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Everything posted by Myg

  1. Myg


    You are not in control of this concept. We will try to get a consensus from the community and its feedback and go from there. There was no need to act like a wall. Sometimes it is better to build bridges.
  2. Myg


    Why so negative? Why don't we see where this goes?
  3. Myg


    long answer no. Human training is completely different then AI training.
  4. Do you guys think it would be a good idea to have dedicated trainers for games to help newbies improve? A guy on CnCNet discord was asking for a bit of training and I know other games have trainers. Now that we have 2-3 times as many players maybe it makes sense? What's the feedback on this idea?
  5. I dunno piki. Some ISPs have been throttling their traffic to combat the surge in user numbers. Of course its worse if you are on Cable Internet and not DSL or fibre since cable has higher contention.
  6. Its hard to predict what will happen when we stress the system because to my knowledge we haven't really tried that yet. The upsurge in players due to quarantine and isolation might stretch the back-end of CnCNet. We are always looking for more tunnel servers I think?
  7. Great to see you making maps again!
  8. Its just a pack of files. You will have to learn how to use them if you want to try them. Ask Nyerguds.
  9. I found these old maps recently and I hoped that their example/designs might bring some inspiration to modern mappers. C&C Single Player Map collection #1
  10. I found these old maps recently and I hoped that their example/designs might bring some inspiration to modern mappers. There are single player maps as well but I don't think I will post that unless someone specifically asks for it. C&C Multiplayer Map collection #1
  11. Combination apache with a chinook full of troops (flame throwers preferably). You can also throw some ground forces like minigunners to distract or even in the best case cause some damage.
  12. I've been testing this, its got good momentum.
  13. Thank you for your contributions, please help us in any way you can. Thanks
  14. The remaster is a dream come true. Even if its good or not we all benefit from its production. Lets try and enjoy it a bit!
  15. Myg


    Hey Sys! Welcome back.
  16. Just gonna have to wait man.... The mods and admins here arn't unreasonable.
  17. Haha Chem, chill out man. Question why you need to have outburts in the first place, you might find the reason(s) don't make sense...
  18. If you are going a laptop gaming machine the #1 thing you need to make sure of is if it can properly cool the hardware. Many companies make good cooling solutions but some don't. If it overheats it will just down-clock and ruin your experience. Make 100% sure the cooling solution is reliable.
  19. There are already backup plans/schemes to preserve the game in the works. People will always try to paint their stuff their own shade/colour so that is nothing new. History repeats itself and people think their version of reality is better then others. I am for preserving the game but at the same time I am heavily waiting on the remaster because its reworked by the same people who made the original which means it may just be a more mature expression of the game made by professionals or simply just a graphics/multiplayer upgrade by professionals. Your worries are well founded though chem.
  20. Like Tore said, IPX is your starting point to recreate the old LAN stuff.
  21. There is an official thread for this. It is not wise to go above or around EA's current dip into this community, it might just be an annoyance to them since its not in the official channel. There is a greater chance that any input will be taken if you post it here: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/9114-q1-is-there-anything-sacred-you-would-advise-not-to-change-in-remaster/
  22. This hasn't been mentioned yet but it was brought up by neogrant that it should come with a physical copy/release. I thought that was a brilliant idea!
  23. Myg

    News from EA.

    We have set up a special forum to deal with the interactions with EA here: https://forums.cncnet.org/forum/79-questions/ Make sure you direct any input towards that forum.
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