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Why people say Alting is a lame tactic or cheat?


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Guest G.Player

ALTing for noobs. Because that brokes the sense of economy management, unit control and other interesting stuff. And if you want to play useing ALTing play with people who agree to use that. Persoanally, i'm bailing ALTing noobs.

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noobs and pros both use alt-ting thing or whatever it is officially called... noobs use it as a desperate attempt to win, pros use because they like to take advantage of an opportunity like any pro would...

1 thing's for sure is it is abusing the flaw of the game. Quite a frowned upon tactic so refrain from using it unless the other guy doesn't mind.

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The chinese players had good rules for alting imo. There its okay to alt as long as you don't spam it to stop tanks from coming out of the factory. 

The only situation i've found alting to be useful is when france moves mid in heck, so i alted their refineries asap. 

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Alting a force move to change the game totally in favor of the guy doing it is a total lack of sportsmanship. You're making an attempt to gain self esteem here. Face it you're a bad boy. The thing about a glitch is sometimes you can't avoid them like a so called head glitch in FPS games. Just play the game, and don't pursue a glitch if you don't like getting cussed out. Fighting for your life is when you never play fair, but when it's just a game. Come on man.

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  On 4/13/2017 at 4:38 PM, Kikematamitos said:

You can still block the warfactory with a tank even if you wall it like this. But for some reason you cannot block it with a miner, which is good. You cannot do it with refineries though, both tanks and miners can still get in.


  On 4/13/2017 at 5:17 PM, Kikematamitos said:

What i do in the first match of this video they say is cheating: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfG_TCMUvEs


That's not alting. You did not press 'alt', you pressed 's'. That's... uhh... s-ing :P


  On 4/17/2017 at 6:49 PM, Omituinen said:

Here's a bug you can do nothing about: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/136218545?t=53m05s


Yeah that was a big wtf moment :D. A squid-firing dreadnought - I have to learn how to replicate that :P .

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  On 4/18/2017 at 11:31 AM, Langford said:

The function of the ALT button in-game works as intended. The splash damage caused to surrounding buildings/units works as intended. Parking your units on the opponents war factory to take advantage of this splash damage is not a glitch/bug abuse.


In the end, the only question that matters in this case is "is this something that was intended to be possible by the developers?"

The answer to that is obviously "no"; that cell is just passable because units need to be able to come out. It was never intended for enemy units to try and move onto the building, especially not to prevent units from exiting it, and thus, doing that is it quite obviously glitch abuse. :dry:

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  On 4/18/2017 at 11:17 PM, Korc said:

how is it a bug/glitch?


Finally, after 2 pages of posts, someone asks the burning question. You have a real talent for brevity.

  On 4/18/2017 at 2:36 AM, Korc said:

only super cool people alt


If you could just boil this down to it's essence and repeatedly post it every 6-12 hours (and no need to be as verbose next time), I'm sure you'll change hearts and minds.


Correct me if I'm wrong about your argument here:

1. Korc likes alt

2. Korc am cool

3. Alt be cool

(Using the transitive property of coolness)

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lol, please.

I never mentioned the damage mechanic, because it's legit, and you conveniently never mentioned my actual point, namely the ability to drive into other people's war factories, because that is the bug.

And you're not even trying to deny that; you're just trying to divert people's attention away from it by focusing on a thing I never even disputed.

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It's not only about if it's a bug or not. Fact is people like to find any excuse possible, before they can admit a loss to themselves.

It's easier to cry about alting, enging, engi eating, whatever. so that those things are considered "lame" or "cheating" or "bug abuse".

Now there's no need to learn how to play against those things.

What am I gonna do ? alt or engi someone and never get games again? 

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Runnin over a repair deopt is not a bug since u don't force the tank to do it but Alting the warf is something else since u force ur unit to stop the other player production idk why there's even an argument about that maybe bcuz Alting was meant for infantry ? instead of killin them 1 by 1 u just run them over but ppl started to use alting on building not infantry Which is weird it's something within the game but just ppl r using it the wrong way in order to win

Edited by DoDger
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  On 4/19/2017 at 12:34 PM, XXxPrePxX said:

Marko, you are one of the best players in the game (and a very fair/respected one), would you use alt on any regular basis in ranked games? If not, why not?


I don't believe alt is viable in 99% of games if both players know what they're doing.

Imo its more a sign of disrespect rather than a tactic to get ahead. Kamikaze 3 tanks to get a warf? I would feel like an idiot doing that. The guy will just make new warf faster and cheaper than I build 3 new tanks. 


If i would find myself in a situation where alt would be viable, like a full on basetrade for example, I would  not use alt, because it has such a stigma, that I would probably get bailed afterwards. (Unless i'm playing heck freezes over against france who moves mid @ QQ)

Wouldn't mind if someone wanted to alt me tho. 

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