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Everything posted by Nyerguds

  1. Warheads are the damage modifiers vs the different armour types. They determine which weapons are better vs infantry or vs tanks and stuff like that, separating weapons into classes like anti-personnel, anti-armour, high explosive etc. Weapons in C&C games have no absolute damage value; it depends on what they're damaging.
  2. The Temple and CY perhaps... all the rest are based on Renegade.
  3. Actually, that's different; it still only concerns files downloaded from the internet.
  4. Ah yes... the point of the artillery in the south is actually to give artillery support across the river. I honestly never figured that out until it was pointed out to me, heh. Also note that in C&C1, gunboats are especially vulnerable to the Obelisks laser. It kills them in a single shot.
  5. I just popped the left Windows key out of my keyboard
  6. Really? Isn't the whole thing based on irc anyway? There's a /ignore command... unless they blocked it somehow.
  7. DOSBox limits you to the DOS versions, though
  8. ...I honestly didn't understand any of that. Your sentence construction is terrible
  9. That's a stripped multiplayer only version though. Hardly a solution.
  10. There's no "versions" to choose from... there's just with Aftermath and without aftermath.
  11. Yeah, way to complicate things, lol. Those maps are just text files. Open in Notepad, change Theater= line, done
  12. Odd. I never have problems like that
  13. Nope. Just don't hit that windows button.
  14. ...why would something under Internet Options ever matter for a game on your hard disk?
  15. Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. cnc-ddraw...
  16. Well, as far as I can see, there's only one unknown value (Unknown13) in the structure data that could possibly qualify, and... it doesn't seem quite right. I sorted the structures on that value in descending order here: [iD] CODE = U13 ; full name [01] EYE = 100 ; Advanced Communications Center [02] WEAP = 86 ; Weapons Factory [13] AFLD = 86 ; Airfield [15] NUK2 = 75 ; Advanced Power Plant [07] FACT = 70 ; Construction Yard [10] HPAD = 65 ; Helipad [19] HAND = 61 ; Hand of Nod [18] PYLE = 60 ; Barracks [08] PROC = 55 ; Tiberium Refinery [14] NUKE = 50 ; Power Plant [21] FIX = 46 ; Repair Facility [12] SAM = 40 ; SAM Site [05] OBLI = 35 ; Obelisk of Light [04] ATWR = 30 ; Advanced Guard Tower [06] GUN = 26 ; Gun Turret [03] GTWR = 25 ; Guard Tower [00] TMPL = 20 ; Temple of Nod [11] HQ = 20 ; Communications Center [16] HOSP = 20 ; Hospital [09] SILO = 16 ; Tiberium Silo (after this are all civvie buildings and the tech center with value 2, the bio lab and oil pump with value 1, and the walls with value 0)
  17. Hmm... target priority... I should look into that. It's a value we found in Dune II, but I honestly have no idea if C&C1 has it, or if it uses other factors (like cost?) to determine that... What I do know is that C&C never targets superweapons at units. Only at buildings. (Classic AI airstrike is different of course, since it just reinforces units instead of using that superweapon targeting logic)
  18. aWarNoob1: JSDS started by saying he has good ping. And you have to pay extra when you ask your isp for an upgraded internet connection
  19. Everyone knows the true l33t mofos have auto-reshroud systems on their livestreams
  20. This is C&C, people. You're not playing it right unless you have the words "mission failed" burned into your retinas So yeah. Git gud. Or, y'know... try something else than you're trying right now.
  21. IT's both the rocks and those trees a bit below it. They just stick out as oddly blue compared to their environment.
  22. you "think it should be working"? wtf? if you think it "should" be working, go and fricking help them out with it
  23. I dunno, those look strangely blue to me...
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