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Who is the best Tib Sun player in your opinion?


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I played this game many years and i never played to improve,

I have seen some great players but to say who is the best would be wrong,

I say this because there best was never constant and they could be beaten.


Many through time have forgot this game is just fun,

When i log in these days its normally to abuse in the lobby via pm,

But i just ignore it now as i'm all about tomorrow i leave them in yesterday.


For me personally one player who has really come a long way and shows great improvement

is Tomott12/LarryCricket but that's someone i watch play a lot.

Most will have there own name to add but even those names will lose.

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  On 1/19/2017 at 5:49 PM, chill said:

Only a weak minded person would fall for this attempt to boulster status by putting others down... the people that play this game aren't kids anymore


are you insulting my religion ?  :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: :ranting: jk rofl lololololol

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  On 1/19/2017 at 5:49 PM, chill said:

Only a weak minded person would fall for this attempt to boulster status by putting others down... the people that play this game aren't kids anymore


Are you assuming my emotional status?!


This is 2017, stop projecting!


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  On 1/19/2017 at 6:04 PM, chill said:

O yeah, and I got a weak wrist and am learning about carpel tunnel, proper wrist position and can't even play #nerd injuries #wear a wrist thing while playing #reality


yea that stuff will srsly mess up a ts athlete ! need to take regular breaks in between matches and play at the same level on the desk !

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Lurker was good on FIRESTORM, but less so on TS. He was highly rated on ladder, but did tend to push with Nautica and his mates.


This reminds me of back in the day when I met Middlesky (before he became good) back on FS and we beat the famous Lurk and Naut team on BGH! :D

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  On 1/30/2017 at 1:38 PM, Mole40k said:

Lurker was good on FIRESTORM, but less so on TS. He was highly rated on ladder, but did tend to push with Nautica and his mates.


This reminds me of back in the day when I met Middlesky (before he became good) back on FS and we beat the famous Lurk and Naut team on BGH! :D


Yeah, I remember destroying middlesky left and right back in the day lol. I knew him pretty well and he should remember me. I am surprised you do not remember me. What was your old nick back then?

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  • 4 months later...

^^^ if this is that mechaceasel guy...then just ignore what he says, guy seems mentally and likely physically retarded lol

and it really depends what category you consider as the "best" players... ive likely won more month rankings than anyone else on this game, yet i wouldnt even be top 50 all time skill wise lol

Some amazing 2v2 players struggled in 1v1 games
some 1v1 pros struggled in 2v2 games
Many of the "top" players of all time struggled on anything except terrace, some owned on every map

There are so many variables....in saying all this, my top 3 of all time would be
1. Trz
2. Trz's cousin
3. Mechacaesel

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

There isn't any "best player", nor will they ever be, There will always be some one better, and if X beats Y, Z will X but loses to Y,  Get the idea,

besides this 1v1 and 2v2 isnt the same. Some people are gd are both, others better at 1v1 and vice versa.

How about just ask for top tier players?



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