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Everything posted by Iran

  1. We hit a new player record of 364 players online on a Sunday in late March this year. 15 months ago our record was about 180 players online.
  2. I'll add support for it to my patch and ship the theater MIX file when you're finished with it. Very easy to do for me.
  3. The registers used with the offset changes and it seems the generated code sometimes does too.
  4. Interesting map design. I figure a mega map version of A Path Beyond would be good, the same design but larger land areas and more ore/gems.
  5. http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=2530.0
  6. Could you make a full map preview instead of just a thumbnail?
  7. Are you running ts-spawn.exe to play Tiberian Sun?
  8. Neh, C&C Renegade actually is a good game.
  9. Very nice! Could you upload the files? I'm a bit worried this somehow breaks currently released desert maps but there are only a few of them so it shouldn't be so bad.
  10. Did you also create Desert graphics for the river etc tiles which C&C1 don't have but RA1 does? I.e. RA1 has a larger tile set than C&C1
  11. Can hifi fix the cncnet network stats so it doesn't show 493 as record anymore?
  12. http://cncnet.org/network-status What's this about?
  13. @Tschokky: The finished Desert conversion looks great, can I ship it with the 3.03p Red Alert patch?
  14. The game graphics were designed for CRT monitors, which use square pixels. LCD monitors use rectangle pixels.
  15. Allies sell their Tech Center soon after buying either because of a bug in the 'sell to raise power' or 'sell to raise money' function, can't remember but it's the latter. The game checks a list of buildings to sell and at the top is the Allies Tech Center. It also has the Forward Command Post for some reason. Soviets take very long to buy Tech Center, don;t know why. But if you start a game with tons of starting credits they don't sell Tech Center and it doesn't take long for Soviets to build them.
  16. >and balance won't be changed if both side can build Phase Trans. why not?
  17. Iran

    About tesla

    The game calls Delay(int) when the TeslaZap effect is drawn, to make sure it allows shows up because for some reason it doesn't always appear.
  18. 1. Create a new team type called @PINF 2. Give it a Badge Bomber with whatever you want to drop attached, or set it to a (group of) aircrafts you want to attack a the paradrop location. 3. Set the waypoint for the @PINF TeamType to 99. 4. Close RAED and open the map in a text editor, find the line for the @PINF TeamType and change 99 to 100. You need to do this because RAED only support waypoints 0..99. Waypoint 100 is a fake waypoint which is set to the target cell of the paradrop superweapon when it is used. This works in both single and multiplayer, with every Red Alert 1 version it appears. I attached a demonstration map I made. If you have issues figuring things out open this map in a text editor, find the @PINF line and change its waypoint 99. Then open the map in RAED to check how the TeamType is set up. irantrig.zip
  19. The log file is a recording of the keyboard entries and mouse movements during the game, including any clicks. Mouse movement is due to its nature difficult to quantize and record. Be advised the log file will most likely be unable to completely record the movements of the mouse, and will with certainty desynchronize from the scenario at some point. In the long run this causes the log replay to become corrupt, merely playing back nonsensical mouse movements. That explains..
  20. Cool videos. The best thing you can do against base crawling is building V2 Rocket Launchers and Tesla Coils.
  21. Iran

    Ra95 Crash

    I didn't really figure out the root of the problem. I did see that a check was missing so I added. I HOPE it fixes it, but I'm not sure.
  22. >My aircraft seem to glitch out more where they dont register as on the helipads to reload than on XWIS. Haven't heard anyone else experience this and I have no experience with TS myself, so I can't help you with that. All I know is that I didn't touch any of the code nor can I think of anything that affects this. >I also notice more lag spikes The netcode is different (more like the LAN netcode) so there's less delay when giving orders. As a result of that there is less 'smooth' lag when playing compared to XWIS. It seems to mostly depend on the player, which I think is the issue you're experiencing. There's a guy from Pakistan and another guy from Eastern Europe who both lag badly. The tunnel server you're using might also be lagging, the last few days the UK tunnel server has been acting up. > I just noticed while playing I was very frustrated by the performance of the game which has never happened to me in the past playing the game Is there a ddraw.dll file in your game folder? If you load the config tool is the 'Use graphics patch(er)' option enabled or disabled?
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