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Everything posted by AchromicWhite

  1. Yeah, start with a pool round, that'd be good. Stops silly early eliminations too (if the two best players go against each other in the first round, etc). Great for new players also, as they get a chance to face a few opponents and see different play styles. Yeah, indeed, if you want to hold it all at once, you're looking at a tough situation, heck I'm from NZ -Liam
  2. Interesting idea... but it would mean that people might often win, just because they get the team they're better with. Yeah, with the 3rd player resigning thing, it becomes an issue if it's any 2p map. Personally, for a map, I'd rather see something like Twin Peaks, Fjord or Iron Valley etc. -Liam
  3. Speaking of recording the matches, I should hound Funky about getting a spectator mode for TD setup -Liam
  4. I was thinking this might happen soon. But yeah, trying to do it all at once is a bit hard. Previously, we just had a knock out event, where the players just found a mutual time between themselves where they could come online and play their best of 3 matches and then mail in the outcome to the tournament holder, to be matched up with the next round. It was never finished, as some matches were never played (the community was not as tight then, either. This website has helped a LOT over the years). I think recording it would be a great idea, maybe pick a few maps to play on, some open and some more closed, but I do think that limited resources and a good amount of NON tiberium area between opponents is a must, as no troops means everyone will just play as Nod. Some sort of thing as I said with a map being too open, it's means people will pretty much all just play as Nod. Maybe make each match a best of 3 and have a series of random maps or something. Or maybe each person gets to pick 1 map from the pool of tournament maps (pre-decided by the competition holder) and then 1 other random map. -Liam
  5. I think it's time for more GDI players to do some 2 rax pressure then... change the meta game! xD -Liam
  6. You should always scout the enemy base. Even just to know if they went for 1 or 2 refs before strip. MAKE HUMMERS FROM YOUR WF FIRST!!! You'll have more units and they can move a lot faster. Then transition into tanks. Once you have your WF down, buildings wise, move onto a 3rd ref and a second barracks. Place your second barracks in a different location from the first so that you can produce from 2 areas by changing primary building. If the map is really open, you're also going to have trouble. Try my maps called "Iron Valley" and "Canyon Pursuit". Find them in the Multiplayer maps area of this forum. -Liam
  7. Indeed. Although, I usually go for AGT anyway. Even 2 or 3 can completely change the situation. I make orca when the bike count drops and especially when there's a lot of turrets and or obs. Else I bascally stay away from them in GDI vs Nod. I also favor AGT over a second WF... as making troops and tanks is pretty resource heavy, anyway. Yes, Hummers are good in GDI vs GDI at the start... they seem to become less helpful as the game goes on. But in GDI vs Nod, so long as there are bikes, they will continue to be helpful. -Liam
  8. Cool, I like when people fix stuff like this Not only can we simply patch it into the game, but it's nice for people who want their mods to look tip top. Nice work. -Liam
  9. Very cool to see 'new' super weapons. Can't wait for the big release -Liam
  10. The guy asked about tactics... why WOULDN'T we reply!!! Love growing our player base. I'm always looking for new challengers! -Liam
  11. RC1985, I love what you've written here, because there was a time, when I thought the same. It means you're starting to understand certain aspects of the game. You specifically mentioned the WF being attacked by bikes. Start with buiding humvees instead, and surround your WF with the grens. When you see Nod dart in to take it out, follow with your humvees (which can actually keep up, unlike tanks), so back up the grens and start repairing the WF at the moment it gets hit (make sure you hotkey both your humvees to a number button and use the hotkey for repair also (it's much quicker and less of a panik trying to push that tiny little repair button). A pure humvee build, can actually take on a pure bike build and win... now, add some grens to the mix and you can melt any bikes that try to attack them. When they try to go for more buggies, you can then start to change over to building tanks, which obviously hit really hard counter against buggies... Now, at this point, it means you now have a 3 prong army: Hummers, Grens, Tanks. Before you push out, you want to be more defended at home, so as you start to change to building tanks, also start making a comm center, so that you can be setting up Adv Guard towers (make sure you also get 1 or 2 extra power plants, so that they can't just take them offline). Place these near your con yard and WF, keep the grens, you made for defense, nearby the buildings still. With your army, use the grens to protect the tanks from bike hit and runs, the humvees to protect the grens from flamers and the tanks for sniping lfame tanks etc... AND because they're probably gonna be the last thing standing when the dust settles (if you're facing someone really good). Important notes: HOTKEY YOUR UNIT TYPES!!! Put your tanks on 1 Put your grens on 2 Put your humvees on 3 (or whatever you're comfortable with) Use the X button on your grens to scatter them, so they don't get crushed OR if you didn't bring them away from an incoming flame troop, and snipe it with hummers, fast enough. Ideally, yeah, just bring them away from flame weapons and with snipe flame tanks with Meds. If they get out SSM and Obs, you can actually look at making Orca. (obs can be easily dealt to by grens, though, so sometimes is good just to rush strait in with troops and knock it out). 2 Orca should kill an SSM and 4 to kill an OB. Obviously, the biggest things you were missing were the grens and Humvees. Against Nod, I always open with a lot of humvees. For the grens, it's really important that you have more than one barracks. You can open with just one, but as the game goes on, get more, and place them in different areas of your base. This way, as soon as an area gets attacked, you can select a nearby barracks, make it primary and pump out grens from it. I've said before, for it's price, barracks is the best defense structure! If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask. Or hit me up online, I'll give you a game and show you it all in action!! -Liam
  12. Haha, I always patched RA1 to make them small xD Yeah, I don't think there are any files of them enlarged. I guess SOME of them could be simply converted from RA1 over to td, like the gren, rocket inf, rifle inf etc, but I don't think anyone has. -Liam
  13. It's true, light tanks, pretty much, cannot take on medium tanks, you'd want to go for bikes instead. You mainly want light tanks to help soak up warheads that would deal a lot of dmg to light vehicles (flame, high explosive, small arms), so that your lighter vehicles can pump out dmg. So, in that way, TD is very much different to C&C3. And I suspect very different in other ways, also. If you'd like to know more about multiplayer, and how the units match up, come online sometime, and you can spectate a few games etc I'm always happy to help people get started, also. -Liam
  14. Yeah, 1 Obelisk and 1 turret pretty much solves all problems, once your in... I actually make SAMs in the base, also. Put them above the con yard, and the A-10s will actually try and strike the SAMs, lol. Stealth tanks are AWESOME on that particular mission. You can sneak up the side and snipe the con yard etc. I find, once you're in the base, it's super easy. -Liam
  15. That's very 'patriotic' of every city xD "We shall paint our buildings the same colour theme as our military!" haha -Liam
  16. Yes, the AI can make chem troops without a Temple. Even on missions. It's only restricted by mission level. (Nyer might come through soon and tell you some other fun fact, too). -Liam
  17. Yeah... well, you can do it with tanks alone, but you need loads of them, haha. Yes, you're better to make a mix of units, which, also means that the multiplayer works (arguably... each to their own), better than TS. I hope you had fun with it, it can be more fun the second time through, etc, as you can start to know what to make earlier. But yes, even myself, who has played through those campaigns SO many times, will still do regular saves, certainly at the start of some missions, as to not have to restart the whole thing when something goes wrong. Like the Nod flame tank mission/stealth tank mission. GDI commando mission etc. So I guess, yeah, it's pretty ruff. And yes, the AI not only keeps making stuff, but it also cheats to get more resources, so certainly harder than SC/SCII -Liam
  18. Yeah, see, I can handle that mission SO easily now. It's just knowing where to drive to set up a base, knowing what's coming, etc. And yeah, my comments on AI were more about how they always attack the northern most thing, or whatever attacks them. So you just move things that don't take much dmg to the certain projectiles, in range, and then attack with everything else. Yeah, true, like 10 tanks won't sort everything out, but if you use a mixed army, you'll do much better. Put some troops in front of the tanks and let the obelisk waste it's shots on them, also take 2-3 hummers with you to snipe flamer inf. The grens will kill the buildings much faster, also. (remember, the ob has light armor, so HE weapons will do more than the AP tank shots). All this sort of knowledge makes the campaign super easy, BUT, if you don't know it, you'll get wrecked, haha -Liam
  19. They work in single player if you use the exe which is (I think NOT in caps). Well, it works with one but not the other, anyway. -Liam
  20. The missions are not so hard, if you save in the right places and know the layout. But yeah, first time play through, probably really damn hard. The AI is really dumb, though, and you can take serious advantage of that. Mostly, I find it's the startup, which is hard. Once you have some defenses up, it's usually as simple as scouting and then just building up a force and more or less throwing it at them. -Liam
  21. Very strange bug Sorry, I can't be of much help.
  22. Well, I said flamer, but that could be SSM and flame tank, also. On apaches, most people make 4, at least, but there's nothing wrong with going for 1 and just using it to take out grens, forcing GDI to make rocket inf and mammoth, which are less cost effective units. -Liam
  23. "nothing beats grenadiers and med tanks". What about flame weapons/apaches/bikes? Again, I'm pretty convinced that most of our Nod players are just heavy on the light vehicles in their unit composition. If something's not working, switch it up. For example, even though med tanks are more of a counter to buggies than hummers, I'll still make more hummers in the early game against Nod, as it allows me to have units that can keep up with the pace. At one stage I was opening with 2 barracks, even. Eventually, I switched back to one, and just made sure I did a good early inf spam, and then place a second about 2 refs, now 3. So my build keeps changing and somewhat my unit composition (often depending on what my opponent is actually building). -Liam
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