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Everything posted by Phenomena

  1. ola Although I love the idea...personally only having it on Terr is of no interest to me. Perhaps a format where each player takes turns picking a map? Throwback, ff, pit plat, bbg, grays....whatever, add in a variety to attract more people. Personally, im shit now...however I know I can compete on maps that arnt terr.
  2. haha i remember doing the interview and podcast thing, but thought it was via this or xwis forum? dunno maybe im wrong -_- and as for the grays comment. Heres how you should look at it was i the best player? absolutely not if you had pros like ray, dachs etc jump into mods and grind, at the time, they would demolish myself and any of the "top modders" at the time, because as we all know now, pros at WW destroy pros at mods. In saying all that, they didnt play grays, they didnt play mods....i had some competition (sm0kn comes to mind) but otherwise I was untouched for the most part. When I left to learn WW maps, it actually made me realize how little I actually knew, and made me so much better. But at the time, for the players who only played on mods, I had very little competition.
  3. Literally just viewed it for the first time lol. cute.
  4. I cant load the second map file any maps by CHUBAKAH or JOJODABOO
  5. when asking a well known "top" player why he reconned, as the ip connected to the name hider who reconned was a perfect match to him the reply "it was my korean cousin playing, not me" true story.
  6. Make a 3rd faction thats playable and balanced and ill support it 100%
  7. Personally, almost every map should be added (provided they are fair, no hidden units or mods etc) and you are unable to reject any. A proper competitive landscape should have maps at complete random, against random opponents....the best players will come out on top. Throw in 40 ww maps, 30 mods, vet and non vet alike, cant reject any, you play what you are given. Give every TS player (not just the handful of hardcore pros) a chance to compete
  8. Christ...watching you guys bicker back and forth about things that really dont matter or address the issue.Ignore Vet or non vet maps, the issue is ladder activity. Simple.And the reality is, only a very small handful will even think about playing the ladder, regardless of what maps are on it.Heres an idea, put ONLY mod maps on the ladder for a month. Not a single WW style map. See if theres a dramatic increase of people playing ladder (aim to attract the 95% of people on cncnet who are modders)Youll get your answer.Im willing to bet you wont see any notable difference.You guys are just wasting your time at annoying eachother and not understanding that maybe the vast majority of players simply arnt interested in the ladder.
  9. Christ...watching you guys bicker back and forth about things that really dont matter or address the issue. Ignore Vet or non vet maps, the issue is ladder activity. Simple. And the reality is, only a very small handful will even think about playing the ladder, regardless of what maps are on it. Heres an idea, put ONLY mod maps on the ladder for a month. Not a single WW style map. See if theres a dramatic increase of people playing ladder (aim to attract the 95% of people on cncnet who are modders) Youll get your answer. Im willing to bet you wont see any notable difference. You guys are just wasting your time at annoying eachother and not understanding that maybe the vast majority of players simply arnt interested in the ladder.
  10. Ive always gone against the masses and always said mod maps SHOULD be allowed in ladders. Add a slew of maps, that will get picked at random when the person plays quickplay Id suggest nerfing harv bombs on the more popular shit maps, otherwise myself, and any1 half decent will harv bomb every game. Its the only thing that hasent been tried to get more activity, do this and youll get your answer. If games pick up, then success.
  11. Lol at those arguing about the maps The reality is, even if 100% of people agreed on types of maps, there are still only 5-10 players willing to play the ladder. This is how it is, this is unlikely to change. 95% of the player base are pure trash and only play Giants, and have absolutely 0 interest in 1v1 on WW maps and likely getting demolished. Change my mind.
  12. I saw the log HotWetGrl...so naturally I made the log HotWetMan Playme1v1 was good or i1v1any1 I never liked nicks with numbers...but I liked DayOfDoom, thought that was cool.
  13. Make stealth tanks a few $ cheaper so I can hunt harvs thx.
  14. While Joe I love you long time, and understand your viewpoint, I think its a little out dated. I havent played much in the last several months, and definitely not at top tier level anymore, however a simple change to the CC being able to not miss, as well as the deployed tik tank buff, makes a massive difference in higher level play. The amount of times my 10 Tiks would die to 1 bomber pass was fucking ridiculous. There was no doubt that GDI would dominate NOD in almost all even games, these fixes bring the gap a little closer, and I see no issue with that at all.
  15. Because Kapa would refuse to play anything other than terr...and because im not stupid and know id be bent over and raped vs him on terr, id always try to get him to 1v1 on ff, or another map, where I know id at least have a chance. Unfortunately he was a robot and only played 1 map. Thats the only issue ive ever had with topics like these...sure all above are great players, but my gripe is that its centered around just Terrace play. Now obviously, could these players dominate on all maps? Sure. But thats hypothetical because we never got to see it. You and I used to clan together, we used to dust top terr players constantly on ff and other WW maps, yet on Terr it would be more even, if not in favor against us. So does that make the terr player better? Or does that make us better because we would win consistently more on other maps? Thats subjective. So while I agree the above are all great players, I just wouldve rather seen more variety over the years from them. Hope that makes sense.
  16. Ive beaten every1 there 1v1 except kapapapapaapapap so im rank 1.5 gg wp
  17. If you can make a 3rd faction that gels well with gdi and nod and is balanced, and offers a different but ot game breaking play style, id be very interested in trying it out. Would be neat to add a polished 3rd faction for 8er games etc
  18. Ive 1v1'd tigerr on ff and won in 11 min then on terr he won in 15 whose the better player? in 2003 me > mola <3
  19. im down to do another one if there is enough interest ask me anything.... life...crypto...poker...women...ts...whatever
  20. think its funny...you guys complain that the 1v1 ladder is dead, yet you want a clan ladder? Guys..its the same 5 people...
  21. CC 100% needed to be buffed to not miss shots Otherwise...some minor fixes such as map balance (ff br for example) are good things for the game as for the vets...personally they can just remove the vet system all together, it wont really matter Cute to see you guys bicker in 2019 -_-
  22. So if 5 people have 5 names in the top 25 How is it different than the same 5 people having 3 names in the now top 15?
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