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Everything posted by Nyerguds

  1. That build-up looks suspiciously like a certain Red Alert 1 building How does that look ingame? The remap at the top of the chimneys seems really bright to me...
  2. That's dumb... at least make it not blink then.
  3. So, wait, what exactly were you trying to prove here? Certainly not how you didn't go around insulting Rosssi for half an hour straight? :roll:
  4. Why does that surprise you? We have rules against religious content on the channel. And that guy had been going around with "allah this" and "allah that" for hours; joking or not, it was getting on everyone's nerves.
  5. Are you still under the mistaken impression the internet is a democracy? You poor deluded fool.
  6. Oh no. A poll. No. Worse. Three polls. We're all doomed. Whatever shall we do.
  7. I think you need a 30-day ban here for spamming every damn "halp im bannd" topic you could find here, no matter how old it was, with this tripe I've seen you insult multiple moderators for about a full hour straight in the lobby, and now you're surprised you get treated like this? Sorry, mate, you pissed in your own cornflakes. Don't be surprised if they make you eat 'em.
  8. I can? Cool! I'll add "gg" to it just for funzies So, um... how do I do that? Because I have no clue, honestly :laugh:
  9. Don't bump a months-old dead topic with your whining, Break.
  10. You got kicked off the lobby because absolutely everything was sick of your whining, Break, to the point nobody still cared about his silly "clan impersonation". Next time, try logging into cncnet to actually play games, and not with the express intent to insult everyone involved in the CnCNet project.
  11. So, you think it's strange that we don't go around removing bans that might've been put in place by other people for very valid reasons, just because we don't know those reasons? You do realize that's just as bad as banning people after getting a single unverified cheating report, right? Verifying is the only way to make sure our actions are justified, be they banning or unbanning. Just like you are here, mindlessly, without any verification, taking the side of someone who was apparently banned for impersonating the bot to trick people into clicking his dubious links.
  12. Heh. Amazing how people don't understand that they really don't NEED super-high resolution just because their monitor can do it :roll:
  13. Hey funky, is that bot running on some server, or just from your home PC?
  14. You're ORA-BREAK, aren't you? Isn't spamming the lobby with your inane tripe enough? Do you really have to do that here too? Ugh.
  15. ra95-spawn.exe is essentially a heavily modified RA95.exe acting in place of the original one, for cncnet purposes. It is added as separate file (rather then replacing RA95.exe) so cncnet does not interfere with the normal game. Why are you even posting in this thread if you clearly don't know the first thing about any of this? :roll:
  16. Subtleties, Captain Obvious. It could be wineskin on Mac. I expect Linux users to be well-versed enough in computers to not mess up a filename like that
  17. Google it / wiki it. It's really not hard to do. https://www.google.com/search?q=GDI --> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphics_Device_Interface All of the stuff you asked about are basically "systems to draw graphics on the screen". GDI is the default Windows system one, DirectDraw is one of the early versions of DirectX more or less, and OpenGL is... uh, just another graphics library, really, lol. C&C games use the old DirecDraw because they happen to be that old themselves, and the various graphics fixes available basically replace that by something better, because DirectDraw has some serious problems on newer systems. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DirectDraw https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenGL
  18. Oh, wow. Looks like you can polish a turd
  19. Ummm. Fairly sure that should be "ra95-spawn.exe" and not "exe-spawn.95" You're playing on Wine?
  20. I think it wasn't the user side that was the problem, but the fact they're hosting all of it on their own server.
  21. Hm, does RA actually have an AI players option for LAN?
  22. Aren't these things broken as hell? Last I remember their internal logic was completely messed up.
  23. I think stuff can move diagonally between those ugly orphaned slope cells actually. Not sure what's up with the broken bridges though. They have a repair hut in the middle of the road... and another one a bit farther, for some reason...
  24. Minecraft looks a lot better, tbh. It has correct terrain transition. More like, "Beginner's First Minecraft House in Creative Mode". Comparable to "Teenager's First Powerpoint Presentation" :roll: Also comparable to... P4 *shudder*
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