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Hungry Mike

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  On 10/9/2019 at 11:33 PM, TRZ said:

Black I cant think of one top tier player that wouldnt admit I am a creative player. You think TRZ and you think non creative no innovative cookie cutter person? Foreal? The more you post as always it becomes clear youre delusional. TRZ = cookie cutter non  innovative gdi terrace player? LOL.


Really? Cuz I can think of 100% of them.

To be fair I notice that you try. Like in a recorded game on tiberian sun adventures where you 1v1 nett eine and do all kinds of whacky placement and decisions. But your “creativity” is just a forced attempt to be different(for show) while not actually innovating productive change. And your “creativity” severely handicapped you with bad maneuvers and perplexing, illogical placement/actions.

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  On 10/10/2019 at 9:56 AM, c0rpsmakr said:

Excuse you Frz? I honestly have nothing else to say aside from that being utter bullshit and quite a surprise coming from you, not in a way where I'm insulting your skill, but just surprising that you'd talk shit about me, but k.


Your excused, I’m not talking shit. It’s just an opinion. And you know I’m right. How many times you let your m8 get doubled in a 2v2 yet you refuse to change anything you do... sorry if it’s hard to hear but I’m not wrong.

Edited by Black
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Most improved: in the last 12 months:








I haven't even been playing for the last 12 months i guess and i've beaten every player on this list

And players like ssgphan434 and wonder i thinK i have a 100% win against them

ME and mike are equal on ww map and G is the only one above me in this list

i guess u gotta put me on


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  On 10/11/2019 at 2:51 AM, |Noob| said:


Most improved: in the last 12 months:








I haven't even been playing for the last 12 months i guess and i've beaten every player on this list

And players like ssgphan434 and wonder i thinK i have a 100% win against them

ME and mike are equal on ww map and G is the only one above me in this list

i guess u gotta put me on



Haha, "me and mike are equal on ww map" = Not on mod maps ;P. We all know that Mike Pence is a butcher on Giants or GSO ;). But yeah, you should be on the list, too, i know who you are, and sources told me, you even are wise enough to use Arnolds now too :D

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  On 10/11/2019 at 2:51 AM, |Noob| said:


Most improved: in the last 12 months:








I haven't even been playing for the last 12 months i guess and i've beaten every player on this list

And players like ssgphan434 and wonder i thinK i have a 100% win against them

ME and mike are equal on ww map and G is the only one above me in this list

i guess u gotta put me on



Well, I didn’t say they were good. Do you know what the word “improved” means?

im sure there are others who could be on that list. 


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Players that play the game currently.  All around 1v1 2v2 anything.











This is all around not just tezz these players usally adapt to any map and play at the highest. Some are lower ranked do to their poor multi game vs their 1v1 game. This is just my list and opinion. Some people are not on list due to be inactive or quitting these players are pretty active on ts. I know people will say why is tiger and toprush towards the bottom well reason is this is all around you ever see them in a ff? or something diff from tezz? im sure if they played aloit of diff maps they would be badass higher up on the list. 

Edited by Mox
messed up
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Mox, thx for your list.

But i have to disagree with your explanation: Nme, Steelcore and Corpsmaker are the only one flexible enough on this list for Mod maps, Tiger is ok on giants, but he has to improve to be mod elite :P ;D. Trz aka Hyena lost against Mike Pence in multiple mod games (team games in GSO and Giants with good teams), then got angry and ran. So if that is your explanation of your list, i would put them all to the lower ranks. From all these players Nme would be the best for mod maps from my experience; so he would get a middlefield place on your list.

But i have to critizice one thing: Why is Black not Nr. 1 or 2 on your list? He would eat all others like cake - not only on Terr, but on FF, Desolation, Great Canyon, the other WW maps, Dueling Islands, Giants, GSO, BBG, Smallville, Carnage, Conflict. :D.

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umm black number 1? lol umm no i cant take you serious...He would even tell you he is not on that list..also giants needs to be deleted. the list is fine you must not play, playing to much giants lol.

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Must really rile up Black that nearly every top player considers me a top player and not him. Hahahah boy let me tell you somethin after watchin that video you posted its clear to me that you have aspbergers or something so I am not even sure I should be poking fun at u. 100%

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  On 10/13/2019 at 9:40 AM, Mox said:

umm black number 1? lol umm no i cant take you serious...He would even tell you he is not on that list..also giants needs to be deleted. the list is fine you must not play, playing to much giants lol.


Black would win against everyone in this list 1vs1 on terr, but on any other map as well. Trz, Steel, Nme, Tiger, Toprush, Humble are all ez for Black ;). But we should find out, maybe you play him 1vs1 (Best of 3), so we are all smarter after that :D.

And dont insult Giants: We all know the Mod Elite like Momo, Homie, MikePence and MrFirestar would be too hard for your disses :). Am i wrong? Then come and show us how strong you are on Giants ;P. 

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  On 10/10/2019 at 9:59 AM, Black said:

Your excused, I’m not talking shit. It’s just an opinion. And you know I’m right. How many times you let your m8 get doubled in a 2v2 yet you refuse to change anything you do... sorry if it’s hard to hear but I’m not wrong.


But you're not, that's the thing. "Skill kiddy unable to play other games", way to make an assumption... "Crumble if they run into something that they haven't encountered before", yeah, no. Unnecessary to respond any further.

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  On 10/13/2019 at 9:40 AM, Mox said:

umm black number 1? lol umm no i cant take you serious...He would even tell you he is not on that list..also giants needs to be deleted. the list is fine you must not play, playing to much giants lol.


Ugh, in 1v1 I’m not losing to any nod period if it’s a open map like terrace. Maybe I’ll get caught by the 1 refers occasionally.. but outside of that it’s just not happening. I’ve never lost to steelcore outside of the occasional 1 ref ( all games however I didn’t know who I was playing against). Last time I played NmE I absolutely annihilated him from top right on terrace and barely even had to try. 

I haven’t seen energy play in like a year+... I’ve never seen him 1v1 before but I never see him do anything in a 2v2 that makes me think he would be a problem.

Tigers and corpsmakr are basically the same player except corps has better control while tiger has stronger short game. Both extremely boring to play against but I’ve never made an attempt to put last them in the hour + long game scenario they specialize in. I always get bored and go for a KO. That being said, I’ve caught corpsmakr several times with short game rushes. And since I’m much smarter than him I’d probably out work him long game if I wanted to invest the time into it. 

Top rush has better Mk2 control than me, I’m better everywhere else. I schooled him easily from top left last time I played him.

I have 1 legit win over humble from BL and have never beatin Cambria.

So no mox, I wouldn’t say I shouldn’t be on your list. But it’s ok that you don’t respect me since I’ve probably played 5 total games with you since you showed up earlier this year: 

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Most hours spent playing TS:

1. TRZ

a Huuuuge Margin...

2. NME

3. Corpsmakr

4. Steelcore

5. Mola

Players that are equal to, better, or only marginally worse than these 5 despite putting in only a fraction of 1% of the amount of effort: (but would easily dominate 10/10 games if put in even half the hours)

1. Black

2. Humble

3. Cambria

4. Skylegend


Smart players with actual talent still trump the weirdos that put in 100s of thousands of hours and took 10+ years to become decent. It’s also evidence towards 2v2 players being superior to players who focus on 1v1.


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lol ive missed years of playing time so thats not quiet right.  Also mostly my games dont go that long... long games are mostly boring.. i dont play game after game after game either.. so more fake news from black... probs have to say Blue is top player right now all considering ... come the furthest in the shortest amount of time 

Also to be fair. i never was a modder in any way. i play the odd mod map now and again.  Altho this time round i have gotten to enjoy GSO and Blast from the Past, the only mods i will play as much as WW given the chance.  Play a giants when lobby is quiet or really bored.  otherwise its a quick blast on Red Alert! 

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  On 10/14/2019 at 4:55 PM, Black said:

Most hours spent playing TS:

1. TRZ

a Huuuuge Margin...

2. NME

3. Corpsmakr

4. Steelcore

5. Mola

Players that are equal to, better, or only marginally worse than these 5 despite putting in only a fraction of 1% of the amount of effort: (but would easily dominate 10/10 games if put in even half the hours)

1. Black

2. Humble

3. Cambria

4. Skylegend


Smart players with actual talent still trump the weirdos that put in 100s of thousands of hours and took 10+ years to become decent. It’s also evidence towards 2v2 players being superior to players who focus on 1v1.



yourself, and the other 3 you mentioned are as you say really, really good at it.

Think I am going to get a TS tattoo with my nick..



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Probs say today top ten looks something like this, players who can play gdi and nod equally as good on tezz short/long game and 1v1/2v2 +other maps ww and mods nearer the top, also trying to account for game time somehow... so to my limited knowledge right now as follows:











Carnage/avan/tro0per/tight/grey/dar/sky/ etc who don't play so regularly but can still pop in for a bit of beef probs have carnage top if he played some more... think when he was playing more he stood out just above the rest. 


I might have missed somethings I'm sure someone will let me know if I'm wide off the mark... I may reconsider.. :)





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Frz, since you want to suddenly be a foul little hobbit, I'll play: you've never been anything more than "okay" in the entirety of TS, nor will you, even after me attempting to help you approximately a year and a half ago, which is astounding since you're "so much smarter" than I. The ONLY time I can even recall losing to you in any 1v1 was on a map I had played less than 3 times, which was tournament rift, as nod, not that any of these fucking anecdotal game stories from anybody mean anything whatsoever, since I'm willing and able to demonstrate my abilities vs ANYBODY on this game as both factions and on any map. 


Aside from the fact that there are barely any even decent players left, which makes all of these lists cringeworthy, it's really hilarious to me how extremely biased and subjective they are based on if the person likes someone or not. Very few are actually able to legitimately give an opinion based on observation, rather than an emotional perspective, but this doesn't come as a surprise. There are fewer than 6 players that even know what to do in a long game anymore, which by the way takes far more skill, patience, and understanding of the game than any 5-10 min all out balls-to-the-wall ko attempt before expanding. So regardless of whether any of you find it "boring", the fact is that it requires far more macro and awareness, as well as actual strategy, as opposed to controlling a few units and relying on early game surprise. There's just so much more to fucking do AT THE SAME TIME and know how to do: watching your harvs so they're not being hunted while attacking this section of your opponent's base, controlling your cash flow, planning when the most opportune time to use your emp is/where to use it, controlling this group of units over here while doing so with others in another location, continuing to expand to the next patch, middlefighting [which is a whole beast in itself], knowing how to control the tib patches or take control of them from your opponent, all of these among many others, along with the sheer speed, attention, planning, and skill it takes to do all of these simultaneously. That's why the best players on other similar games such as Starcraft aren't the constant cheesers, they're the ones with strong mechanics and can anticipate their opponent and play the game at any point in its duration. Players that are able to transition from short game to a solid long game are impressive, and there are almost NONE of those left. Aphrodlte was a major twat, but he was able to do ridiculous rushes and transition into a very strong long game. The 3 most notable best players in TS history after the meta was established and the game was figured out were all econ-based players- Mega, Schaf, and kapa. If people maybe took the time to actually learn how to play long game (especially since I'm always willing to teach others), they might find out how intense and enjoyable it actually is. This is the last I'll say on this topic.

Edited by c0rpsmakr
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Corps, you act like I play tournament rift religiously.. But I appreciate your admittance that as soon as your off terrace your programming goes out the window and you regress to mid tier. But as far as terrace goes I had recorded wins vs you on tiberian sun adventures that you complained to me constantly about posting. So don’t act like you don’t recall shit.

You can call me “ok” all you want as an insult but you know your just in denial that you struggle in 2v2s and constantly lose to people way worse than you. That’s because the strategy in 2v2 games isn’t repetitive robotic boring game play that can be memorized and grinded unlike 1v1s.

I know your retired, but since I actually like you unlike TRZ I’ll be happy to spend a night playing vs you so that you can watch a guy who literally has 100,000+ fewer hours of experience than you unrust, catch up, and start winning consistently vs you after a single night of taking the game seriously. Your a robot and I’ll study you and start predicting your movements and patterns and out work you. And I’ll only be having half as much fun as you while I do it. 

Let me know when you want to come out of retirement. I don’t want your money either, I just want to see you go on with your denial after the nights over and call everything that happens to you “total bullshit” like you do every time you lose.

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  On 10/13/2019 at 6:33 PM, Hungry Mike said:

Black would win against everyone in this list 1vs1 on terr, but on any other map as well. Trz, Steel, Nme, Tiger, Toprush, Humble are all ez for Black ;). But we should find out, maybe you play him 1vs1 (Best of 3), so we are all smarter after that :D.

And dont insult Giants: We all know the Mod Elite like Momo, Homie, MikePence and MrFirestar would be too hard for your disses :). Am i wrong? Then come and show us how strong you are on Giants ;P. 


Maybe But no he can't win against Mola (Aka WeaponX)

And in Fact the top 3 players might even get a 100% win against him

Energy depend never saw him play but according to Mola it depends on how Energy plays

All of those players mentioned in that list By Mox

  On 10/13/2019 at 1:33 AM, Mox said:

Players that play the game currently.  All around 1v1 2v2 anything.












 They are all better than Black

And if u speak of nothing else but giants (Which is a map that needs to be deleted)

then yea u can put Black on top

On all other maps other than giants i mean GSO etc these players can easily win against Black

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Thats the thing he isnt. He truly believes this stuff. Thinks he wont lose to any NOD on terrace? LOLOLOL c0rps hit the nail on the head, black has never been anything but maybe a 6/10. En3rgy he has the same convos privately with other people that he doesnt know anyone will see. Hes just that way and if you watch his video he posted and here him talk....like i said not sure we should be making fun of him, hes special

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