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Reducing or eliminating "Traffic Jam" for AI player


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Greetings. This is my first thread.  I have been modding CnC since like 2010 mainly for fun. 

One thing i noticed is that with increasing number of units and when the base get larger, there will be serious "traffic jam" where the AI player unit simply overcrowding the base and cannot move at all.  I wonder if there is anything i can do to eliminate or at least reduce the possibility of such "traffic jam". As i found it kinda reduce the "fluidity" of gameplay and at some point slows down the game to some amount.  (noticeable in Playstation version of Red Alert)

The following is some of the example "traffic jam" from my gameplay


posted image


Second example.


posted image


Thank you very much for any response given.

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I’ve never seen an AI building a VCM ! Have you been able to mod the AI so that it builds things it’s not normally building ?


Would it be possible that Skirsmish AI then builds :

- Naval structured and units ;

- Super weapons and uses it ;

- Nuke silos ;

- ...


This would be amazing !


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On 6/6/2019 at 2:01 AM, Dasha said:



I’ve never seen an AI building a VCM ! Have you been able to mod the AI so that it builds things it’s not normally building ?


Would it be possible that Skirsmish AI then builds :

- Naval structured and units ;

- Super weapons and uses it ;

- Nuke silos ;

- ...


This would be amazing !


I think you mean MCV but yeah the Al builds them when I skirmish and I did not really do anything. The only thing I could possible have seen myself doing to allow this to happen if it does not normally happen is that I changed the tech level of the mcv to 10 or lower. As for the super weapons and nuke the only way I can really see it happening is if the Al collects a crate that gives it a one shot nuke ability.

I also have the same traffic jam problem and still struggling to find a 100% complete fix to it.

On 1/4/2020 at 2:35 PM, Noyjitat said:

Don't know if this is still being worked on but if default the drive off point or rally point was put further away from structures it would reduce the chances of this happening.

Hmm well I will certainly look into this thank you kind sir.

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