Or this site is not the best for posting anything related to the "newer" C&C games
When it comes to mods for C&C3 take a look at "The Forgotten" and for ZH look at Shockwave.
As for RA2/YR: Code Red is a cool, but very old mod.
TS has many like Dawn of the Tiberium Age and Twisted Insurrection.
The latest version of TS installer is actually linked on the CnCNet TS landing page now: http://cncnet.org/tiberian-sun
Or just use this direct link: http://tore29.com/tsins/TSinstaller3-beta10r4.exe
Hmm so you are installing RA2 from the original CD's? Have you tried patching it? 1.006 is the latest version: http://www.cncnz.com/?smd_process_download=1&download_id=7569
Unfortunately we cannot watch the chat at all times. This is due to not having enough moderators and trustworthy people for the moderator position is hard to come by. In addition the systems we have aren't very suited for moderation, but as it evolves it might get better.
Only Dune game made only by Westwood is Dune 2. Dune 2000 and Emperor was made by Intelligent Games under "guidance" by Westwood who also most likely only did the cutscenes, sound effects and soundtrack.
"Start New Game" = Original missions
"New missions" = Covert Operations Expansion (in 1.06 also extra missions from the Playstation, Saturn and N64 versions)
Same as in Red Alert where Counterstrike and Aftermath is put in the "New missions" section. (In 3.03 they were separated into Counterstrike missions and Aftermath missions)
CnCNet will also have patched out a few bugs that allowed a few trainers and cheats to work online. Like we have done with the other games. This does not mean it will be cheat proof however, but we will try to prevent them from working.
Activity base? Over 0 people.
At least that is what the other games on CnCNet get: http://cncnet.org/network-status most popular being RA1 with 61 games as of this writing.
When is RA2 support done? "When it's done".
RA2/YR support is in development, right now we are making sure it works properly while adding some new (optional) features and making sure it works on modern systems like Windows 7 and 8.
We are also developing a ladder system for all supported games: C&C1, RA1, D2k, TS and eventually RA2/YR.
CnCNet is a service that enables online play and we provide ready to play downloads of the freeware C&C games such as C&C (Tiberian Dawn), Red Alert and Tiberian Sun.
The ready to play game downloads are found here: http://cncnet.org/download No CD's needed.
As for other info:
The original CD's of C&C1 and RA contain 16-bit installers those will not run on a 64-bit system, but the games themselves are 32-bit and will run on a 64-bit system.
Just to clarify again: You do not need to install C&C, RA or TS (or Dune 2k) before downloading them from CnCNet the downloads already include the games ready to play.