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For TD 1) A GDI weapons factory not made of paper (a unique way to balance but not a good way imo) a) no right speed advantage b) no south advantage c) bigger maps d) more players possible in a game at least 10 e) remove max unit glitch and crash, make max limit HUGE For RA1 1) = No stupid tesla creep attack overpowering the game and the strategy, so force aftermath settings or no mcv until after the tech centre or only a 2-3 build speed boost to multiple conyards or no buildings build speed boost. Also a possible solution is to have a build zone like in RA3 so you cant build outside a circle around the mcv. The whole tesla creep way of playing with v2's wasn't intended and feels stupid and wrong, you don't attack with that which was meant to defend and not move. I think red alert 1 needs an overall change in balance, many units are not used and it plays in a broken glitchy way, I think the only ones that don't want it rebalanced have a high level of skill at the broken part of the game, if they really soul search I think they would agree its no good, and they don't really like it as much, but they like winning with their built up skills and so for the wrong reasons they dont want it to change. Edit so a rebalance for RA1 rework squishing but ALLOW SQUISHING, RA1 made a rule for no squishing and despite making that rule and probably trying it they still removed it. There's definitely a problem with troops being an extreme side note in RA1 so granted there's an issue there, but there are better ways to address this issue than to remove something fun and realistic. In the older battlefield games tanks couldn't run over a picket fence and this annoyed alot of players because of the huge stark disconnect from realism that irked alot of players I feel it would be the same way in ra1. I recommend lower mini gunner cost and perhaps troop cost /increased troop (and underused units) potency for balance to re-engage that under used part of ra1. Now we have faster computers and hopefully the unit max limit glitch will be removed we can see big armies, big troop use and death/carnage in the remaster like the reality of WW2, there was alot of death and troop use. Also more troops would balance the tesla creeping too perhaps especially when you can que build the troops, so that que thing we all voted for will change the dynamic wo us even realising it.
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- Tiberian Dawn
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Yes! (write your 1 word answer 1st so ppl don't have to read a page before they know what you vote for?) Yes the best ques I ever saw was on KKND which when from 1-9 then infinite instead of 10 until you unclick it, and even better on supreme commander that went from 1 to 99 but remembered the order of different unit types being clicked, so multiple ques in 1 que. Clicking over and over is a reflex action for me now so it doesn't matter much, but as a beginner I would have loved a que and it would also allow you to focus on strategy more rather than production with 1 less thing you have to do .
Ok will do thanks for your generosity X3M! I know how valuable those edges can be to a competitive player.
Excellent thanks Grant, what a selfless and brilliant attitude, always just looking out for the best for our beloved game. I will certainly put my efforts into the same positive outcome based way of thinking and doing.
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What will happen to the talented cnc.net crew when the remaster comes out? Does nyerguds know he will be fired soon? Will it keep running or will the whole thing be shutdown? How do you guys feel about that after your much appreciated hard clever work?
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Chronosphere ready. Chrono Warping Ore Truck into the ocean. Chronosphere charging.
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yea its me, Dan isn't my real name but I have loads of fake accounts all over the show , I have to dedicate myself to cnc1 and doom 2 as a 1st priority so I will always be a nub on aow, unless its better than cnc1, but im not sure if that's realistically possible? Will love to give you a team game on it though bro!
TS and RA2 will probably be next after theve finished the originals be patient! They are doing it in the right order since ra2 is more recent
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Is it a cash grab strategy where you will likely never win with troops helis and creeps alone but you might be able to hold them off till you get an airfield/weapons factory, and then when you do you will have a better economy (at least long term not immediately ull be completely spent but with many harvisters) more map control and a more diverse offence?
https://youtu.be/kC43-6Zz79M Something that's on the same level as the 2 or 3 refinery build? Obviously you are skipping the airfield/weapons factory till later and going troops base creep and heli. Is it really as viable as the more common pro builds that use tanks buggies bikes etc? Or is it only something you can do if you have a skill advantage or as a specific counter to say a perceived threat like a heli rush, if you are close, or on certain maps where its easy to spread out fast like green acres? Since most people are building tanks and buggies am I right in presuming its usually an inferior build? Or at least just more difficult to pull off or a new skill set is needed to be able to pull it off? Ive never ever seen any super pro use it against another super pro in a high level competition match. Love didn't use it against mr buggies, Mr Buggies didn't use it , Ferret didn't use it vs Love Handles and vice versa, etc etc, that suggests to me that its usually an inferior build?
I liked it was fast getting good at it then some annoying error derailed me and I left it for good, but they changed the base dynamic in away that was good/satisfactory unlike with cnc4, cartoony look wasnt appreciated but wasn't that bad either
Ok thank you X3M the reason I abandoned it was because the main exit for the left side is up meaning left would be punished for possibly bottom advantage since they would be encouraged to creep upwards not down, but I could tweak it in someway like lowering left position and all those tree's and raising right position which would free up those circle areas too (for an iron valley like start position so the top exit on left would be a good thing), but then it would no longer be a mirror image of green acres and it would be slightly further away from the original in likeness. But it does seem like a winning design. So thanks guys!! Trying to get it as close to the original as possible but make it fair and balanced
Made a few mistakes the next version will be updated, to be a full mirror image like below. That will be the nod /mixed version. The GDI version can not be made in the style of a mirror image because all the cliffs join up and it looks ugly/weird. So im probably going back to the style of the very 1st one or very first picture but it will be iron valley style start positions and a perfectly symmetrical map only in a modern style of GA, I cant make it ultra close to the original like a mirror image but I can make it a modern version of GA that's still very close and reminiscent like white suggested. (may as well make both now since the mirror version is almost complete) Unless I take the start position of the mirror image version and change it and slightly alter its position and perhaps the 1st tiberium patches layout? Perhaps put the tiberium in the corner so you don't have to harvest your base creep out (will help inexperienced players on this map) then the base can be the 1size fits all starting positions like on iron valley and you can maybe place a weapons factory in the cliffs safety to the left ? Like this?
spectacular 1v1 map
I personally think ruby ridge is better for ranked games than twin peaks because twin peaks has that tiberium in the way that punishes troop users if only a little and stops the early base creeping meta. It looks very pretty on twin peaks but I think its not so great for players that want to use the whole skill set ie troops base creeping along with everything else in the early game He may also have maps ive never seen before which is why I ask, like this beauty ,that would make for a great fair 1v1. I noticed also he likes to create a particular way of playing for these maps for instance he likes to not stop base creeping but delay it as an offensive weapon, so you cant just creep to the opponents base with your base very easily and start fighting that way (like on GA) is there a reason why you want to delay offensive base creep to a later game thing, where higher tech like obelisks is probably available? Or to limit it in some way? also he likes to make the fighting areas smaller I always try to make them more open due to the ai clustering but its a nice feeling to fight among tree's villages and lakes etc with less units, is there a reason the fighting areas are smaller and less open? But anyway with my knowledge levels I pick Ruby Ridge as cn2mcs best and fairest 1v1 map.
I know Whites maps pretty well im not so familiar with cn2mc's, I know some of the main ones but hes made others that haven't circulated that ive only ever seen on the forum or on a thread from years ago. If you could only pick one of his maps to use for a fair ranked match which would it be? Do you guys think Ruby ridge is the best 1v1 map that cn2mc has produced? cn2mc what do you think is your top contender for a ranked1v1 map is? Since no one knows your maps better than you? (will start spreading it more)
Cool well 1v1's will still be played on the most balanced maps we have and we can decide from there its pretty damn close at the top I expect the rankings will fluctuate a fair amount, look forward to some games when I get back bros, if your rank changes feel free to update this thread. Hopefully white and other more retired players like PIV will have some free time at some point and come compete too or organise a league /more complex way to compete fairly
Also an important point to make is while there are not that many players in tiberium dawn it doesn't mean your rank is not impressive, when I play red alert which has so many more players its still a constant stream of wins that I get, I still beat 90% of the people I play at least, in cnc3 out of hundreds of thousands and I was in the top 1%, im sure you guys have similar experiences on other games, so we are a tough crowd, which is why we are more impressive than we seem when you just look at numbers. Many more people does not = much more difficulty. Not when it comes to getting high up as a % of the people playing.
thanks bro, I just LOVE having a fixed main base, it triggers my instincts in a very pleasurable way, im not sure why , having semi bases all over the place doesn't give me that reward
that's a fair point myg , x3m makes a fair point too, maybe we should have a 2v2 match to settle this ? You get to team up with nodnarb? x seriously im very easy don't mind, just don't want to be stuck between 2 ppl I like
Thanks for the defence bro
Don't know, maybe less work to only do it 1 way, maybe they thought it would fix base creeping, maybe they thought its more efficient more futuristic that old style base building so it fits in with the games futuristic theme and gets rid of inefficiencies like building units etc far away from where you want them, maybe they spent a lot of time patching and balancing and commentating on pro games on cnc3 and wanted to carry on in a similar way from the work done there, also more work to do it both ways, yea you could have a more complex strategic game with more options like that, I like it as an idea but only in a very limited way, how it was in TS was ideal, just 1 unit that added a fresh new idea and extra strategy (mobile war factory) but totally changing the fundamentals of the game was a big mistake imo. Never seen aow3 will check it out, I don't know enough about the payment schemes to comment but your idea sounds good, pay to play might have advantages (IDK) but it sounds insane to me. :)))