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Ra2 is the best game ever!


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Sup guys, i'm thinking about playing some ra2 on cncnet but i've been waiting for a ladder. For now, i'm playing on another server. Perhaps if I get some challenges, i'll jump on cncnet.


In the meantime, feel free to watch some of my games. I stream on twitch.tv/vLtality occasionally and I also upload some of my games on youtube.com/xxkaboom


Hope to see you guys in the field soon!





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Sup guys, i'm thinking about playing some ra2 on cncnet but i've been waiting for a ladder. For now, i'm playing on another server. Perhaps if I get some challenges, i'll jump on cncnet.


In the meantime, feel free to watch some of my games. I stream on twitch.tv/vLtality occasionally and I also upload some of my games on youtube.com/xxkaboom


Hope to see you guys in the field soon!





you'll be waiting until the cows come home...

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Sup guys, i'm thinking about playing some ra2 on cncnet but i've been waiting for a ladder. For now, i'm playing on another server. Perhaps if I get some challenges, i'll jump on cncnet.


In the meantime, feel free to watch some of my games. I stream on twitch.tv/vLtality occasionally and I also upload some of my games on youtube.com/xxkaboom


Hope to see you guys in the field soon!




What I do sometimes is go in the lobby and claim to be the best player on the game. That usually ruffles some feathers, enough to get some good challenges. Make a cheeky game title like "1on1 with the best online" and your money.


May not be your style, but it seems to work :P.

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Why do so many people desperately want ladders?


Can't you play the game just for fun?


IMO ladders would just lead to players being excluded from games just because their rank isn't high enough :/


I'm not going to give a thesis on why ladders are important, but I will respond to your last statement.

Players are already excluded from games based on skill level. If I notice a player that is going to ruin my game because his skill level isn't up to par, I'm not playing with him. This makes sense as why would me and 4 other good players want to play with one bad player? It makes a 3on3 match turn into a 3on2.


Similarly, in 1on1 games, it's no real fun for me to destroy newbs.

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ra2 best game ever ?

NO yuri's revenge is better

maybe best game ever you played  :P

but for me when i started playing yr i started half life 1 too  :D and counter strike 1.5 and need for speed 2 :P

but yr is my favorite ,sadly westwood is closed i was hoping more games .

that doesnt mean i dont like ra3  :D and valve lanched cs go :D

ra2 best game ever that's your opinion and not sure will agree with you (point of view from person to another defrent)


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IMO ladders would just lead to players being excluded from games just because their rank isn't high enough :/

Or low enough as people would dodge playing with someone with high level that can beat them


I agree with you. The thing is that the idea of having ladders so players can decide whether or not they want to play with someone based on that person's supposed skill level isn't a bad one.


But it could also lead to exploiting and rank-related flame.

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Why do so many people desperately want ladders?


Can't you play the game just for fun?


IMO ladders would just lead to players being excluded from games just because their rank isn't high enough :/


Like prep said thats no different from now. I'll play with anyone but as good players join my game noobs get kicked and its the simple fact that its not fun for high level players to play with those who arent as experienced.


While we all play the game for fun ladders bring a competitive edge which appeals more to the more experienced players within the community. Realistically id preffer a QM function like XWIS that way it cant be exploited in custom matches (remembering YR never had custom ranked matches except cm) but i dont know if that's even possible on cncnet.


There is a large group of players within the community that would like to see a ladder and it would over time generally improve the skill level of the player base on cncnet. Unfortunately with no clear answers its not looking hopeful which kinda sucks.

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and it would over time generally improve the skill level of the player base on cncnet.


That is one of the most important elements of a ladder that isn't mentioned as much as it should be.


The current state of cncnet seems to be very stagnant in terms of skill level. Players that aren't as skilled simply stay that way (for the most part) because they don't ever get into a real challenge or really develop the necessary creativity via quick match scenarios.


I also second that a ladder where there is only a custom match option will not be successful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Personally I would like a ladder too as an addition to CNCNet, but I wouldn't lose any sleep over not getting one either. I play purely for fun and I still get some great games playing with a select bunch of people, but I miss the tension felt in QM games back on XWIS for example, the ladder encouraged people to play more competitively which meant for more great games instead of the common newbie onslaught which isn't fun for anybody involved.

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For know this i just can say we need to measure the average APM and the curve of learning, for be honest i think Starcraft have better APM and Curve of learning but Red Alert is not so far of that, in another way Age of Empires III have a long curve of learning but short APM we need a software that can make a log of Keyboard and mouse pulses for know the real APM But for the curve of learning just count the factors in the gameplay.  :redalert:

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