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What things make the ladder/ranked unappealing?


What things make the "Ranked Games" option unappealing to you?  

27 members have voted

  1. 1. What things make the "Ranked Games" option unappealing to you?

    • Yuri gameplay
    • Faulty points system
    • Lack of interest
    • Too serious/competitive
    • Superweapons
    • Don't Like playing 1v1
    • Other

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  On 2/23/2018 at 8:24 AM, Legolas said:

i have some problems with the map pool. it's so bad.


What do you want to remove/add/change?


Its limited to 32 scenarios at the moment, (still waiting to hear whats happening with this)

A scenario is for example SvA/S Snow Valley, YvY Snow Valley would be a second scenario. 

Edited by ZiGZaG
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  On 2/23/2018 at 8:24 AM, Legolas said:

i have some problems with the map pool. it's so bad.


That's very informative, let us get right on it and ask our Yuri clones to read your mind so we can implement your preferences.


How the fuck do you expect us to know what's good in your opinion?



  On 2/23/2018 at 11:32 AM, ZiGZaG said:

What do you want to remove/add/change?


Lol, reminds me of your feedback about the map pool... It's so bad bro. ? 

Let's see how psychic you are.

Edited by FReQuEnZy
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  On 2/23/2018 at 5:17 PM, ZiGZaG said:

Kinda different you put silly map's to play yuri on lol


Not what I was pointing out, the fact was with you not telling me what maps you considered 'silly'.
So there was no way for me to remedy the problem, similar to how this guy assumes you can read his mind and guess what he finds 'bad'.

Instead of practising some common sense & communication all we do is tell each other that we know nothing... 
After which we have some obnoxious motivation to go and gloat on about our self-imposed feelings of correctness. 

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  On 2/23/2018 at 6:41 PM, FReQuEnZy said:

Not what I was pointing out, the fact was with you not telling me what maps you considered 'silly'.
So there was no way for me to remedy the problem, similar to how this guy assumes you can read his mind and guess what he finds 'bad'.

Instead of practising some common sense & communication all we do is tell each other that we know nothing... 
After which we have some obnoxious motivation to go and gloat on about our self-imposed feelings of correctness. 


There was a way to remedy it, you should have considered the Yuri faction rather than just try to pick equal maps lol, or had the obvious thought 'hmm i dont really know much about Yuri given ive never played it, perhaps i should get some advice'. 

Why try read his mind, he can reply with more detailed answer's.


I think the fact you can pick faction per map, and veto map's is a terrible addition.

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  On 2/23/2018 at 7:42 PM, ZiGZaG said:

There was a way to remedy it, you should have considered the Yuri faction rather than just try to pick equal maps lol


Could have just told me that instead of five posts of "you're going about this wrong", "you're a ra2 player", " you never played yuri"... seriously, was it too difficult to point the map issues instead of personal attacks?


  On 2/23/2018 at 7:42 PM, ZiGZaG said:

 had the obvious thought 'hmm i dont really know much about Yuri given ive never played it, perhaps i should get some advice'. 


I did ask for your & prep's advice and you just ignored that part entirely, continued with your ad-hominems, just like you're getting defensive here for no reason.

Also actually, I did play Yuri, I put my foot in the proverbial water and slapped everyone except the top 10, though that was well before anyone knew of someone called 'Jason' in the top 50...
Which is probably why you keep saying I never played it. 

I did get bored fast though, with Yuri's slow ass gameplay and the homosexuality the force field adds to the gameplay.


  On 2/23/2018 at 7:42 PM, ZiGZaG said:

Why try read his mind, he can reply with more detailed answer's.


He could do that from the start though, yet clearly, he doesn't care enough to think before typing.


  On 2/23/2018 at 7:42 PM, ZiGZaG said:

I think the fact you can pick faction per map, and veto map's is a terrible addition.


The faction per map was probably considered as an option to counter Yuri so players could pick the best faction to vs Yuri, though seems not much thought was given to how much it leaves the system open to abuse.

Vetoing maps entirely is not a terrible option as long as the veto count is reasonably low compared to the map pool, if there are 40-50 something maps in QM and you can veto 5-7 that's not going to be easy to abuse, but rather offers people some convenience and improves the enjoyability of the game. 

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  On 2/23/2018 at 8:58 PM, FReQuEnZy said:

Could have just told me that instead of five posts of "you're going about this wrong", "you're a ra2 player", " you never played yuri"... seriously, was it too difficult to point the map issues instead of personal attacks?


I did ask for your & prep's advice and you just ignored that part entirely, continued with your ad-hominems, just like you're getting defensive here for no reason.

Also actually, I did play Yuri, I put my foot in the proverbial water and slapped everyone except the top 10, though that was well before anyone knew of someone called 'Jason' in the top 50...
Which is probably why you keep saying I never played it. 

I did get bored fast though, with Yuri's slow ass gameplay and the homosexuality the force field adds to the gameplay.


He could do that from the start though, yet clearly, he doesn't care enough to think before typing.


The faction per map was probably considered as an option to counter Yuri so players could pick the best faction to vs Yuri, though seems not much thought was given to how much it leaves the system open to abuse.

Vetoing maps entirely is not a terrible option as long as the veto count is reasonably low compared to the map pool, if there are 40-50 something maps in QM and you can veto 5-7 that's not going to be easy to abuse, but rather offers people some convenience and improves the enjoyability of the game. 


Ok let me try this in another way, after 3-4 years of consistently pestering Grant for a ladder things began to happen, you where given control of the map selection, the issue with this was the fact you have little understanding of how Yuri worked, you may have dipped your foot in the water but the map selection you put up was clear you didnt have the experience against/with Yuri to make a reasonable list. Prep said it best when he said 'If you cant see why these map's dont work with the yuri faction the perhaps you shouldnt be the one picking them' Im not getting defensive mate, im merely trying to explain the point of View of someone who has always played YR, i wasn't alone in this view.

Perhaps i could have explained it better to you and for that ill apologise, but i wont deny i was frustrated that after years of nagging it was decided to give control of the situation to someone who didnt really understand how QM would work on YR. Again there's no ill will intended here its just the obvious flaw in the way the situation was handled. Its like deciding let's make a different client and giving me control rather than you.

I kept saying you never played it because while you may have done a few games here or there you never actively competed on the YR ladder for any length of time and like i said ive done so consistently for many years, you said yourself you got bored fast and left. 

I already told you ive been getting HOF's on YR qm since 04 and gave you a list of player's that can vouch for that, Dont really know what else i can do with this one. There are player's that still play today that i played with in 2000-2004 on ra2/yr.


The topic didnt ask him what map's he didnt like, just to point out what puts him off the QM system, although there is a map topic somewhere he could have posted in but im sure he will respond in due course.


I agree with you about the faction per map issue. The veto system works in the example you gave and if we ever heard back about increasing this 32 scenario limit it would probably work better, however a few weeks ago i changed the amount of possible veto's to 3, ive done this 3-4 times now, i dont know if its a bug in the system or if yourself/prep is changing it back but it keeps appearing as 15. There's only about 20 or so map's so this seems to be kinda broken.

  On 2/24/2018 at 9:14 AM, ShowtimeRa2 said:

Yes i say it again !

If u want to be Qm a succes u need to support ra2.and i really don't get why u guys dont do that ?

Red alert 2 gameplay is  much better/faster ,would be so great to play ra2 without lag on cncnet.

The games/day would go skyrocket.

More players ,more donations,more advertiser's


This doesnt make sense, This will not in any way make YR qm a success if anything it kills YR QM off and replaces it with Ra2. Red alert 2 is better only for Red alert 2 players, what about the player's that actually preffer YR? All that will happen in this sense is the XWIS community will get smaller as a few of them come here. Id rather play on a ladder of 20-50  player's playing YR than 100 playing ra2, This whole topic/situation is for Yuri's Revenge not ra2. Like i said to Martin it took us several years of pestering the staff here to get this far, if you want an ra2 ladder here i suggest you start pestering them now lol.

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  On 2/23/2018 at 11:32 AM, ZiGZaG said:

What do you want to remove/add/change?


i'm not sure if the map pool has had any changes since i last played. nor i know which maps are selected for certain kinds of games(avs etc)


but i can surely say that some maps like urban rush,country swing, dune patrol, dust bowl should be removed(i'm not completely aware of the maps as i said so this is just a MUST list of removements)

also some great maps like heck and jungle(i'm not sure if it is in the pool or not) miss spot in the qm.

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  On 2/24/2018 at 2:02 PM, Legolas said:

i'm not sure if the map pool has had any changes since i last played. nor i know which maps are selected for certain kinds of games(avs etc)


but i can surely say that some maps like urban rush,country swing, dune patrol, dust bowl should be removed(i'm not completely aware of the maps as i said so this is just a MUST list of removements)

also some great maps like heck and jungle(i'm not sure if it is in the pool or not) miss spot in the qm.


why don't you veto these maps and only play the ones you like?

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  On 2/24/2018 at 2:08 PM, FunkyFr3sh said:

why don't you veto these maps and only play the ones you like?


this post requires a "lol" at first because any pro player knows that heck is the king of maps in both ra2 and YR(as it has too much flexible game play compared to others)

secondly, i don't only play the maps that i like to play but when the ratio of good maps to trash maps is like 1:10 i don't get the motivation to go through it.

*you need to know that by the term "good map" i mean a map in which there is a lot of flexibility and offers a player series of options to go through in the game. i.e. in the map dune patrol, how many different game play is available other than spamming tanks and/or making ic to win the other guy? super campfest map.

though when we talk about maps like heck or jungle, rushing or camping for a long game ic usage is not your only option. the options you have while playing the game is limitless. i.e. you can do a lot of harassment, use distractive /damage based splits, the state "map control" has a real meaning which makes the game be more strategic, yu have the option of using more creative unit combination etc.

so how many of above can you really do in a map like dune patrol? they're just non sense(esp. when you have to play them in a row for 2-3 games as the client wans so)

also maps like cs should be definitely removed because of the economy disadvantage top side has(not sure how much but it seems to be about 16k which can make a lot of difference in a late game)

Edited by Legolas
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  On 2/24/2018 at 2:39 PM, Legolas said:

this post requires a "lol" at first because any pro player knows that heck is the king of maps in both ra2 and YR(as it has too much flexible game play compared to others)

secondly, i don't only play the maps that i like to play but when the ratio of good maps to trash maps is like 1:10 i don't get the motivation to go through it.

*you need to know that by the term "good map" i mean a map in which there is a lot of flexibility and offers a player series of options to go through in the game. i.e. in the map dune patrol, how many different game play is available other than spamming tanks and/or making ic to win the other guy? super campfest map.

though when we talk about maps like heck or jungle, rushing or camping for a long game ic usage is not your only option. the options you have while playing the game is limitless. i.e. you can do a lot of harassment, use distractive /damage based splits, the state "map control" has a real meaning which makes the game be more strategic, yu have the option of using more creative unit combination etc.

so how many of above can you really do in a map like dune patrol? they're just non sense(esp. when you have to play them in a row for 2-3 games as the client wans so)

also maps like cs should be definitely removed because of the economy disadvantage top side has(not sure how much but it seems to be about 16k which can make a lot of difference in a late game)


I just checked the map list of YR and there are 30, but you can only veto 3... that's terrible, forget what I said. I get your point.


Note: I don't play YR, so I can't discuss the gameplay of the maps. I can only say that the initial idea of the map veto was to prevent the problems you describe.

It should be possible to veto half-1 (aka 14 maps) to ensure everyone can enjoy the ladder, this needs fixing.

I can fully understand that it's impossible to get everyone to agree on playing these 27 maps that are forced currently


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  On 2/24/2018 at 2:56 PM, FunkyFr3sh said:

Note: I don't play YR, so I can't discuss the gameplay of the maps. I can only say that the initial idea of the map veto was to prevent the problems you describe.



  On 2/24/2018 at 2:39 PM, Legolas said:

though when we talk about maps like heck or jungle, rushing or camping for a long game ic usage is not your only option. the options you have while playing the game is limitless. i.e. you can do a lot of harassment, use distractive /damage based splits, the state "map control" has a real meaning which makes the game be more strategic, yu have the option of using more creative unit combination etc.


It was a legit answer to your post, while you might find these types of map crap, some other guy might find them amazing. 
Which means you're going to play if we change the maps, but he's not, we all want an active ladder and with the vetos it's possible to please everyone or in this case have them please themselves.

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  On 2/24/2018 at 9:14 AM, ShowtimeRa2 said:

Yes i say it again !

If u want to be Qm a succes u need to support ra2.and i really don't get why u guys dont do that ?

Red alert 2 gameplay is  much better/faster ,would be so great to play ra2 without lag on cncnet.

The games/day would go skyrocket.

More players ,more donations,more advertiser's


This isn't true. This is just your bias speaking. Ra2 wouldn't do anything for YR. There's already a Ra2 ladder on xwis, a second one is not needed here.

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