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Everything posted by Myg

  1. Well funky, we can deduce that its not the website since he is posting on the forums. Sives try to give more detailed and specific information please.
  2. Well, funky doesnt want to make the source available; thats his decision. This possibility has lingered in my mind for a while and although it isnt implemented it would be great if it actually happened.
  3. We used to do that, not sure when we stopped.
  4. Just a note: I cant update cncnet without disabling my firewall (Avast).
  5. Well paypal is pretty secure considering what they are charged with handling and protecting. I havent has any issues using paypal and I hope other people and some of the devs might be able to back up my assertion.
  6. (Before chem edited his post). I wish I knew what you were talking about chem, this thread is about Christmas and donations, there are alot of things to say on the topic S brought up: My question is just, if, that such a conversation belongs here. (response to chem's second edit). Don't take some people's lack of gentle handling too personally (I know for a fact I wouldn't mute/kick/ban people where other people would). The donation system is backended by paypal, so its pretty secure.
  7. I don't know what to say S, you made a point but does it belong in this thread?
  8. Ok guys, the day is coming up on us quickly! Dont forget to donate to cncnet to continue service of your favourite games! CnCNet is always looking for help!
  9. Last I checked, the upnp system was enabled by default on the modern virgin media routers. That might be a good place to start.
  10. Most threats like that are due to blind rage and amount to nothing. I wouldn't worry about it unless you find evidence of further/continuing threats to you. I have run into these things in the past.
  11. I am not sure if Nyerguds kept a record of every change.
  12. Someone inform them of CnCNet! We welcome more players!
  13. Just tested Nyerguds full installer from his website. This issue is confirmed. The CnCNet version doesnt suffer from the same issue. Using the latest Windows 10 x64.
  14. I did not get that issue. Your issue might be a really rare situation that can't be easily reproduced.
  15. I tried the cncnet>downloads> installation and cnc95.exe (from the folder) seems to load, but the "New game" button is broken.
  16. Your talking about alot of man hours into getting that accomplished.
  17. After further examination, it seems that the floating donate button is a moody creature that works sometimes and other times not. If you get an error or a bad page from clicking the floating "Donate" button, click it again to retry. It should work after you re-try it. We know the "donate" button at the bottom of the forum page is broken atm, they will fix it soon.
  18. I just tried it now. It seems to work, albiet a bit slow/sluggish. I would urge everyone to test the donate buttton. If its broken for you, please report your browser + Operating system.
  19. Its almost that time of year again folks! Christmas is approaching fast and before you know it; you will be desperately looking for gifts for the relatives! I would like to take this time, early on, to think about cncnet before Christmas is around. CnCNet runs on your donations and we would like you to consider all the hours and passion spent on upkeeping/upgrading this system/platform that are given freely by the volunteer devs. I will be donating a good chunk this year and I hope others will be joining me in that endavour. Lets give as well as we are taking! Thanks for your time, kindest regards.
  20. Good luck to ya! Hope for the best Jarmo.
  21. I figured since you probably need an old computer or a set-up VM to get these files, its probably worth having available/stored somewhere. A zipped file that contains C&C95 and Red Alert untouched installation folders: http://krock.online/files/WESTWOODOLD.zip Enjoy!
  22. Agreed but If it comes down to that the devs might use a VM system instead of replacement dlls or modified exes: I suppose it wouldn't be easy to distribute though.
  23. I don't think you understand ANewWorldRecord. Microsoft will always drop support for previous functions/API which leads to old games breaking. The devs around here usually fix those problems if they have the incentive: Obviously if its not fixed they lack the desire to do so. Maybe someone else will come along and fix it, but until then, I don't think the issue will go anywhere.
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