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Everything posted by dkeeton

  1. This problem has been solved by other by updating their windows defender virus definitions.
  2. Extract the ddraw.dll file from cnc-ddraw.zip, rename it to ts-ddraw. Find the Twisted Insurrection folder and enter the Sub folder called Resources. Move the newly named ts-ddraw file into the Resources folder and click Replace or Overwrite when prompted. Launch Twitsted Insurrection, go to Settings and set the Renderer to TS-DDRAW. Uncheck the box for Window Mode and Save Changes. Play the game
  3. The instructions say to download cnc-ddraw.zip and to unzip that into your game folder. After you do that you will have ddraw.ini and you can edit that with notepad. If you do that, you'll see that you can add the [SUN] section like what funky told you to do. With Twisted Insurrection, extract ddraw.dll from cnc-ddraw.zip and replace ts-ddraw.dll in the Twisted Insurrection/Resources folder. Then select TS-DDRAW in settings for Twisted Insurrection. The cncnet client for Yuri's Revenge does not conflict with any mod that does not conflict with the Origin install. To get the Origin install to work for ra2/yr you just have to disable windows 95 compat from ra2.exe and yuri.exe by right-click->properties. https://imgur.com/a/dpby8Ys
  4. The client is only for skirmish and multiplayer online. To play the campaign, you should continue to use Origin.
  5. Download this client, install it into your origin game directory. Let it update to 4.26 on the first run. Then disable win95 compatibility on ra2.exe and yuri.exe https://cncnet.org/yuris-revenge#download
  6. Are you up to date with at least version 4.26 of the cncnet install?
  7. You probably just need to drop ts-ddraw or cnc-ddraw into the demo folder. https://github.com/CnCNet/cnc-ddraw/releases
  8. I don't know how you've got this version of Tiberian Sun but it's not what you get when you download the real version. Delete what you have and delete TSInstaller.exe. Then download and install the real version from here https://cnc-comm.com/tiberian-sun/downloads/the-game/installer Do NOT install any other patches, you should go online from the "Multiplayer" menu in the launcher one time to update the ts-ddraw renderer.
  9. Does this happen on a specific map? Are your refineries already full of tiberium?
  10. First - Do not run 3rd party programs as sudo. It's ok to run some bundled programs with sudo like dpkg, apt and a few others. Try to delete .local/share/cncnet like this rm -rf ~/.local/share/cncnet Then run cncnet again.
  11. Set base and output to 1920x1080 then launch ra2yr skirmish and add a game capture source. In the game capture source, you'll enable scaling and set it to 1920x1080. This video shows you how to do it but it's using 1280x720 https://youtu.be/z90glQPvz5A
  12. Yeah, because your resolution isn't 16x9, those black bars are added by vlc because you have the window maximized. OBS can stretch it to 16x9 but I don't think it looks better. You would have to set Output (Scaled) Resolution to 1920x1080.
  13. Settings->Video-> Set Base Canvas to 1600x1024 ad Output to 1600x1024
  14. dkeeton


    It launches cncnetqm.exe, maybe your antivirus software has blocked it. You can try to delete the file "version" that's in your Yuri's Revenge/cncnet install directory.
  15. dkeeton


    Click Ranked Match in the main menu. (below Custom)
  16. I think I found the bug, can you try this version of ts-ddraw. Delete ddraw.ini from your game folder first. ddraw.7z
  17. I've never heard of any of this before. Can you edit Resources/cnc-ddraw.ini and set fullscreen=yes and set adjmouse=yes (or no depending on what you like), set renderer to cnc-ddraw. run a skirmish game from cncnet, then run red alert 2 from origin. Or else, can you make a video of the problem?
  18. Microsoft has already resolved the problem https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/submission/325839f1-6b94-4b46-acc4-d2832a80cdaf
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