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Everything posted by X3M

  1. X3M


    Don't use Prism tanks. Or Play an Islands map.
  2. That is a cruel way in defeating the enemy for an "UN" kind of army. Would the thought behind it being that of getting rid of tiberian at one point? In video's, you see flamethrowers fighting the tiberian. Yet, it is indeed hard to imagine NOD doing that kind of thing. Nice render though.
  3. Actually, math people know the chance is even 66,7% now, instead of 50%. That is why it is such a good showcase for those who just started doing math tricks. The key with the Monty Hall problem is that each door starts with 1/3th of a chance of winning that car. After the player has chosen a door. The show host can only open a door that does not contain the car, nor the chosen door by the player. This means that 2 times 1/3th, is now combined into only 1 door that was not chosen. Thus the door that the player had chosen at first, is and remains 1/3th. And the other remaining door has now 2/3th of a chance. If you write down each possibility on paper of what is happening, you can see the same result. If the player changes the choice of the door. The player wins 2 times out of 3. If the player does not change the choice of the door, the player wins only 1 time out of 3. There are variations to this problem, with more doors. But also with more doors being opened by the host of the show. If there are 100 doors. And the player may chose one. Then the host opens all the other doors, except for one other door. Is the chance still 50-50? I know that the chance that it was the first choice is 1%. While if it is the remaining door, 99%.
  4. Hey, I did use some of those trucks in the past. They can hold 1 person.
  5. I am not frustrated. I said I get it now. I asked around and there are plenty of people, which surprised me at first. I am curious as of how people deal with not knowing. This helps me in my study of the human mind. And thanks for answering some of the questions. You are right about the Keplers Law. Please allow me to change it.
  6. I only take single player experience in regard for now. Since I get raped in multi player. Can't call it experience Yeah, C&C 3 really had a really good game play. It also gives back the atmosphere I had with C&C Dawn. Meaning, 1 or 2 man actions >>> tank rush. Sun was the odd one in the series. But still good. While C&C4, never played it. (For E aaargh reasons) Renegade really fits between Dawn and 3. Red Alert, well, is another jacket for C&C Dawn, but none the less good to some extend. Until it is tank rush all the way. Red Alert 2, way to..... meh. But my squad of 9 AA and 9 Prism always won me the day. Red Alert 3, never played it. (Again E aaargh reasons) The Tiberian series outweigh the Red Alert series in my opinion. Generals, now here we had some good progress. What the designers learned here, was also used in C&C3. Generals would have won, if income wasn't so rigged!!! (Waaaay to much money, I mostly ended a game with 100 nukes and 1.000.000 in my bank account) In overall, I think the big winner will be C&C 3. You forgot to implement the Dune series. Most people forget that this is 25% of the RTS games that Westwood/Eaaargh has made.
  7. Well, on some of my days, I click in youtube link after link. Eventually bringing me from Korn, to this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTNy1SVLHeg
  8. Exactly! For some weird reason the answer is 13.3333333 (as I have proven with my lengthy post and drawing above). From a logical standpoint this does not make any sense. However the calculator says it is so, then it is so (I never question the calculator). Ok, that last post, made me laugh, sorry for that. Really sorry, but it's just... just... ... Please tell me you where joking. You thought was logical at first? But then again. Could you please tell me why you find it logical at first? Just because it would fit in a certain list? I asked people over here that do not understand "the why and how" either regarding this. And of some, I expected them to be... smarter then me. I am starting to find this fascinating, how some people do not understand even simple math just like how most animals don't understand their own mirror image. At first I thought you were an idiot and/or just trolling us. But now I see that it is... very common indeed, that some people simply do not understand. May I ask, how do you feel about these? - When sound is twice as hard, we only add 3 dB. So 33 dB is twice as hard than 30 dB. - When an object orbiting the sun takes 1 year. And object at twice the distance, weighs towards the sun only 14th, yet takes 2.8 years to orbit. - When you double your distance of an object that makes sound, the dB is 6. - 80 degrees Celcius (or Farhenheit) is not twice 40 degrees Celcius (or Farhenheit). - 0 degrees Celcius is not absolute cold, but actually 273 Kelvin. - 0 Kelvin is practically not possible. - If you add 10 degrees Celcius (not Farhenheit) or 10 Kelvin, most reaction times go twice as fast. - When you add 1 kg salt to 1 Liter water, you get 1,3 Liter salt water. With a density of about 1.54 kg per Liter. - When you completely burn 1 kg carbon (black/grey and falls down), you get 4.2 kg carbondioxide (that floats away). - When you completely burn 1 kg hydrogen gas (that floats away) you get a pool of water that weighs 9 kg.
  9. You know, if it comes to 3D. The N64 >> Tib Sun
  10. You rather have people tell you it is 4 then? I don't see what else we can put in this topic, sorry. Weird math = weird math.
  11. Armor type is worst? I had a good laugh at that one.
  12. ugh, alright then, I explain the previous post of mine. Answer 0, you get a 0 for not knowing. Answer 2. others could say, hey; me two don't know. I should probably take humour classes in the near future. 6 is my favourite math number. You can do all kind of math tricks with it. 1+2+3=1*2*3 stuff like that.
  13. X+X=X*X There are 2 answers to be expected from this math problem and other people to your post. I'll give you the lower number, while you expect people responding with the latter answer.
  14. It's neither here, nor there? I have no idea what those^ guys are on about with this quantum stuff. I just thought quantum meant small things (but it's only small compared to porno guys ) Actually, it can be everywhere with a certain propability. And once you have found it, it isn't there any more.
  15. O my, a challenge for learning something new. XCC it is. Some side notes: - A, you are right. Let's not gamble. - B, what does like to squish and is fast enough to do some of it? After one try, they still can start shooting. Those commandos will be doomed either way. The primary goal here is to get them to be doomed - C, NOD 11(right map choice) has this secondary force. Most players only learn from it once radar kicks in. This can be done with the MCV as well, just without the radar kicking in. Just on the other side of the map. But then again, some engineers and some infantry instead can also do the job in taking over. However, we might as well scrap that extra construction yard to be conquered and only keep the MCV without anything protecting it. But there should be something going after that MCV, once players make the mistake with the commandos. The money? How about some engineers getting a refinery plus harvester and 2 silo's? - D, If it is NOD vs GDI, then they would be able to have MRLS? I do mean the rocket tanks. I know that others have another name for it. I mean this one: http://media.moddb.com/images/groups/1/1/897/CNCTD_M270_MRLS.png I am slow, but I will try.
  16. I Stopped when I got presented by the Schröndiger equation. I will get back to that, eventually. What!? Why?! That is one of the coolest equations out there. Although, I am good in math, that one too has suffocated me in progressing in understanding quantum mechanics fundamentally math based. But understanding what the formula's mean, can be told to children. And then you realise it is one of the coolest things out there. I won't bother others here with the talk though.
  17. Well, I had one, tiny weeny, itsy bitchy,.. idea. I like to screw with players minds. So the following mission should take place: The (NOD) player starts with 10 commando's on the right of a village. Going left, they meet several MRLS. Going right shows a path. The path leads them to some infantry guarding some power plants in a canyon. A trigger calls in 2 chinooks, both get shot down by the Advanced Guard towers that are standing on the edges. If the player continieus to follow the path. From the right, some more MRLS come down, while the other MRLS come from that village. So the only option: Kill the infantry, then the power plants. Now, the several Advanced Guard towers are powered down. And the MRLS are on their way!! 2 more chinooks come down. This time to pick up the commando's. While flying to the next zone (green flare), the AI rebuilds the power plants. There might be a chance that the chinooks are shot down now. Or they survive barely. The commando's exit the chinooks on the new site. Only to be squashed by a lot of APC's. If a player decides to land down close to the Adv.Guard towers, well, there are several normal guard towers giving cover to the advanced ones. Players will completely not know what to do here. These commando's are supposed to be doomed!!! No matter how hard the player tries. On a side note, the player also has an MCV somewhere else, that becomes visible once it moves. Since the player starts with 0. He/she has to move the MCV towards, another Conyard placed by GDI. Deploy the MCV and sell. There should come out an engineer for taking out the other Conyard. And the player now has barely enough for the Refinery. What do you think? (If I would have time and the knowledge, I would make this mission myself)
  18. pichorra, Quantum physics? I had some stuff about that in the past. How deep are you going?
  19. Nice going guys! Glad to see, you made so much progress. I spot a double tech centre. Isn't that worse than a double radar dome?
  20. This actually sounds like an awesome idea. But, why didn't you just add? Why is it replace? Simply because the game won't let you? Once you start to replace the Covert OPS. The original did some forced GDI vs GDI in mission 8. Can you do something alike with NOD vs NOD? And a special trigger that once the player has Obelisk of light. The AI spams "sufficient" buggies. Another mission idea would be having just 1 stealth tank. A lot of towers and patrolling infantry. Your goal is to steal a crate and getting out.
  21. X3M

    Some questions

    Same trick can be done with ground vehicles. Wall in your war factory (airfield doesn't work), and after having build 4. The 5th and etc. overlap the 4th. (Only C&C though) However, since they share the same cell, they all receive damage at the same time.
  22. 3 more weeks, then I become 32. I play with toxic waste for a living for 8 years now. You need to be a chemist for that. It pays good. But I really want a career change though. All other chemistry jobs in the neighbourhood suck.
  23. I learned that in single player missions. In fact, the very instant when you got 2 of them versus the 2 stealth tanks. Simply cross firing made them go poef! Heck, in Dune2 this trick was possible with the sonic tank, but then in a form of doing as much damage as possible. Simply try to hit as much fields as possible where the structure is standing on. And yes, other games have this trick as well: fireball by mage in WC2. No need to be ashamed if you didn't succeed yet. However, DO NOT TRY THIS ON THE CONYARD. Then you fail obviously.
  24. This looks great. Do you have more?
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