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Everything posted by X3M

  1. What you say makes no sense. If you mean that you need MRLS for destroying a bridge. You can use any decent unit to do that. And any decent player does not cross the bridge when the enemy is watching.
  2. We are talking about oddities. Why would an army design a hoover unit, if ionic storms can disable it and let it drown? While there is an APC around that floats. Simply put the rockets on the APC? Another thing, EMP forces subterrain units to surface. I think that they should remain stuck underground for a while. Units dying by the environment, is just silly. What other game has this?
  3. Good, I finally succeeded. It is a matter of getting the airfield and vehicles. Instead of relying on infantry in the start. Also getting your base expanded towards tiberian is still important, but that was something I already did. However; - I still played at -1 speed. - Sold all buildings on the island. - Sold the Chinook as well for that extra 750. - Sold all the infantry. - Sold the 3 humm-vees. Because lets face it, they are rather useless here . - Captured both crates this time. - Instead of 6 harvesters, I had 10, with 5 refineries. - Only went light tanks, had like 30 before I attacked. Overall, it is indeed a hard mission. But it seems that engineers can walk around freely when the AI is occupied fighting my tanks. It is important to get an army big enough so that causalities are less than the rebuild.
  4. Hoover MRLS dying on water during a ionic storm. Same goes for the air units. If it is EMP, than all mechanical units should be standing still. Not even shoot! Like the MRLS. On the other hand, cant they make the hoover MRLS amfibious just like the APC? That it doesn't die, but becomes a boat or something? What about making things mechanical without electronics? There are still plenty of vehicles in today's society that can survive the EMP blast of a nuke. You cannot EMP a motor that is purely designed for burning fuel.
  5. Great show. I guess that leaving that one power plant alive refrains a trigger, right?
  6. Oh right, there where some issues these 2 last days with flash. I updated, and all video's work again.
  7. I have tried once again. Just the way you described. But i failed again. ( i suck i know, but might be tje beer this time) . Can you post a vodeo how you do this missio5?
  8. The maps might look similar. But the choices in some missions might differ depending on how much space you have around the enemy base. Same goes to the number of spice balooms and spice to harvest. The real difference noticable is in mission 8. Where you choose to which house is the main house in the map. Meaning if you choose atreides as opponent. The harkonnen are there. But you have to deal with Fremen, not with nukes.
  9. Excellent job in finding this.
  10. Well, I am not sure about C&C4. But cncnet is a good additon.
  11. We have touch screens. And ehm.... We do have ... Cosplay Better then those weird outfits. A big screen in the house is very common here already. Although, we don't get fired by watching the screen
  12. Hahaha, then that mechanism is better then the one in Warzone2100. Since there you can shoot yourself to death with certain splash weapons. I even lost a mortar pit to this effect. The structure was close to a cliff. And the projectile exploded in the cliff instead of flying towards the enemy. You cannot hold fire on structures in that game.
  13. Units are supposed to know where they fire? Strangely enough, Warzone2100 has the "no return fire" option . Which is very usefull for bunker busters and tank killers. The slow but strong weapons can place good projectiles with this.
  14. Well, how about this is reintroduced then? All you need to do is programming the AI for not shooting their own buildings. And let the player wonder how to deal with this problem their own. Warzone2100 allows for friendlies to fire through any way (except walls once again). Yet enemies can't fire through a structure. Thus buildings are often used as walls in that game. (but then again, they melt like butter against certain weapons). Now, artillery weapons like the MRLS and Artillery are a bit more usefull now. They are standing safely behind walls AND other structures, while notching returns fire. PS. That lady has a nice gun.
  15. I got another suggestion. Please tell me what you think. Since I noticed how certain units are under used. According to some other topics. How about making missions that high light these units. We need a GDI mission, where the MRLS will SHINE!!! I suggest that the player deals with a very heavy infantry/air opponent. And the base space is rather small. Too small for mass power plants that support a wall of advanced guard towers. The only choice for the player would be getting a advanced communications centre and pump out MRLS. Seeing as there are plenty of choices for anti infantry. Simply give the NOD AI like 12 heli pads. Some (2 times 3 on each side of the base) on guard for when you attack their base (figuring bazooka will get melted by those anti infantry guns) you need MRLS for attacks. And the other 6 come from time to time to your base for a rape. AI should be triggered to react with something good against advanced guard towers. And best if the AI also rapes any medium or mammoth tank. Other than that. Plenty of infantry men that the player needs at least 7 MRLS in a line for defences. No flamethrowers that lay teammates into ashes.
  16. That superman dog, I had them too In chain reaction.
  17. I tried googling it. But to no avail. There is no clear correct picture. .50cal barrett sniper, gives the same picture over and over. I guess this is the one? But indeed not something to run around with. Who here knows the correct picture?
  18. Did they say which sniper specifically?
  19. I noted early in this topic, Who the **** plays 1920 x 1080. Well, me And this is normal where I live. Although, the C&C games actually make everything smaller when you set to "higher" settings. And then 1920 x 1080 is uncomfortable. Other games? Well, I like high detail. And my machine runs it properly. My favourite game with this setting is call of duty. Running around with a sniper? In the picture, you see him holding a shotgun with pump action. I suppose this is the slug type shot gun. With the longest range of all shot guns. You run around, and need a superior aim.
  20. Well, if sovjet is your race. How about... Terror Drones? 2 x 550 < 1200 Flak Tracks? 2 x 500 < 1200
  21. Makes you wonder why they cut out certain stuff. Then again, you only need one commando. I think one of the 2 would be anti vehicle. Just like the Ghoststalker and the Sniper in TibSun?
  22. In the mod. The microwave tank does an EMP on a targeted vehicle. And this vehicle will slowly get damaged over time. It cannot return fire. The best way in defeating mammoth tanks would be this tank.
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