a server related issue with Custom maps not transferring if it already exists.
  2. Load issues
  3. Alting infantry sometimes does not work.
  4. Reconnection errors


Hi Grant,

this issue was not fixed with this update: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/7062-little-big-lake-for-2vs2-presidential-lake/

If it is a 2vs2 game and one of the players loads the custom map the first time he is thrown out of the game... on a restart it works

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10 minutes ago, v2elite said:

Hi Grant,

this issue was not fixed with this update: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/7062-little-big-lake-for-2vs2-presidential-lake/

If it is a 2vs2 game and one of the players loads the custom map the first time he is thrown out of the game... on a restart it works

Uh this sooooo reminds me of my times when i played on cncnet. This reconnection error that always happened with my maps and with new people who play map, then they start complaining and say bad map or glitched map and start to blame me x'o

Edited by Roooo
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53 minutes ago, v2elite said:

Hi Grant,

this issue was not fixed with this update: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/7062-little-big-lake-for-2vs2-presidential-lake/

If it is a 2vs2 game and one of the players loads the custom map the first time he is thrown out of the game... on a restart it works

I might need a detailed breakdown of your case then because I have just tested this same scenario in a 2vs2 and there hasn't been a problem.

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18 hours ago, Grant said:

I might need a detailed breakdown of your case then because I have just tested this same scenario in a 2vs2 and there hasn't been a problem.

1. I open a game with custom map for 2vs2

2. Three more players join

3. One of them (or more) download the map the first time

4. I start the game

5. Loadscreen shows 3 players loading - the forth player does not load and is thrown back to gamelobby (where you select the map etc.)

6. Game starts 2vs1 for the remaining players

7. All go back to lobby since noone wants to play 2vs1

8. Start game again with same players -> game works

The issue is, that players always leave the game after the first fail... so you need to start 10 times until all 4 players give it a second try.


It looks like some issue with the order of map initialization steps.

We can try it together if you want.


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5 hours ago, v2elite said:

the forth player does not load and is thrown back to gamelobby (where you select the map etc.)

If the game didn't start for them at all, it sounds like they might've had a lingering gamemd-spawn.exe from a previous game still running, which prevents starting a new game.

We tried several 2v2s with Grant and some other people yesterday (with me downloading the maps for the first time) and it worked, with those exact same steps. The client had a bug in it that sometimes caused desyncs (reconnection errors) at game start on freshly-transferred custom maps, but it was fixed with the latest update.

Edited by Rampastring
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4.7.2017 at 11:43 PM, Rampastring said:

If the game didn't start for them at all, it sounds like they might've had a lingering gamemd-spawn.exe from a previous game still running, which prevents starting a new game.

We tried several 2v2s with Grant and some other people yesterday (with me downloading the maps for the first time) and it worked, with those exact same steps. The client had a bug in it that sometimes caused desyncs (reconnection errors) at game start on freshly-transferred custom maps, but it was fixed with the latest update.

Hi Rampastring,

yes - my initial issue seems to be resolved now - now it happens just every 6-7 time i start a game... maybe for other reason.

Thank you very much guys... this really helped a lot - now it takes much less time to get a game to run..., great Job!


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  • 2 weeks later... - Due to be released 22/07/2017 (10:30am BST)

  • Bug fix: High resolution previews were not showing for custom maps. Now all maps use extracted thumbnail preview by default, and if a high resolution preview exists, it will use that instead. #NoMoreOrangeScreens


This seems not to work for me or do I understand something wrong? The auto generated high res preview is located in the custom maps directory.



[4] presidential lake.png

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Whenever Position 1 is gapped and loses power while an opposing player has a spy satellite, it almost always causes a recon error. For a while, I thought it was only on ToE but I've also seen this occur on other maps as well. Considering that this has been ongoing pretty much since day one, I'm surprised how long this glitch has gone unnoticed by admins.

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21 minutes ago, PrezSpammer said:

Whenever Position 1 is gapped and loses power while an opposing player has a spy satellite, it almost always causes a recon error. For a while, I thought it was only on ToE but I've also seen this occur on other maps as well. Considering that this has been ongoing pretty much since day one, I'm surprised how long this glitch has gone unnoticed by admins.

Can you give us a more detailed breakdown, we just tried to replicate from your instructions but to no avail. We did see the gap shroud jibbing out though, like it wasn't regenerating?


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In all the times I've seen this happen was during games that had been going on for I'd say at least 20 minutes long and Position 1 has multiple gap generators in place and an opposing player has a spy satellite. Regardless of whether they lose power either by overbuilding or because an opposing player tried to cut their power, a recon error is always the end result. In each instance, there's been four players or more present and crates are turned on.

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Can confirm the Gap recon error is a thing, and indeed since day one. There's times at Sedona it happens if someone nuke someone with a gap, usually at the first frame the nuke does damage the game recon, but its very inconsistent and surely don't happen all time. Usually I hear the 'low power' sound when the recon appears

EDIT: Gotta say though this haven't happened since a bit, but it surely happened before, at least about 5 times for me.

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Two more issues :


1) it's happened twice to other people I've been in game with now, but in 3v3s people seem to spawn without an mcv (or any units). There were two observers in each case. On the loading screen one of the observers had a "team". Out of sync client data maybe?  Not able to recreate on demand.


2) This issue has been around for ages, but I can't find a bug report for it... Every so often one person in 2v2+ will internal error at the start of the game. The problem persists, even after retrying the game and the player in question restarting the client. The only fix is to change the map. The issue seems random and I don't know of a way of recreating on demand. 

Edited by Chandler
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22 minutes ago, Chandler said:

Two more issues :


1) it's happened twice to other people I've been in game with now, but in 3v3s people seem to spawn without an mcv (or any units). There were two observers in each case. On the loading screen one of the observers had a "team". Out of sync client data maybe?  Not able to recreate on demand.

yes this issue has happened to me 2 days ago and to ZiGZaG also b4 and saw it yesterday ppl spawn without MCV and we see all the map as black fog

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 30/09/2017 at 7:11 PM, Chandler said:

1) it's happened twice to other people I've been in game with now, but in 3v3s people seem to spawn without an mcv (or any units). There were two observers in each case. On the loading screen one of the observers had a "team". Out of sync client data maybe?  Not able to recreate on demand.


This happened again just now. What happened:
a) Player vwwwwwwwww disconnected, he was the colour red and had the side "random" picked.

b) Player vwwwwwwwww rejoined.  He was set to observer.

c) Two attempts made to start the game, both times the colour red was on the mini map and a player was missing from the minimap in turn.  This resulted in someone spawning without an MCV.


Here's a recon file if that helps.


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