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Everything posted by ore_truck

  1. New C&C game on Tiberian Dawn engine please.
  2. It's like Duke Nukem Forever all over again. They tried making a game from a nostalgic franchise into the wrong direction. It's like they're trying to appeal old C&C fans and new generation of gamers at the same time. C&C fans would love the C&C content like Kane, tiberium, Mammoth Tanks and Orcas and even Seth is in the game, but obviously a mobile PTW is not going to make C&C players happy. New generation of gamers might be appealed by mobile PTW games but they don't understand C&C, they don't appreciate C&C or recognize it as a great franchise. That's already two types of haters. Next type is the bandwagon trolls...
  3. I dont think EA makes anymore patches for RA2. Tank destroyers can be useful, but most of the time, you want to save the money and tank queue for something else.
  4. The manual says the MLRS is an attack-only unit and acts as a long-range support for your armor as they sit behind and throw rockets at everything. 5 medium tanks + 2 MLRS can do more damage than 7 medium tanks, especially if the enemy has lots of infantry and it also helps against aircrafts. Same goes with light tanks + artilleries/MLRS (though I myself never use them, hadn't played for a long time). The problem is they are too easily destroyed and smart players will target them first and take them out quickly before they could contribute any damage, so if people had 5 tanks & 2 MLRS, it's easily down to only 5 tanks and they regret not buying 7 tanks instead. I'm not asking for armor or speed increase for them since they are meant to be fragile and slow sitting ducks but with great firepower and range. Maybe a range increase (not too much, I want the SSML to remain superior in range) could give them more time to damage enemies and slightly put them at a safer spot when engaging. Maybe increasing damage too so even if they did get destroyed, at least they put a lot of damage to its attackers. After all, it's a late tech unit, I like it if people fear them like when they see a SCUD Launcher or Nuke Cannon in C&C Generals (except they shouldn't be able to destroy 9 tanks in 1 hit).
  5. Yeap, but no one really plays those maps nowadays. Last time I was online and chose Green Acres or Red Sands, people keep suggesting other maps. Would be nice if we get to play WW maps.
  6. I think most people didn't bother about the tesla coils. The missile subs can destroy the two nearby powers from their original position, all it needs is to scout the power.
  7. You're talking about chem, right? And what avatar picture? Haven't been on for a long time so I am curious..
  8. What's with changing the TD's damage on infantry and structures? TDs are meant to be a specialized anti-tank unit while suck against anything non-vehicle so lets keep it that way. Improve their tank battle effectiveness. Change them by making them not redundant, something that makes people wanna build them over mirage tanks and Battle fortresses for countering tanks. 1. Turn it into a heavy anti-tank artillery by allowing it to 1-shot a Grizzly but reduce its speed, firing rate, etc. But this might change the Allied fundamentals of being quick and nimble so maybe the next option.. 2. Make it similar to grizzly tank in terms of speed, firing rate, etc but give it a mirage tank's damage or higher against vehicles (damage against infantry and structures is unchanged) 3. Or something in between the two above. Don't know about you guys, but I make use of tank destroyers in my casual games. But if changes are needed, I rather have it like either of above.
  9. you could have at least "complained" about it in a normal and constructive manner if you didn't like it, instead of acting like an angry teenager yelling "ffs another topic with 100 lines"
  10. I agree that Tesla troopers are situational units useful in the right situations but that situation rarely happens. Buffs for them to be used more often is what i like: increased their range so they are equally feared like guardian GIs (not same range as GGIs of course, just long enough so tanks couldn't kite them). Tesla Tank: Increased range and firepower, something like RA:Aftermath's tesla tank, long-range support unit with low armor and firing rate. Not sure about lowering it's firing rate as it would decrease their effectiveness against infantry, but they are supposed to be easily overwhelmed by massed infantry, that's how tesla weapons in RA1 and RA3 are weak at. Currently, the tesla tank is just a low armor yet expensive cannon fodder for rhinos that gets killed before they could contribute any damage. Not worth the $1200. Magnetron: Not sure about cliff limitation but I think giving them master mind's speed is a good nerf. Players have more time to react before they start picking on miners. Tank destroyer: More firing rate and speed.
  11. Dude, we are talking about RA2/YR not mental omega. It's about balance discussion in RA2/YR units and not talking about a whole new different game. Why do you need to bring up MO here?
  12. buff the underused national unit!!!!! and tesla troopers....
  13. I always giggle when someone's base got attacked by a visceroid when it's defenseless but yes, they are really annoying if it happens to me. I always survive a visceroid attack in the first 10 seconds of the game and I do agree it ruins a good 1v1 even if you survived. You lost focus on building as you are managing to kill the creature, possible loss of early infantry as they appear unexpectedly and easily "squish" your troops and economy is affected when you need to repair buildings (they do a lot damage) or replace fallen infantry. The worst part is when my opponent couldn't handle an early visceroid on his base and resigned in the first 30 seconds (not a fun game). I had one newbie calling me a cheater in the lobby for "building a red flame tank very fast".
  14. We can't whitelist custom maps because people can customized it with cheats. Only official maps because everybody knows official maps are not made by sneaky cheaters silently putting tremendous advantages at their starting spot. Yes, there are custom maps that are fair but we wouldn't know there are thousands of them!
  15. and light weapon Also. Yuri and Eva said GIant Squids were mind-controlled in RA2 but how Soviets can still buy them in YR after Yuri took their psychic technology from them.
  16. I believe it is done to make Nod vs Nod in left vs right more balance, not making GDI less powerful/Nod more powerful. But the East Nod player still has the advantage than the western nod guy but I think it's less noticeable.
  17. Buggy doesn't have the build-speed buff possible because they knew it will clog up the plane drop queue if you have more than 1 airstrips as the unit already build quite fast, especially in the days where the cargo plane is slower. Other units are GDI units too so I guess only Nod-exclusive vehicles should have this production buff.
  18. Actually, chem did contribute some decent inputs here, though some of his comments are just annoying and baiting people. Syrianrefugeeengineer was 100% troll being nice to chem as if he's getting chem to join him become a 100% troller baiting people. Ok back to topic... I do agree games with over a million starting credits or 12+ starting units (bases ON) ruined the intended gameplay of C&C. Usually, I teach these people a lesson by apache rushing in the first minute as if saying "this is what happens when you host a circus game". Jordy is one of them and a Brazillian guy name Alessandro. As for competitive, there's none in GDI vs Nod, even if the maps are symmetrical. It's hard to get a map that puts both factions and starting spots equal. South have advantage, western Nod players can get vehicles faster. You need like to make a left vs right symmetric map with GDI vs GDI to make it balance. No Nods since it's imbalanced in L v R games. But I'm against banning this, banning that like what people are doing to YR or ZH because it takes away the fun. I might be wrong because I haven't been playing TD for a long time, I stop because everyone was only playing hjk or a billion starting cash last time I check so I move to Red Alert. But I do recognize some of the names there like rootbie, he was good player along with ggeneral, mattattack,... I remember g3arhead being average and is well-known for his rants whenever he's losing, I remember CAT a newbie sucking off Wolf for lessons but she's calm and cheery even when losing (as opposed to g3ar). I know Jacko, a pro who can do anything, and justme another average player. I know TBK who loves playing at tiberium garden and aborts when losing and groefaz, who was still new when I played him. But who cares if this player is a pro or not? It doesn't matter, why are we even talking about a list of who's good and who's not? These elite people might lose their skill and the newbies might actually be an elite today.
  19. Last I checked, TSR servers are down. I would still play it if there's enough people.
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