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Everything posted by Nyerguds

  1. Any mix file with a name starting with "sc" (and ending on .mix of course) will automatically be accepted by the game as addon. Though to change certain special stuff you'll need to use the patch 1.06 mod system because it can load files sooner, allowing it to override certain basic game files (like the mouse cursor). For most stuff you won't need it, though. And anyway, "sc" mixfiles are the best way to quickly see mod graphics ingame. Vital detail about XCC Mix Editor: make sure you set the type of the mix file before putting files in it. C&C mix files don't contain filenames but instead hash the filename to a 4-byte ID, and different games use different file name ID algorithms, and silly XCC Mix Editor generates those at the moment you drop files into it, not at the moment you save the mix file. If the silly thing gives you the bug where the "new" button is disabled, just make a copy of one of the game's existing smaller mixfiles (like cclocal) and clear the contents before saving. And, always save using the "compact" function. The normal "save" doesn't actually remove old files from the mix file, it just removes them from the file index so they no longer show up as being inside it, but they'll still take up disk space. Note that from my experience, the game's sidebar icons don't respond too well to being loaded from sc*.mix files. They tend to corrupt or even crash the game when you play in two maps in a row that use different theaters. I'm not sure if this only happens when replacing lots of icons, or if it could happen from just one, but... just be mindful of it. If this gives any trouble, you can use the mod system to add your own set of theater-specific icon mix files (the temp/wint/dese/snow[XXXX].mix ones; you can see the game already contains overrides for the different supported languages).
  2. That does seem stupidly large for minimum size...
  3. HJK6 isn't a map. It's a slap in the face of every single terrain artist who worked at Westwood
  4. New version released: v1.3 I implemented pretty much everything that was still missing; custom palette support, and the ability to edit the program defaults of enabled options and editor colors.
  5. Welp. I already pointed you to the general modding guide in the other topic you posted. Be warned though... any modding beyond just sounds and graphics requires hex editing the actual C&C95.exe file. C&C1 does not have any nice and clean text files to mod stuff in, like RA1 does. As for what you'll need... XCC isn't just the map editor. There's some more tools int hat pack. The ones you'll need are "XCC Mixer" (to browse through mix files and view their contents, and to convert files from SHP to PNG and back) and "XCC Mix Editor", which you'll need to make C&C1-type mix files to store your modded files in. I also advise you to check out the readme of the C&C95 v1.06 patch, which has info on the current mod-addon system. http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/cnc95upd/cc95p106/patch106c_r3_en.html#toc_7.3
  6. This topic isn't about the update, pal. But you can go and join the irc channel and explain there what exactly you hate about it, I guess
  7. -Yes, "leaving the map" equals "getting stuck in the border just outside the map", so for that to happen for boats, they need passable area there. Same thing applies to reinforcing stuff from the edge of the map, anyway. -No idea, really. I once tried very hard to get the AI to nuke me in the single player campaign, and it simply never worked. -Sticky mode, in C&C1 at least, makes units not respond until attacked twice. No idea why. It's like "sleep" but they wake up.
  8. This topic has been moved to Modding Discussion. [iurl]https://forums.cncnet.org/index.php?topic=6929.0[/iurl]
  9. Topic moved. The "graphics" forum explicitly says it's for posting graphics. Have you tried checking out the modding tutorials section? There's the Basic Guide to Graphics Modding I posted in there. That more or less just deals with converting graphics to C&C formats, of course. Actually making them, um... you'd need some kind of image editor, I guess? Maybe something to render unit frames? It kind of depends on which game you're talking about, y'know. You never mentioned that.
  10. Where did you get the game?
  11. Um. The TS ones? Inside the .mix files, where else? Anything ending with .fnt is a safe bet. I just implemented a new feature: color tracking. In color picker mode, the palette will highlight the color entry you're currently hovering over in the image, and a popup with the color index and value will appear on the editing grid. Next is palette support. When that's finished I'll be making a new release.
  12. Wouldn't surprise me. All the previous games did as far as I know. Only Dune II had actual settings-based language switching support.
  13. And it's time for v1.2.2, finishing the Dune 2000 support. tomsons26's little test:
  14. yeah, but you can copy stuff from rules.ini into your mission file to make changes to unit stats for just that mission
  15. Well, it's more like, 5 formats, now. I added the games list tomsons26 so kindly provided We've been digging through some really ancient Westwood games, lol. I took the number 2 mostly because its center showed off all the colours nicely
  16. I added experimental Dune 2000 support in the new version (1.2.1), but the format is pretty weird, and several of the letters in the font seem to have errors even when read exactly like the header describes, and there's no extra info anywhere in the file that could fix it. Could you give it a test run, and see if the game accepts the fonts produced by the editor? It's possible that you need to edit the first byte in the file to 00 to make it work. Please test that too. By the way, I couldn't match the characters to any existing text encoding... really weird. I even disabled my internal filtering on ascii-compatible and 1-byte-only encodings, and still nothing matched.
  17. Released v1.2. Implemented support for older versions of the font format. Split internal font versions off into separate classes. Made unified reading and writing methods for 1, 4 and 8 bit data. ... and some bug fixes on manipulating small images.
  18. Added Tiberian Sun support... and fixed a couple of bugs that crashed the program. I'll see if I can get working on Dune 2000 support after this; the format is also 8-bit.
  19. v1.0 is finished! This adds pretty much all features I wanted for it: Changing image dimensions Shifting image data up/down/left/right Copying/pasting entire characters Color picker Adding/removing characters Changing the overall font's maximum size Note that the mouse scroll wheel is specifically disabled in the main font's settings (number of character and max width & height) to avoid accidentally messing stuff up; decreasing the amount of characters simply removes the excess without prompt, and decreasing the font size cuts all characters in the entire font down to the new size. The only thing still left to do for now is figuring out how to add some kind of real palette loading/saving support. Currently, colours can be edited by double-clicking them, but these palette changes can't be saved inside the program, and the only way to reset the palette is to restart the program.
  20. A little experiment for possibly implementing Dune 2000 font support (since that's an 8-bit font)... dynamic changing of the palette control to adapt to a larger amount of colors. Basically, they're calculated to use 1/8th of the color label size as in-between spacing. The hardest part was actually modifying the font size for the transparency/empty indicators so they'd still be visible.
  21. Ohhhboy. Looks like that skips some buffer clearing Wait, what? How would the videos after the missions be affected by those configured at the start?! O_o
  22. Two of the main features finished: A real list of characters, replacing the small index based number selector. A listing of text encodings, so you can immediately compare your characters with the target encoding. Showcased on the Central European font used in the Polish language pack:
  23. New progress: editable Y-offset! Also, a revert button to undo all changes to the current character. I also changed the internal architecture somewhat, by putting all different properties of one character entry into a single object, so I only have one list of internal data instead of four parallel ones. Much more manageable. After I implement editable width and height, and X and Y shifting of the image data, I'll make another public release I honestly have no idea, but given the fact that game barely uses any WW file formats, I suppose not. If you got any specs and test files, though, I might be able to implement it. You never know; might not be too hard. The current editor is focused on 4-bit fonts though.
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