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Remasters - New Mission select screen


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Yeah, looks really good. Great QoL change, as you don't have to reload missions and such to play the alternate missions.

The only thing that this may have an issue with is that some missions allow funds to carry over form previous missions... it was already an issue that you lost those extra funds if you hit "restart mission", so I'd like to know how they're going to deal with that feature in particular, or at least bring it to their attention that it could be an issue to look at.

Other than that, it looks really nice. It's something that SCII and SCI both had, and I think it's a great addition. It doesn't really take anything out of the game and just lets people get in there and play ALL the missions without having to save near the end of missions or replay missions.

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It's interesting to see the C&C3 font used for this UI.

My feelings are the same as my sidebar feedback:

- The black metal material is too generic. Again, I suggest using a black granite theme for these solid object-style UIs in TD, supplemented by more EVA-style, electronic HUD UI. That will be actually true to the UI art style of TD Gold Edition.

- The campaign button icons are too finely detailed for their very tiny size. They should be designed to be recognizable from a distance.

- The campaign buttons' oblong shapes are not a natural fit for the round logos. Consider either making them taller and more square, or if you are to keep their oblong shape, representing the icons using their "middle sections", i.e. instead of the full logo, only the middle part of the GDI & Nod logos are in the button, enough for us to see the eagle's head and the scorpion tail's tip, while the top & bottom parts are cut off outside the frame.

- For this UI, since they signify different campaigns, the icons can also have different colors: GDI yellow, Nod red, Ops green, Dinosaur orange or brown, for example.

- OTOH the "camera" icon, along with the Intro & Completion cinematic buttons, are too large for their supporting role, especially compared to the much more important campaign buttons and Back/Start buttons.

Edited by Sutare
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