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CnCNet Update Changelogs


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CnCNet Client


Improved automatic server choice for Chinese players

Fixed a bug that could start the LAN server twice

Fixed a bug where nicknames were not clickable in the main chat window (to open private message windows without scrolling the name list)



Red Alert


Fixed a bug that caused the game to go Out Of Sync when a player used the chronosphere or picked up a specific crate (TimeQuake)

Improved OOS logs for disconnects

The ignorelist is now working in-game too, the following words can still be received to ensure proper team play is still possible:

f, b, fb, fb?, front, back, base, home, help, chinook, cy, 
nook, heli, south, north, east, west, bottom, top, left, right, 
ally, a, yellow, blue, red, green, orange, grey, gray, teal, brown,
go, gogo, attack, ally me, go south, go north, i tank, i build, you tank,
you build, make tanks, make helis, tank, build, ref, refinery, ore, ore space, 
ref space, space, make depot, depot, v2, make v2, make cy, take cy, take depot,
repair, engi, use engi, send cy, need cy, wait, spec, specs, n, s, apc, 
transport, make boats, boats, cruisers, gg




To install the update manually type the following commands:

/install update31


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  • 3 weeks later...

CnCNet Client


Improved automatic server choice for Chinese players

Mousewheel scrolling in the chat is now smoother (windows 10)

All bug fixes were grouped into 1 checkbox "Fix Known Bugs" with a new fix for Super Tesla (Red Alert)

The sendrate is now adjusted automatically depending on the distance of the players (to remove unnecessary delay)

Added italian translation by @black91



Red Alert


Fixed a bug that caused the game to go Out Of Sync when a player pressed the Abort button

Crash fix for co-op maps




To install the update manually type the following commands:

/install update32


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6 hours ago, Wissam said:


thank you, but now i have some problems with my maps. They couldnt upload to the server. So the user in my channel cannot see the map and cannot play the map.

sorry for my english :D

This should be fixed now, thanks for reporting!

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On 9/2/2017 at 3:24 PM, Iran said:

I was wondering, but you know how units show an 'F" in their selection box if they are in formation? Could you expand on that code so it will show say a 'G' if theyre in guard mode or an 'A' when in attack mode?

I think thats in the pips.shp, would need to make new graphics for it, probably very difficult to display these new letters lol

On 9/2/2017 at 3:32 PM, Iran said:

btw u can walk inf on water with a transport but not tanks, the tanks will blow up when you pull the transport away

yea lol, i saw the videos. it's weird that it works for infantry

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dkeeton wrote a TS patch so that the team numbers are displayed somewhere else in the selection box

Well there's also the issue that infantry can be iron curtained when they pick up Iron Curtain crate but cant when you use the super weapon

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

CnCNet Client

A QuickMatch button was added for ladder testers

Improved connection test for chinese players


Red Alert

Added missing stat fields for the ladder (Map previews are now showing on the ladder website)

Allies chat now appends (Allies) to the chat message to make sure all players know the message was private



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