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RedAlert2 mode


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  On 2/5/2016 at 3:41 PM, DeCKs said:


It's a known bug in the Retaliate mission code, its not related to the RA2 mode.


This map ToE. Enable RA2 it is. playing Yuri do not exist, on the same map.

It is possible to separate the regime from Yuri ?

I want to say that I have seen in Red Alert games created not only yuri.

I like the suggestion, and it's something I've also wanted to see. We'll have to see if we can add something like that soon.

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  On 3/4/2016 at 12:25 PM, Grant said:


ally repair factory not repair allyed units

What do you mean exactly? Could you explain a little further


I can not recover their units to ally repair plant . And there is no way to give money to his ally miner in his work .Soviet_Repair_Depot.jpg aliance depot not sell unit Allied_Service_Depot.jpg

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  On 3/5/2016 at 10:04 AM, DeCKs said:
aliance depot not sell unit

That was an intentional change by Westwood Pacific in YR patch 1.001, as it's sort of the Grinder's function (but the change was curiously never ported to RA2). See changelog for proof: http://www.cncnz.com/features/technical-support-help-guides/red-alert-2-yuris-revenge-patch-version-1001/





See, it's far easier to make a proper RA2 support system than fiddle with this stuff.

Will you create the spawner for RA2? :)

No thanks, I'd rather have the wisearse(s) who did the YR one do it, after all some code segments should be identical because YR is an expansion and not a rework :P

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  • 2 months later...

I found another issue too.


We dont select all structure using T and indicate all those to the same point.


Example. click on one w.f select it and click T and press left click from mouse and allow the "new line point" for all structures.

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  On 5/20/2016 at 10:32 PM, miguel747 said:

I found another issue too.


We dont select all structure using T and indicate all those to the same point.


Example. click on one w.f select it and click T and press left click from mouse and allow the "new line point" for all structures.


now this is something new. I tested it, in ra2 you can select every building like this, but in YR only conyards/MCVs

in TS you also can T select every building, but MCVs and conyards don't fail in the same category as they do in RA2/YR

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 3/5/2016 at 4:37 PM, Rampastring said:


See, it's far easier to make a proper RA2 support system than fiddle with this stuff.

Will you create the spawner for RA2? :)

What's a spawner for and who created the YR one? (the CREDITS button in the YR menu doesn't work)

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  On 6/12/2016 at 4:46 AM, fir3w0rx said:

What's a spawner for and who created the YR one? (the CREDITS button in the YR menu doesn't work)

The spawner is the modified executable that's included with CnCNet YR (and all other CnCNet games, including DTA and TI) that makes it possible to skip the in-game menus and makes tunneled multiplayer possible. Usually it also includes lots of other things, like anti-cheat code and bonus features for modders. The YR spawner was created by Iran, who also created the TS (= DTA and TI) spawner and has worked also on the RA1 spawner.


Without the spawner the client can't skip the in-game menus; basically, the client is completely useless on its own without a spawner.


Because the original executables in RA2 and YR are different, the YR spawner cannot be used for RA2, but RA2 would need its own spawner that's based on the original RA2 executable.

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  On 6/13/2016 at 12:26 PM, Rampastring said:

The spawner is the modified executable that's included with CnCNet YR (and all other CnCNet games, including DTA and TI) that makes it possible to skip the in-game menus and makes tunneled multiplayer possible. Usually it also includes lots of other things, like anti-cheat code and bonus features for modders. The YR spawner was created by Iran, who also created the TS (= DTA and TI) spawner and has worked also on the RA1 spawner.


Without the spawner the client can't skip the in-game menus; basically, the client is completely useless on its own without a spawner.


Because the original executables in RA2 and YR are different, the YR spawner cannot be used for RA2, but RA2 would need its own spawner that's based on the original RA2 executable.

Oh ok. So I'm guessing that the people here who are capable of making a spawner for RA2


-don't have the time

-don't think it's necessary because YR is already available, with a RA2 option

-don't care about RA2

-hate RA2

-all of the above :D


If I didn't have 500 other hobbies/interests, I'd be reverse engineering the hell out of RA2/YR/TS from binary to cosmetic level and pumping out patches with all sorts of features and fixes up the wazoo! Ok no not really, but I wish I could though :D

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  On 6/13/2016 at 2:23 PM, fir3w0rx said:

people here who are capable of making a spawner for RA2


Giggles.  :P


YR is, by far, the better game, from a technical standpoint.



I vote for Plokkite_Wolf to get his head out of his ass and create the RA2 spawner, since he is so skilled and knows more than all of us together! I'm sure it will be no problem for him.



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  On 6/13/2016 at 5:11 PM, SiRaLeX said:


people here who are capable of making a spawner for RA2


Giggles.  :P


YR is, by far, the better game, from a technical standpoint.



I vote for Plokkite_Wolf to get his head out of his ass and create the RA2 spawner, since he is so skilled and knows more than all of us together! I'm sure it will be no problem for him.

You're supposedly a C++ pro, I'm sure you'll have a blast with it ;)

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  On 6/13/2016 at 9:05 PM, SiRaLeX said:


You're supposedly a C++ pro, I'm sure you'll have a blast with it ;)


I am! How much do you pay?


I don't usually work for free.  ;)

Ah, so you're one of those guys who want money first so they can run away with it without work?  :laugh:

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  On 5/20/2016 at 10:32 PM, miguel747 said:

I found another issue too.


We dont select all structure using T and indicate all those to the same point.


Example. click on one w.f select it and click T and press left click from mouse and allow the "new line point" for all structures.


Found a hacky solution for this. When you have units selected and mass press T than select a building it WILL select all the buildings like normally in RA2, and can rally point all of them at same time as expected.


Also, for the people that want RA2 from the RA2 client.. why? It will only split the community and RA2 mode from YR is almost identical as RA2 authentic besides a few changes here and there, such as units voices, which should not be reverted back to its original RA2 generic sounds.


Its fine how it is now TBH.

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  On 6/14/2016 at 12:19 PM, Ra2Nub said:
Also, for the people that want RA2 from the RA2 client.. why?

Because it's the most efficient and proper way to do it.


People discover more and more differences, and instead of modifying the YR client/spawner, it would just be easier to make an RA2 spawner and be done with it forever.


It will only split the community

It won't. The community is already split between RA2 and YR fans, and that's perfectly normal.

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  On 6/14/2016 at 1:08 PM, SiRaLeX said:
RA2 has so many bugs that can be abused which would need to be fixed to make for a worthwhile experience.

That can be done in the process, same as with RA1.


small differences

Says someone who supposedly played a lot of RA2 and YR :P

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It won't. The community is already split between RA2 and YR fans, and that's perfectly normal.


If it stays in 1 client like now it will not. If it becomes 2 separate clients it will. If it stays one than nevermind my comment. If it would become two clients than I am still against even getting the Ra2 client to work, because it will split. Right now people can join both Ra2 mode games and YR mode games at same time, and that's very nice. If that is still possible with Ra2 than I am less so against it, but I still don't really see point since quiet frankly I prefer the YR engine much more personally.


RA2 has so many bugs that can be abused which would need to be fixed to make for a worthwhile experience.


Also this. Desolator under bridges, self spy.. all patched in YR. But if that's patchable with a modified client, yay.


I personally prefer YR (but hate Yuri country since its so OP), which is probably why I see getting someone to make Ra2spawner to work a waste of time, since I like how Ra2mode is right now. Useless Tech building like the hospital (which is the biggest waste of a tech building in Ra2 ever) actually is useful still in Ra2 mode while keeping the units like Ra2.


Basically, cncnet Ra2 mode is right now a hybrid of YR and Ra2 and I love it much more than vanilla Ra2. Improved voices, new (and old) soundtrack, units do not repeat their voice each click until its over, bug fixes, Tech Hospital isn't useless.. etc.


But I see some want a 100% authentic Ra2 and I don't blame them.





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  On 6/14/2016 at 3:55 PM, Ra2Nub said:
If it stays in 1 client like now it will not.

While staying on the same client (for all CnCNet games for that matter) would be the best course of action, you're trying to prevent something that happened a very long time ago. Look at XWIS' YR lobby. Perhaps a dozen people, barely one ladder match a month. It's been like that for years, even before YR was supported on CnCNet. The community is already split, which is natural when a game has a distinct expansion pack. Get over it.


but I still don't really see point since quiet frankly I prefer the YR engine much more personally.

Personal preferences should not come above efficiency.


which is probably why I see getting someone to make Ra2spawner to work a waste of time, since I like how Ra2mode is right now.

Argumentation of tech-related matters with subjectivity is pointless.


Useless Tech building like the hospital (which is the biggest waste of a tech building in Ra2 ever) actually is useful still in Ra2 mode while keeping the units like Ra2.

Also, true RA2 gameplay can hardly be achieved through the RA2 mode - even if it can be done theoretically, it would take a much longer while. YR Hospitals are indeed more useful, but who uses them in either when infantry is basically there to die, except one-time-use Engineers and commando units that you micro anyway? :P

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