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Ladder Tester
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Everything posted by c0rpsmakr

  1. "But player C beats player A , 7 times and have issues with player B. " This is not a thing with the top tier of players. Everything in my post still stands, like i said, as far as 1v1s go. Nobody is improving at more than a snails pace to the point of being able to really compete with the players that have been at the top for YEARS besides Tigerr and Toprush. Aside from those two it's been the same people.
  2. This isn't rock, paper, scissors. There is a clear higher echelon of players and it wouldn't be hard to find statistics as to who beats who far more than the inverse, ie Player A beats Player B 7 times for every 3 times they lose to Player B, at least as far as 1v1 goes. However using one or two maps as the metric is stupid. But well done Lurker for necromancing a dead topic that should stay dead, as the same players have been at the top for almost 10 years and will continue to be until they quit because there is little to no improvements from the current player pool.
  3. Thank you for bringing this up Sol, the new change drastically changes the meta allowing for people without decent control to be able to do things they shouldn't just by targeting the ground with mk.
  4. c0rpsmakr


    Happy New Year! xwis has been gone as far as the ts sector for years now. come on cncnet , but dont fall victim to the giants map games, its the new version of battle day8 but so much worse.
  5. c0rpsmakr


    Wow, welcome back!
  6. Yes, in fact this is the exact opposite issue I have at the start of the game, where I'm Q scouting and several of the clicks dont register and I have to redo a bunch of them over again for multiple units. Also, several ts players, along with me, experience units continuing in the same path after we command them to go elsewhere, as if we never told them to change course. This next issue is something that TS has had for decades, but it would be cool if cncnet created a fix for it. When selecting a group of units, especially planes, regularly 1-3 of them don't travel along with the rest of the group when commanded to do so. It typically happens with 6+ planes.
  7. What information is needed? Its a recurring issue with multiple players where commands arent listened to by units. What needs to be noted for the next time it happens?
  8. No response in this topic? Got it, thanks.
  9. There seems to be a lot of problems lately with commanding units to do something and it not working. Is there something that can be done to resolve this, as it's really not fun to play, especially when you're forced to click multiple times to do the same command. For instance, when controlling infantry today, I commanded them to go somewhere, but they continued to go in the direction that i previously told them to. It's not just me that this is happening to.
  10. c0rpsmakr


    I already said this, but welcome
  11. c0rpsmakr


    yeah, you dont need to do all that now. when you log on cncnet, go to settings, then tiberian sun, and you can change your resolution right there in the lobby.
  12. Yes, bring jake back lol. Yeah I do, i play it a couple nights a week, but there are quite a few that still play
  13. c0rpsmakr


    lol Joe, yes. Tight4lif (using redrumurder), cambriaaa, avan, mola, t0nyblair, and others still play
  14. c0rpsmakr


    Lol wow, welcome back teddy
  15. wow, great post mole (there's a second one for you to take a ss of lol). I totally forgot cncwarzone turned into gamerwarzone and I forgot about t1tanrush, he was one of the original annoying players lol
  16. Just some fun bits of TS history and community from ages passed. Found one of the older forums that we used when xwis was active, lots of entertaining and nostalgic reads there: http://xwis.net/forums/index.php?/forum/388-tiberian-sun-firestorm/ This was one of the earliest forums that European players used before xwis: http://www.united-forum.de/tiberian-sun-f87/ The others we used that I don't think are active anymore were: cncgamer (This was the primary forum after stefor shut down champ-site.) gamerwarzone (This was where we all migrated to after cncgamer shut down.) cncreloaded (If I remember correctly, this was the site that hosted the WUU server, which was used during one of the earlier times that xwis crashed, but people stopped using it because it was rumored that a player by the name of Revolt was hacking people who used it. This was when I was like 12, so I can't remember if this was true or not.) tibfields (I believe about half of the players began using tibfields while the other half of the community used gamerwarzone after cncgamer shut down.) champ-site (One of the earliest created by stefor. It kept getting hacked and he eventually got tired of it and decided to shut it down.) If any of the older players have any others that I'm missing, feel free to drop them in. I think dan3157 had some nuggets that he pulled from waybackmachine or something to find old pages.
  17. This will be my last time responding to you, whoever you are. Don't cherry pick statements out of my comments and twist them, as I clearly stated that 1 reffing is fair, it is just entirely gimmicky and for those wanting to actually improve, it won't allow someone to grow if they only utilize the skills that are necessary in very short games. And from your posts, it's clear that you aren't someone who has been playing to the point where they have a good understanding of how everything works.
  18. If people were willing to pay to develop a clan system/ladder, how much would be a fair price to either hire more developers or for the existing ones to begin/prioritize creating it, as well as what time frame? I'm sure there are a lot of people who would contribute if this information is made known.
  19. The only necessary skills to utilize in short games are micro, build speed, and scouting/antiscouting. Doing a 1 ref is, regardless of what the newer players commenting here will say, a gimmicky way to win or hope to win by throwing something unexpected at your opponent. If your opponent scouts you or accurately anticipates what you're doing, your econ will be behind and they'll easily defend it, then you're playing on the backfoot and vulnerable to them being able to steamroll you with their econ advantage now. Hoping your opponent doesn't expect a 1 ref, relies entirely on trickery, as opposed to actually knowing how to manage your economy, macro, defend/attack multiple areas at once, expand, control the tib fields, along with other strategies that can only be tested in games longer than 5 minutes that teach you to outplay people. And no, "no engs or build out" are not legitimate rules that "should be respected", they are imaginary rules to inhibit players from playing with every game option possible because the host isn't able to defend vs whatever tactic they're trying to forbid.
  20. I was directing my comment at anybody thinking that a grand fundamental change to the game at this stage in its life cycle, rather than making their own mod for others to try. I was suggesting ways that would definitely better the game/community that are all objectively good, rather than some ways that are based on opinion and would change the entire way this game is played. I also won't respond to trolls. If you were to ask me what unit modifications I personally would do, I would make the armor better for several nod units as well as make them more accurate, i would add in another structure in the place of gates or just delete them altogether, improve the light armor of wolverines and attack power, among several other things. However, this would only be done on a mod that i'd allow others to try, not change the core game itself.
  21. Aside from the fact that none of the people commenting who are proposing their opinions on unit modifications have fully grasped how to even use all of the units in the game yet to where they would have any credible insight on what should be changed, none of the developers are here. We should not be considering alterations to a game that's been set in stone for decades and would affect the small community entirely, unless of course, again, someone wants to make their own modded version. I never said that the game couldn't be better, I'd have my own ideas if I were ever given the means to do so, but it would be my own version that people could have the freedom to try, not something that's forced upon them and would affect every other player who might not like my alterations, which is the entire issue i had with what was done. Nobody has the right to do that if they didn't make the game themselves...... If people really want to make changes to ts that will improve it for everyone objectively, bug fixes, clans, ranked match promotion, maybe even a cncnet version of Sunbot, further promotion for the game, tournaments, TRAINING SESSIONS BY MORE THAN JUST ME, Q&A between new and pro players, better regulation of inflammatory speech on the forums/game (Iooking at other gaming forums, I see so much productive and thought-provoking discussion as opposed to the hate speech I see here), all could be implemented and have a more profound beneficial impact.
  22. it's fair, it's basically just a cheap way to attempt to win the game. I honestly wouldn't recommend doing it if you're trying to actually learn the game, as it robs you of any opportunity to utilize other skills necessary to progress. I never 1 ref unless i actually don't want to play the person, aka if im vs'ing someone new and i know it will end it very quickly.
  23. They are more complex than you're making them out to be. Harvester hunting is a main tactic when actual good players vs eachother, but again, there are so many inaccuracies in these posts that it's not really worth investing time in. Point being, this 20 year old game should not be changed because you don't like the way it's played. Create your own mod if you dislike things about it.
  24. There are and always have been useless units/structures. You coming in here (like many others have) wanting to change the way a game has been for 20 years without knowing everything about the units youre talking about doesnt make sense. Like i said previously, if you want to mod your own ts with alterations you find fitting, cool. But dont attempt to "fix" a game that many of us have loved and played for many, many years, especially without our input. Its been done and irritated many of us and caused many older players to quit when it was done by strike team, and has even been done on cncnet.
  25. light infantry, rockets, and discs are priced just fine, especially for their usage and since barracks are $300.... if barracks were $2000 like a war factory then yeah, sure, let them be able to do more and not be squished possibly... nobody here that i see speaking about this has played ts to a point where they actually know what every unit can do in any given situation, and hopefully this discussion was just brought up to be ideas for someone else's modded versions of the game, because as it stands, there are so many inaccuracies in these posts to address otherwise.
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