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Everything posted by Nyerguds

  1. Well, honestly never seen practices like that in C&C1. All mission packs I ever found had author readmes for the missions where they mentioned that kind of stuff :-\
  2. Yeah, even the thread IDs are different. It's going to be a mess to re-link old topics
  3. Oh, I see. The thing that looks pretty much like a broken image link is actually an icon to upload an avatar... <_<
  4. Really? Do please tell me how. https://i.imgbox.com/IGjhngA0.png https://i.imgbox.com/0SXRFlCJ.png On a related note, doesn't seem like that "Global moderator" tag under my name actually allows me to, y'know... moderate anything.
  5. What happened to the avatars? There's not even a section for them in the profile info...
  6. You could shorten it to Kike, but some Jews might get offended
  7. Eh. I've made C&C1 missions on original campaign maps. The bulk of the difficulty of mission making work is in the scripting, anyway. Making it on an existing map offers challenges of how to approach it, from a mission making perspective. 'Course, you do have to credit the maps you use. But as for the fact people use existing maps? No, I honestly don't see the issue. Do these missions include readme files? Might want to check those before throwing wild accusations of theft around. Such things were completely normal back then, from what I could see.
  8. I don't think the use of paragraphs has anything to do with English specifically...
  9. Ah, okay. It's just that there is a Э symbol in KOI8-U, and I just tried to fill them all, so I wasn't sure what to do with that
  10. Well, maybe there's some options in paint.net to avoid it changing the colour depth or the palette... but in gimp that's standard; if an image has a palette it becomes 100% impossible to even paint different colours on the image, and any content pasted on it will automatically adapt to the palette. The shadow thing isn't too hard; Basically you make a copy of the text, make it black, move it one pixel to the right, and put that under your existing white text. I see what you mean with the advanced buildings. Kind of like Red Alert's 2 "promoted" unit icons, hm? Of course, the original icons just say "Advanced Guard" and "Advanced Power" and "Advanced Com."; they don't even bother abbreviating that to "Adv." to get more of the rest of the name on there. The full name can be seen just by holding your mouse over it, after all I already made a KOI8-U version of that sidebar font, though there's a few things I'm unsure of. Specifically, the difference between Э and З. You used a mirrored E for "З", but in that case I have no idea what Э would need to be. You also painted the С character as a square with one side missing, without any rounding; is that correct? As you can imagine, I have no idea about variants that can be made of these characters. [edit] By the way, from the guide: However, I don't think this works if the images are not high-colour, so those with reduced palette would still not work right. Since your icons converted more or less okay I suspect this option is enabled for you, however, then you still need to consistently switch to the correct palette before converting. Since your screenshot isn't png I can't check this, but... was that gray on the icons the blinking animated white colour?
  11. Note in advance: you can get good screenshots in C&C95 (thanks to cnc-ddraw, which is installed as part of the 1.06 patch) simply by pressing ctrl+s ingame. It's always handier if the screenshots you post are not jpg, since it blurs out small details. And you can just attach the screenshots to the forum here As for your icons, they seem pretty damaged. About half of them have their colour palette optimised (which destroys the indexing the game needs), and the other half is converted to high colour. This is probably caused by the program you used to edit them. What do you use? I advise using Gimp, though you have to put the user interface in Gimp to single-window mode, or it's a mess of little floating windows. By the way, the original font for the icons has a black shadow at the right side of it. Your icons are missing that. I could do them for you, but then I do need one thing: a text file in which you put the name of each icon (well, the part before the "icnh" will do), and the text you put on that icon, including how you abbreviated it (like, "cycl Метал. паркан"). With that I can probably finish them in about an hour using the font editor's previewer and Gimp. I'd just type them myself, but, you know, my keyboard doesn't have those symbols (I could look them all up by looking up the English names in the English strings file, then going to that number in your version, and then checking how you abbreviated them on the actual icons, but that would take a really long time :boring:)
  12. Nyerguds


    Just don't install old games in program files, lol. You'll always get rights problems.
  13. So what's the bug? I don't get it O_o [edit] Oh. And what exactly does that do? Prevent units from exiting? Yeah, that's very obvious bug abuse
  14. Alright, I just tested it, and they indeed seem to ignore uncapturable buildings Maybe it's related to the command they execute, I dunno. Blackout has Attack Base, so that's what I tested. After the 5-engineer incursion: everything is captured from the top down (even though they came from below), and they neatly ignored the ACC and AGT.
  15. Blackout is a good mission for testing AI capture - the AI drops off a chinook full of engies in the trench after a while. I used that to test the initial capture bug on the ACC for which I made the Capturable= logic.
  16. I have no idea what alting is, and I don't see anything significant happen in that video... you just continuously force-move on a war factory, but why? What does it do?
  17. That's just OpenRA's colour scheme being darker than the normal game's gray
  18. In C&C1, death animation is just a property of all units; there is no logic difference between the T-Rex falling down, and the Flame Tank going up in a huge fireball. They're just different death animations. Additionally, the animations have some special code that allows them to do damage, but that's a property of the animation itself I think. In RA it seems to be simplified to "Explodes=yes/no", but without a way to actually determine which death animation plays...
  19. Actually, AI engineers don't actually care about stuff being uncapturable when they try to enter it. I've seen them enter SAM sites and gun turrets. They just disappear into them without capturing.
  20. I finished rewriting the translation guide. The document is totally rewritten in RTF format, with specific added pointers on conversion and editing based on the experiences we've had here. It now also includes all required files and tools (except XCC Mixer), in folders prefixed with the chapter numbers from the document. http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/cnc95upd/cc95p106/language/adding_a_language_2017.zip There are a few extras in there which we haven't covered here, like the multiplayer score WSA, and the attract.cps file. I also included detailed information on the EVA and unit voices.
  21. Um.. wouldn't it have been easier then to just use the font editor to edit those Cyrillic letters into the font I gave? Then you could've just reused them easily, using the preview pane. That should be in the guide. The following needs to be done for the Desert and Temperate icons separately: Make a new folder for your SHP files. I advise naming it like the thearer, like I did with the png folders. In XCC Mixer, browse one file browser to the place where your png images are, and the other to the new folder you created. Select all your png files together, right click, "Copy as SHP". This works in bulk with all those files together, yes. One click, all converted If they're still paletted, this should work fine. If not, you have to go into the menu and go to View -> Palet -> make sure "Use for conversion" is enabled. Then press [Ctrl]+P and select the "palette_cameo_desert.pal" (or "palette_cameo_temperate.pal" if it's the temperate icons) from "sidebar_edit_palettes.mix". Any files you convert now that don't have a palette will adapt to that chosen palette. Now the tricky part... rename all the files in that folder from ".shp" to the extension of the theater they're for (so .tem or .des) The fastest way to do this is using the command prompt. Hold [shift] and right-click the folder your shp files are in, and you should see the option "open command prompt here" appear. Click it and the console window will appear, set in that folder. In the console, just type ren *.shp *.des ...and press [enter], and it'll rename all ".shp" files to ".des". Once the command finishes, just close the console. If the files list in your Explorer window doesn't show the new extensions, press F5 to refresh it. When this is done, there's just one more step to go. There are two more theaters that need icons, but their palette is thankfully the same as that of Temperate, so we can just use copies of those icons. So make two copies of your folder with .tem files, and use the same method to rename them to respectively ".win" and ".sno". Then, put each batch of icons in the correct theater mixfile (dese/temp/wint/snow + "iukr.mix"), and add the icons mixfile line into your language control file: MIXIcnh=iukr.mix That's it. Make sure to include the icon mixfiles in your tests from now on, because I think the game will crash if you add that line in the language ini but it can't actually find the icons. [edit] By the way, I figured out what made the briefings mess up before. The file with my original briefings already contained those line break errors. I'm in the process of rewriting the entire translation guide and updating all the included files, so problems like this will no longer occur in future translation. I am very grateful to you for being my guinea pig beta tester for this whole process
  22. I dunno. But there's no guarantee it's the same Cyrillic and Latin characters. And I don't recall doing a Romanian or Serbian translation, anyway, so how exactly is that relevant? Anyway, we got the KOI8-U fonts now. Which also means other Cyrillic derivatives we might tackle in the future can simply copy most of the symbols from those; my font editor supports copying and pasting of whole symbols
  23. On the videos front... I recovered a load of information from both the Spanish and Italian projects (though both were only interested in subtitling), with even some feedback of the guy who made the only encoder for VQA videos which we have. PPM: VQA Encoder release and feedback thread CNCNZ: Translating TD videos to Spanish (with some interesting notes from UGordan, who made the VQA Encoder) OldGamesItalia: discussion on VQA conversion issues (they set up a new forum section just for this C&C translation project. Great people! ) SomethingAwful forums archive: C&C playthrough - The guy who made this playthrough seems to have transcribed all briefings he got. Though I didn't check if they're all 100% correct, and, given C&C's branching missions system, this isn't 100% complete, since it just covers the missions he actually played. Nope, he played them all. I attached the fixed briefings of the stuff discussed in the CNCNZ thread. Sadly, there doesn't seem to be any way to just replace the audio of the VQA files. I mean, maybe it's theoretically possible, but there are no tools that can do it. So you'll have to reconvert all the videos, and that gives some issues since the encoder we got is more primitive than the original. More info on that can be found in the CNCNZ, PPM and OldGamesItalia threads. Note that a lot of information in there is specific to subtitling, not dubbing. But since the videos need to be reconverted to replace the audio, the colour palettes problem will still remain.
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