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Everything posted by Nyerguds

  1. Map format is 100% unchanged. Now... this'll be immediately clear when the game releases anyway, so I don't think there's much harm in posting it here: Since the remaster does not use name formats to distinguish multiplayer maps from single player scenarios, the single player maps need the ini key "SoloMission=True" in their [Basic] section in order to be accepted by the Remaster as custom scenario. This key obviously has no effect on the classic game, so there's no harm in just adding it to everything. So add that to the inis and you can prepare this collection for the Remaster.
  2. hehe, no prob. The typo actually has a funny history; the Westwood people took the name from the Jurassic Park movie, where it's seen on a vial of Stegosaurus DNA. With that misspelling. They looked up the dinosaur and put it in the game, but never noticed that the name they got from the movie was misspelled. And that typo survived into Sole Survivor, where they made the icons for them because they were playable units there.
  3. All RTS games since C&C1 have bigger maps, though. We identified the original secret password to unlock the 6-player option in early versions of the game, and the password was "crowded". I'd say that sums it up.
  4. ...really? You just need to start the game and hover over your sidebar to know this.
  5. I think you forgot a few things... Like, the fact these icons come from Sole Survivor. And file extensions for the shp files. And a colour palette; took me a while to figure that out, but, I'm honestly not sure why this is posted in the TD section if it uses the RA palette. Also, it's "stegosaurus", not "stegasaurus" btw, for TD-paletted versions of these icons, and the "Stegasaurus" typo fixed, there's a pack I uploaded here some time ago: https://ppmforums.com/topic-14518/td-deluxe-cameo-pack/
  6. Um. Right. I enabled it with my patch, and... cncnet adopted that... and that's it. I think you severely overestimate the amount of "mods" for Tiberian Dawn. And it caused quite some issues, and I really don't know if those ever got truly fixed. I remember weird stuff like multiple players spawning on the same spot and stuff like that.
  7. Wait, how is $20 "very expensive" for two games, three expansion packs, seven hours of remastered music and four hour of bonus behind the scenes video material? Not to mention, skirmish in C&C1 WC3: Reforged didn't have any bonus material and cost 1.5 times that much. Oh don't forget, an official map editor, with full scripting support. To anyone who's messed with teamtypes, there are a lot of still-unknown values in there. This editor is official. Think about that for a second. Nothing is unknown to the people who have the source code
  8. About a month ago, I got something really interesting out of the Red Alert 0.09 beta. There are a bunch of pictures in there, named CREDIT1 to CREDIT9, in both 640x400 PCX and 320x200 CPS format. However, the CPS versions, while all perfectly valid Westwood CPS format, have completely corrupted image content. The PCX images themselves are slightly darkened, because they were apparently made to be the background of the credits roll, and part of their palette was also sacrificed for the colours to be used on the scrolling text. Now, one of the images in there has a CPS version which is not corrupted, namely, the submarine one (CREDIT7). But instead of a resize of the pcx version, the CPS shows the cut-out top left corner. However, when I looked at that image again, after months of leaving them alone, I noticed a peculiar detail. The cps version was brighter. This prompted me to immediately check the palettes of the other, corrupted CPS files, and indeed... all of the palettes were not only intact, but also the undarkened originals, and they could be applied to the darkened PCX images to restore them. There is still some degrading due to some colours on the palette being removed for those text colours, but overall, this made a lot of the images look a lot more clear. Especially the one unique image in there which we didn't actually have yet: the ship blueprint. This blueprint was used in the cut shipyard video we also recovered from the beta. As you can see from the attached image, the bright palette makes a world of difference, restoring the texture of the blue background, and making the image look overall much nicer Compare to the original (which Siberian_GRemlin also posted in the first post):
  9. On Twitter, Jim said they "found it challenging to improve certain AI mechanics", but nothing's really been confirmed one way or another, and there's really no saying whether that referred to things like the wall ignoring issues or the harvesters; those things are completely different. AI is a rather broad thing. And, do note, that tweet was over a month ago. They might have dug up more useful stuff in the code by now.
  10. Steering away from Nazi references, I'd call scs30ea "Iron Cross" ✠ My full list: scs30ea Iron Cross scs31ea Nooks and Crannies scs32ea Nazca Plains scs33ea Target Area scs35ea (?) scs36ea (?) scs37ea (?) scs38ea Four Corners scs39ea Connections scs40ea Shamrock scs41ea Anthills scs42ea King of the Mountain scs43ea Island Forts scs50ea The River scs51ea Lonesome Roads scs60ea Winter Maze scs61ea The Divide scs62ea Watering Hole scs63ea Battlements
  11. On the downloads page, don't click the big "Download & Play Online, Free" button. Instead scroll down to all downloads, and download the full game instead of the stripped multiplayer version.
  12. Yea, fairly sure scs32ea was inspired by the Nazca Lines. Specifically, the Monkey and the Flower.
  13. Um, yes? The official features list has it listed... https://www.ea.com/games/command-and-conquer/command-and-conquer-remastered/features ...as does the official reveal trailer. Pause at 3:00:
  14. We had a topic about such unofficial expansion packs a few years back... collected a whole lot of them there: https://forums.cncnz.com/topic/20270-unofficial-expansion-packs/
  15. Experiments with an external program acting as AI made it very clear that such a program would have to accurately predict everything that is happening in the game purely from the actions taken by players. The game does not send information about unit deaths, projectile trajectories, inflicted damage, or any other automatic actions that are part of the game engine. The only thing it sends are active actions taken by players. By performing a synchronisation in advance that ensures that all the pseudo-randomised numbers in the game used for projectile inaccuracy and such are identical on each player's game, only a minimum of network traffic is needed to keep the game synchronised on all connected machines. Quite simply, this means any system you want to hook up into that needs to 100% accurately emulate the entire game. Quite an impossible task. So the only remaining route is to actually program it into the game itself... which is a lot easier said than done. So, if you really want skirmish in C&C 1, and especially if you want "the same amount of control that you have in the other games", well, I advise you to take the much simpler option: buy the remastered version.
  16. The Covert Ops indeed contain a bunch of unique cutscenes: banr_nod.vqa blackout.vqa bodybags.vqa inferno.vqa iontest.vqa refinery.vqa Most of these are already seen in some way; banr_nod.vqa is already in the game as banner.vqa, but this time it shows a Nod APC and banner, rather than a GDI one, and bodybags.vqa, inferno.vqa and iontest.vqa are fragments from campaign briefing videos. However, blackout.vqa and refinery.vqa are completely unique, though the tiberium toxicity animation of refinery.vqa was previously used in GDI briefing 8B (defend Moebius and his research hospital).
  17. Nyerguds


    Here ya go: https://forums.cncnz.com/topic/14055-6-mission-dos-cc-demo/ @drummy434 I moved your post; the Single Player Maps forum is for posting single player maps.
  18. Yes. Have some sources: A detailed answer to exactly this question on the EA Answers board: https://answers.ea.com/t5/C-C-The-Ultimate-Collection/Is-red-alert-1-and-tiberian-sun-now-freeware/td-p/5420723 Screenshot of the official website in 2007, stating that the fact EA no longer hosts the files does not mean you're not allowed to download them anymore: Screenshot of the actual explicit confirmation that C&C1 is freeware, given by EA Apoc on the official C&C boards back in 2007: The official download page EA had for all three games, back in 2010: https://web.archive.org/web/20100214144634/http://www.commandandconquer.com/classic As you can see, it specifically says "freeware downloads". (The archived version actually has working downloads, but the cncnet installers are far superior, for reasons mentioned in the above EA Answers thread) I hope that answers your question
  19. The updated config tool has been integrated into the patch now. The current download is cc95v106c_r3_u6.exe (C&C95 v1.06c, revision 3, update 6)
  20. It honestly depends on what kind of missions you enjoy - some people like build and conquer missions, others prefer sneaky commando strikes. One of my favourites in the latter category was "Syndrome - The Medical Facility", by Mark Stevens. It can be found in Pack 100-139 in Chimas's Huge Collection.
  21. If you mean the extra tracks, yea, we got them in CD quality, as Redbook CD audio tracks on the Sole Survivor CD. So someone just needs to use the tools and convert 'em. Doesn't change the fact that the music.ini in Iran's patch doesn't work, though Um. The installer is literally in the first post here in this thread.
  22. I recreated the Counterstrike/aftermath media pack with the music, ant vids, and the bonus PSX music (well, I just extracted it from Sole Survivor). http://www.mediafire.com/file/jcipr9nkw91i237/reta-exp-music-vids.zip/file Bonus music still won't work right though; the internal handling of that music.ini is a mess.
  23. The link to the Aftermath/PSX music pack is broken... And, you might want to mention those also contain the missing ant videos -_- The problem is that they are mpeg on the original CDs, and needed to be recompressed to VQA to play them in RA. There's really no way around the quality loss.
  24. @segra Ahh, so many lovely renders... I wish we'd have the original digital version of that
  25. All high res images, besides a few renders used for printing large posters, were found at a maximum height of 480 pixels (widescreen though; 752x480). And even there, some of the composite ones looked pretty bad because all live action content was VHS-taped, so I don't think it's even viable to go higher than that. Though, them being produced that way is still no guarantee that the Remaster people will actually find that stuff, of course. A lot was lost throughout the ages...
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