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Armageddon V: The Aftermath


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This is the official mod thread for the Red Alert mod Armageddon V: The Aftermath.


UPDATE September 9th 2017

Mod Released. See Release thread.


Download Link:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/fmnz8s8blt66m39/Armageddon V - Beta Standalone.zip?dl=0

What It Is: A continuation of older mod projects from the early 2000's now that there are many more modding options than there were back then, and I have lots of free time now  8) The Storyline has been updated and is posted below. 


-A total conversion mod that is roughly an interpretation of a Tiberian Sun to Red Alert mod, although NOT following the TS story line.

-Full length campaign for GDI and Nod

-Bonus missions and scripted conquest/skirmish missions

-The new terrains created by members here


Beta Screen Shots

A Nod Skirmish showing some new units and buildings. The TD units/structures were taken from Red Dawn with permission from Allen262, save the airstrip that I converted. Many of the units came from posts on openRA forums.



To the Tiberium ...



GDI Mission 1 briefing, some homage to General Sheppard. Missions one is a "traditional" C&C game 1st mission.



GDI Mission 1 screen shot. The missile trails were converted from an old TS mod I found. Now that Image= is usable in campaign missions its possible to have a lot more graphics options such as GDI and Nod having separate power plans as shown here.




GDI Skirmish




Cameos and Beta Cameos that wont make it. Some are new. Others have been seen before. White made the Humvee TOW icon and I modified it slightly. Allen262 made the Chem Tank cameo that I also modified.





Also here is the cityscape I am working on for GDI Blue Zones. So far im not very happy with it though.



Thats all for now. Standby for further updates.  8)




Edited by ROB
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Thanks for the encouragement. The Desert and Barren theaters are a great option for post Tiberium apocalypse landscapes, which is the focus of this story. I am interested in the updated Desert theater you have.


I redrew all of the building shadows by hand since TS shadows are way off. I suppose I'll have to go back through and make them all a bit more noticeable.


I was actually looking for you a few weeks ago, needed a ra95.exe that supports Barren and others, but I have one now.

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The refined story is mostly complete. The storyline I started 13 years ago was meant to be my interpretation of a C&C3 before it came out, and oddly enough the first Armageddon was called Tiberium Wars. The story is inspired from the actual Tiberium storyline and my own ideas before EA concluded the story. I don't want to give it all away here, Im saving the details for campaign progression.




Little was learned about the Scrin during their time on Earth. What we do know is that they travel from planet to planet and harvest all of its natural resources, destroying all inhabitants in the process. It was the Scrin who were responsible for the Tiberium meteor in 1995 that was ultimatley a terra forming project. What we do not know is why, we speculate Earth was to be the new Scrin homeworld or a base of operations. 13 years ago is when the Scrin ships arrived. After years of struggle and warfare, GDI and Nod put aside their differences, for a time. In a desperate act, they formed a military alliance to defeat the Scrin. After several years, the combined forces eventually overwhelmed Scrin Earth forces and destroyed the Scrin mothership. This war became known as Armageddon. Never before was there war on Earth to this scale, every continent became enveloped to some extent. Additionally, Tiberium had already transformed much of the earth into a wasteland. What was left is the Earth we have today, a war scarred Tiberium wasteland. GDI and Nod are once again at war and whereabouts of Kane are again unknown.


It is believed that Nod is under the control of a hybrid Scrin/Human species. During the final days of the Armageddon war, A GDI spy who infiltrated Nod political leadership was discovered and executed. Before his death, he managed to send GDI a classified file indicating genetic experimentation with Human and Scrin DNA, and that they were already "among us". With the war over, the temporarly military alliance was promptly terminated and a cold war like stale mate followed. Neither GDI nor Nod was willing to continue the war. Recon and intelligence operations would continue for both factions. Research and development, military build ups, and poloitcal distrophy continued for the next 13 years. During this time, much of the Nod military commanders were brainwashed under a new doctrine created by the Human/Scrin hybrids who were secretly in control. Only whispers and rumors of this would ever reach GDI intelligence.


Not all of GDIs efforts were focused on research into more war and destruction after the Armageddon war. The Earth was a Tiberium wasteland afterall and something had to be done to save the planet. While the Human/Scrin hybrids were plotting and brainwashing the Nod military, GDI scientists were busy working on ways to terra-form at least portions of the planet. Livable "Blue Zones" were created, free from Tiberium, where organic life could flourish and civillians could repopulate the Earth. Meanwhile, Nod was in self exile scattered throughout the wasteland. There was no known Temple of Nod. Eventually, after 13 years of a cold war, someone had to make a first move. With an outbreak of terrorist attacks in Blue Zones and growing roomers of the Scrin/Human hybrids, GDI needed to discern for themselves what was really going on. GDI located a group of small Nod bases in a remote desert region and has began an assault. They believe a base in this region holds the next piece of the puzzle. Unbenknowst to GDI, the hybrids in control of Nod have put a plan into action thats been a decade in the works.


GDI Overview

During the earlier Tiberium wars, GDI possessed a deadly weapon dubbed "the devastator". These were powerful quake weapons that sent kinetic energy through the earth resulting in a massive crater. While no radiation would occur, this was a weapon of mass destruction. Over the years, the weapon was toned down. Ultimately, this weapon would be removed from the GDI arsenal in an attempt to preserve some of the Earth... It could be said the closest successor to that weapon is the self destruct mechanism built into disruptors. GDI prides itself with its plasma technology. Its most powerful military investments utilize varying degrees of plasma weaponry, the disruptor being the strongest. While plasma weapons are arguably not as powerful as Nod laser technology, they are on the same tier. Possibly due to the resources needed to produce plasma weaponry and/or their proven reliability, GDI tends to favor legacy military equipment; mech production has seized completely. You will see GDI deploying Humvees, Bradley, Abrams and Mammoth Tanks, and Multi-Launch Rocket Systems. GDI infantry are trained significantly better than Nod foot solders, and military commanders will be the first to notice this. GDI Naval forces are known to be queen of the seas, what bit is left of them. They possess powerful missile frigates and destroyers as well as Orca carriers that carry VTOL interceptors and bombers. GDI continues to utilize Ion Cannons and the Firestorm Defense invulterability device. logistically, GDI is more capable at annexing adjacent territories for expansion, than Nod is. Overall, GDI prefers a steamrolling tactic and their military equipment has evolved around this tactic.



Nod Overview

Nod could be considered technologically superior to GDI in several ways. The obelisk of light continues to be the strongest defensive weapon on Earth.  Two mobile offensive versions have been developed by Nod scientists: a light and heavy variety. Based on Scrin technology, the Banshee is the strongest offensive ariel craft on Earth. Nod has been creating cyborgs for years and continue to do so, significantly superior to their nearest GDI infantry and equipment counterparts. Nod utilizes stealth and concealment technology that GDI does not have available such as stealth tanks and APCs. Nod military equipment is typically built around stealth, recon, and hit/run tactics. However, Nod equipment tends to lack the armor endurance of GDI equipment. Several years ago, GDI indicated that a facility housing independent computer systems was infiltrated. The Nod spy escaped with something GDI had shut away long ago and deemed unsafe. This secret technology can be used to open wormholes through space and time. Nod has limited understanding of this resurrected technology and can only open small wormholes to points on earth. The wormholes are only stable long enough for one piece of equipment to get through. However, Nod has managed to create a vehicle mounted device optimized for creating these limited point-to-point wormholes. Nods latest en-devour has been fitting these devices onto long range Surface-to-Surface Missile launchers. Nods Naval forces are limited in comparison to GDI and comprised of mostly defensive submarines. However, GDI commanders have reported long range missiles emerging from the water.



I have also made 1 new cameo



Other than that, I have 7 maps completed for the GDI campaign and 2 more in progress.


A quick word about balance. Honestly I never liked the tank rushing aspect of Red Alert much. I am working on making this an anti-tank rush mod. Units have specific purposes and you have to use them as such. I want to avoid the "ball of death" tactic. I am attempting to draw heavily on the way the original Starcraft campaign was designed.


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Kind of a slow week, been binge watching Stargate :D The 1st 2 GDI levels are nearing completion. Been experimenting with https://forums.cncnet.org/index.php?topic=4789.msg36279#msg36279

I Have not made any new maps this week. I switched a couple SHP buildings I did not like, such as the TS Civilian Radar array, it was too pixelated and difficult to tell what its supposed to be. You can see it in the 1st screenshot above. I made a few more cameos and noticed the Hunteer Seeker cameo is too big!


I decided I think I will release this in Chapters otherwise it might not ever get done, its just too much to do at once and I don't want to loose motivation. The 1st 5 GDI and Nod levels will be released with the Mod and that will be the 1st part of the campaign story.


  On 10/3/2016 at 10:28 PM, Nyerguds said:

Hehe. Fairly sure I made some of these icons, back in the day :D

Probably the torpedo defense for sure, maybe others. I reused a few that I found floating around, some I just remade or altered like the Ion Cannon. Most seem to be screenshots or CGI renders from other C&C mods. You know what was funny though, I was searching for a pic to use for a Destroyer. The one I picked, apparently you or Puma also picked in the past because it was already in PR  :laugh: I just looked for it but I guess I deleted it.



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Psssh, That torpedo defense one is way too amateurish. No way I made that. I'm talking about the Missile Tower, and possibly the Tech Center one, too.


The ion cannon one's identical to the icon now used for it in C&C95 v1.06, btw. Guess you just made it from the same render :P




Ah, nope, my tech center one was on a desert background. Just the missile tower, then.

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Hmm, actually I like that Tech Center icon better. Yellow is more fitting for GDI and I have been going for a desert/barren theme with most cameos here. That missile tower cameo I used for Arm. 4.  :laugh:

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