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  • 4 months later...

Hey folks,

Kalle Bowo here. If you are around in the CnC Community for a while, some of you might still know me. Years ago I used to run around at the Games Convention in Leipzig, Germany, dressed as a Nod Soldier (the Avatar, that's actually me ^^). I also used to work on the Renegade mod "CnC Reborn", transforming the original Renegade into a first person Tiberian Sun. To name only a few things I did back in the day :P


My current project is called Printed Armies. In short: I design miniature models based on CnC and other games and 3D print them with my Ultimaker 2+. I opened a thread solely for that stuff somewhere in the general discussions section. Check it out if you like, you might like it :)




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Hey guys not sure if this is the right spot to post this.


But im looking for people to play with and show me the ropes of playing multiplayer. It doesnt matter which C&C game. I want join games via CnC net but I dont want to get owned then ridiculed of being such a newb.

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Hello there and Welcome!


CnCNet is the right place for you. There's plenty of other players on most of the games that are beginners as well. I'd say pick the game that appeals to you the most.


You might get owned but I don't think anyone is going to ridicule you for being a beginner. You could make a game with others that share your skill level by asking them or you could ask in the game lobby if another more experienced player wants to help you get started.  :)


Best of luck!  :mammoth:


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have become hopelessly addicted to Yuri's Revenge again after a very long time. Most of you probably know me better as Aro, the Twisted Insurrection leader and founder, those of you from older XWIS times will know me as iNsuRRecT. I had played Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge via XWIS for over a decade under both the names Aro and iNsuRRecT. I prefer to keep my Red Alert 2 related posts under a different name, hence creating this account for separate usage instead of the account I already have on here, I'll stick to posting Twisted Insurrection related things and everything else with that one.


It's nice to see so many familiar names still floating around the place, hope to catch you all for some good games, just like old times.  :)

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  On 11/16/2016 at 4:57 PM, iNsuRRecT said:
Most of you probably know me better as Aro, the Twisted Insurrection leader and founder, those of you from older XWIS times will know me as iNsuRRecT.


I prefer to keep my Red Alert 2 related posts under a different name, hence creating this account for separate usage instead of the account I already have on here, I'll stick to posting Twisted Insurrection related things and everything else with that one.



Um... why?

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  On 11/16/2016 at 9:04 PM, SiRaLeX said:

Welcome! Are you still a goth, Aro?  XD

And do you like PVRIS?


I suppose so, yes. And yes again, I recognised Lyndsey Gunnulfsen from your signature while browsing here a while ago. Also, Hello again. I knew I'd see you here somewhere. :P



Um... why?


The long and short of it is that I like to feel organized, using two nicknames for two completely different things on the same site helps me keep track of posts, threads, messages etc. Sounds strange, I know, but TI leadership requires quite a lot of management, if I just want to unwind and play some games, I'd rather use a new account (this one) where there won't be any TI questions to answer and continue to take care of anything related to TI under my normal account, as usual.


Not to mention the fact that there are people that only know me by my Red Alert 2 name, iNsuRRecT, so it's easier for them to find me etc.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Greetings fellow Yuri fans!



Im Kozzmozz7 or M4triX ingame and am from the good old days of WoL 13 years ago.

Played yuri massively, lost a relationship thru it  :devil: i loved it that much. (Christine from stephen king anyone? )


Anyhow i bought for christmas C&C: the ultimate collection on sale out of nostalgia and to secure that collection on origin once and for all and I found out that this cncnet existed and that it was actually very lively!


It was the best xmas present ever and im very happy to be back !


I see you guys online!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, I'm Lavama, have been a fan since early 2000's playing Red Alert 2 on my Dad's computer, been hit with a CnC bug as of late and want to get better than I currently am. Not exactly what one would call a newb but very low on the skill level.

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I my name is CerfPlains6 but you can call me "Cerf" it's faster ^^

I'm french so sometime if my english made your eyes bleeding please forgive me  ;)

I'm happy to discover the site because I can finally play red alert 2 again, it's been while than I couldn't play it

I hope I could paste a good time with the community ^^

see you on the battlefield camarade générale!!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I think I could also introduce myself.


Name: Der_Otten (obviously)

Country: Germany

Favourite CnC Game: Yuri's Revenge

Main faction: Soviet

Playing since: 2001 (release)

Skill: Below 9000


I stumbled upon this website via YouTube where I was watching videos of CnCnet.



As far as I can say IMO this community seems to be very nice and supportive. I might stay for a while :)


If there are any questions, feel free to ask.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello All.

Been playing RA since it's original release however never ever played online something I intend to do, also really want to sink my teeth into some custom challenges/maps.

I have been hooked on RTS Games all my life and was UK Runner up in the WCG Qualifiers on Starcraft Brood war back in 2007 just narrowly missing out on a trip to South Korea to compete.

My favourite games in the C&C Series is in this order C&C RA, C&C Generals Zero Hour, C&C TD and C&C RA2

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