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Everything posted by chem

  1. how about a game mode where its only a naval battle? You could force it with the map editor alone....just tanks and troops only no air naval or super weps both tech start capture the flag destroy mobile hq troop mode only low tech no base speed increse ie only 1conyard speed and mcv available only after tech centre special units import super units rom ra1 u can add so much variety with modes but only some will be awesome some wont, so its good to find out which , before u make them popular/get skilled at them
  2. how about a game mode where its only a naval battle? You could force it with the map editor alone....just tanks and troops only no air naval or super weps both tech start capture the flag destroy mobile hq troop mode only low tech no base speed increse ie only 1conyard speed and mcv available only after tech centre special units import super units rom ra1 u can add so much variety with modes but only some will be awesome some wont, so its good to find out which , before u make them popular
  3. red alert 2 looks marginally worse than tiberium sun too, good observation, adding to what white has already said , the game was originally only meant to be an add on but it became quite a deep game in itself, perhaps they were expecting it to take less time and they made it more expansive (and time consuming ) than they originally intended. This perhaps caused them to cut corners in animations graphics etc
  4. 12 means id like to see all the units used in the 1st cnc to also be in the new cnc, but id like to see additional new units as well, keeping with the awesome theme of modern warfare mixed with a little bit of not too distant future sci fi warfare, I love that theme so much Amazing, nostalgia mixed with awe, so they were thinking along the same lines that would have been hella kewl, thanks white!!
  5. wow he is damn impressive, thanks for the honest input White I think that almost completes the rankings just with 1other persons experience noted 1) Ferret 2) Lovehandles 3) PHD 4) White 5) cn2mc
  6. Like if you use teams or bookmarks but the units or the bookmark is the opposite side of the screen to where your key board key is? So lets say you have team 1 that's on the left of your keyboard but the team of units itself might be on the right side of your screen, like wise team 2 might be to the left of the screen but that's further right on your keyboard. Does that not mess with your brain? Same goes for bookmarks you may start on the right side of the screen with your mcv and use a book mark on the right side of your keyboard for war factory but then when you start on the left side of the screen you still have to use the bookmark on the right of your keyboard for the war factory even though its now on the left. Does anyone else find this a problem? How did you get over it?
  7. that will never happen, EA would never make so few changes and then sell it they just couldn't do that, but I appreciate u like it how it is lol
  8. My list based on recent evidence 1) Ferret 2) Lovehandles 3) White 4) PHD ( unknown rank) 5) cn2mc Ehy , MrBuggies, and Jacko have been excluded due to inactivity. To be honest I don't know who is best out of the top 4 ive never seen white vs phd or ferret vs phd or lovehandles vs phd if any 1has the vids please show me Evidence used Ferret I saw beat Lovehandles in a best of 3 (by no means definitive but its the most recent exchange caught on camera and ive not seen anyone else ever beat lovehandles) Love handles beat white I saw in a recent match (ditto) White beats cn2mc im told PHD beats cn2mc ive seen not sure how he does vs others so I wont put him above anyone until further evidence is seen basically phd is an unkown cn2mc is the hardest guy I know of outside these 4 Epheraim is also an unknown ive been told PHD beats him, he is likely top 5 also speedy and weaver improving alot as of late too they are close, mikepence has gone down hill fast due to too much TS, Whats your ranking guess? Sorry if this is an annoying thread but I like rankings alot. Also we dont really need a ranking system I bet we can work it out much more accurately than a rank recording tally. Just by adding up our own experiences
  9. I really love the mutated earth monsters/robots/aliens/ normal humans as 4 factions for one of the kknd games its pretty damn cool imo
  10. It seems that these are the main categories 1) keep the game exactly as it is but minor improvements in graphics, glitches, features (like a very minor upgrade, its almost pointless you may as well stick to the original, if you are so fanatical about the original and its glitches stay on the original ) This is great clearly but we have it here at cnc.net already almost, so whats the point? Also do you really expect EA to make such minor changes and release it as a game to sell, its just unrealistic talk in this category . 2) keep the game as it is but fully improve balance glitches features and the graphics get a boost (like an upgrade, but not the way open ra/cnc did it they failed because they introduced a different feel, it needs to be like street fighter hd remix vs street fighter 2 the original, ie better graphics and balance but underneath its the exact same game almost, open cnc/ra1 went too far away from the original its not the same game it feels different) if you keep the feel and improve features graphics and minor balance tweeks you create magic, a perfected classic.We also want our life time of skill acquisition to translate over into the new game which it doesn't for open cnc) 3) A new game engine that's 3d ,modern etc like one of those total conversion mods (like a new game) a remake not a remaster although it could fall under the remaster category since its mainly a graphics upgrade, but it isn't the classic game anymore, so it will be like getting used to a new game almost, skill sets will be lost, but it has big advantage's for looks balance, features, etc while keeping alot of nostalgia and what we love. This is good it will work and please most people but its the other side of the spectrum of opinion for us hard core fans. 4) A new game that has new units and the old ones so something like cnc3 but with better graphics and more of the old units and buildings , this will also please most ppl just like cnc3 did, but will annoy alot of hard core fans (but it wont be like cnc4 which was throwing away the basic cnc formula that's the only way for EA to really fail on this ) this is no longer remaster territory but that word has been used loosely so will include this category, the advantages of this are the same advantages a new game has ie fresh gameplay new units features etc more replay ability less of the same old same old but also keeping the nostalgia alive and comfort zones alive a little, while adding the fresh new variety. I think we should compromise and go for option 2, since we are all so divided. If you cant agree the only logical solution is to compromise. Plus we already have the original so those that want no to little change don't need a remaster. There's a BIG chance that EA will want to use its modern engine like frost bite (that they have already created/bought) and there's a high probability that we will get something like option 3 regardless of what many of us want, there's no way they are going to go for option 1 realistically its too little of a change, we'd be lucky to get option 2. I say vote for 2. I personally like 2 and 4 then 3 but not 1
  11. Thanks white wow, you really know the dynamic sooooooo well!!
  12. Thanks white I always thought base creep to base creep nod will win vs gdi because of turrets that can almost handle AGT, obelisks that decimates any other building, and then you have ssm, and on top of that hon, bikes tanks bazookas etc for defence which GDI cant just steam roll through. So I thought that nod had an advantage with base creeping and that it was the only way they could balance against a really good GDI player, I thought without the base creeping nod would be at a disadvantage or at least more disadvantaged vs a good GDI player? (which makes me think attacking GDI with the nod base creep is a good plan of action) I suppose from what you guys are saying is that GDI could get map control wo going head to head with a nod base creep then build up and win that way and then I see your point with a lesser ability to control the map GDI is going to have less chance of winning. Ok thanks guys I will build maps with this in mind, - that its better for GDI players to have creeping for balance.
  13. thanks cn2mc ,interesting, appreciated mate!
  14. So we all know the balance goes a bit skewwhiff if theres so much tiberium, money and you cant use troops due to too much tiberium on the map. But what about blocking base creeping but not troops? Does that ruin the balance for nod? Making GDI over powered? I both like and hate base creeping I think its a glitch that should never have been there and rectified in a similar way as it was in dune or total annihilation. I like it because it wins me games. So I like to have maps that both include it and exclude it. But generally speaking does nod need the creep turrets etc to cope with GDI meds/mixed units? Is it an important part of the proper meta, which is needed for proper balance?
  15. Guys im still messing around with the basic layout of the map, its got to be symmetrical fair and as close to the original as possible but I haven't decided the optimal layout, but this is what I think could be the most logical layout however you lose the corners of the map but you gain a map that with 2 different versions can house 1v1 for nod vs nod and 1v1 for gdi vs gdi and an interesting well balanced 2v2 match . Do you think this should be the layout basic design or should I switch it up somehow? (this is obviously a rough version when ive finally decided on layout I will make it super neat natural looking fair and symmetrical ) please give criticisms and advice edit: ok idea for red circles make the other half of the cliff the stumpy end of the cliff just for1side then it will open that corner area up and make the map look a little better
  16. You are right X3M about the definition, but while they used that word , they used it very loosely, they don't mean it precisely. They are trying to give you a general idea that they have listened to what we want and will make something CLOSE to what we love which is the original westwood made command and conquer / early cnc games. If you read the article below you will see the reality is that its all up in the air and they are collecting feed back on what we actually want, before they make a final decision hence why I think its vital we here at cnc.net give them our opinion on what we want because no one plays or knows classic cnc like us no other fans etc on reddit know in depth the issues joys and chores of classic cnc nor do they know the ideal directions for improvement or change like we do unless they are old pros or members of cnc.net. Here's a quote from the EA producer its on the pc gamer website " Electronic Arts producer Jim Vessella has been answering questions on Reddit regarding the Command & Conquer remasters they recently teased. There's not a lot of information in the thread, but then this is a project that's probably a couple of years away and still in the planning stages. However, in response to one question Vessella confirmed that "We will not be adding any microtransactions to a C&C Remaster." Which is nice. Not much else of interest was said, with Vessella instead asking questions of the fans about what they'd like to see. "Would you want to see updated balancing or a more robust UI?" he wrote. "For example, would you want to see the C&C3 style tabs and unit selection sidebar in one of the classic games?" Balancing was a concern for several fans, who are worried that new versions of the classic games would be altered to make them more esports-friendly. "Should the balance stay the same as the classic versions, or should we rebalance it to make them more appropriate?" Vessella asked. " They don't mean it literally although I did get carried away with my remake ideas so well corrected , you are right too
  17. I swear there was a click box that matched the map editor xxc to whatever your game resolution was, now the box doesn't exist. ?
  18. u still alive bro?

  19. Ok my wants and aversions for this new remaster of the original are the following. The ones in blue are the ones I feel reflect what I and everyone else want and are the most important 1) Improved true 3d graphics , but highly close to the look and feel of the original graphics, also alternative terrains for variety. 2) Bigger maps 3) 8 or more players id like 10 or a fair few more frankly 4) Id like to see the game balanced near to perfection 5)Id like to see the game balanced in a way that doesn't require the GDI weapons factory to be weak like paper. 6) Id like to see the balanced integration of units that are rarely used like the mrls for gdi and the chem trooper for nod 7) Id like to see base creeping eliminated ,you dont fight with buildings in real war and I think this should be fixed, however base building itself is obviously vital. 8. Id like to see south advantage fixed 9) Id like to see right advantage fixed 10) Id like to see game modes for variety - capture flag, sole survivor, co-op, etc 11) Id personally like to see naval units in cnc1 but I appreciate this is not what most people might like, just my preference 12) Id like to see all the original units returned 13) Id like to see the nod light tank look like a real world tank instead of a Hodge podge of 2 different tanks atm it looks half way between a Bradley and a t72 and I think it should be one or the other 14) Id like to 2 options and 2 games in 1, classic mode with only nod and gdi similar to the original, and id like to see a more expanded version that adds more sides and factions and they should integrate seamlessly 15) for the extra factions id like to see machines in the style of cabal taking over/in the style of the movie terminator , idl ike to see a mutant side separate from gdi and nod , and id like to see an alien side scrin side but id like to see them take more inspiration from the film aliens and Independence day and star ship troopers in their look/style/design 16) Id like to see great flexibility and ease of modding for modders that want to make total conversions,I dont want to see them with sticking points like hard fixed rules in the game that make it impossible for modders to change fix and overcome 17) Id like to see sub factions with a few extra units etc like in ra2 and cnc3's add on 18) Id like to see a zoom in and out function 19) Id like to see the A10 in use , id like to see f22 or f16;s and an airfield as a building 20) Id like to see more real world units in the non classic version like the A10 the m1 Abraham which is the med tank but also perhaps a b1 nuclear bomber or a b2 stealth bomber, T72, F117, or the amphibious APC the Americans use etc in addition to the sci fi style obelisks VTOL orcas and ion cannons etc I really like the mix of modern ware fare units and sci fi weapons for cnc1 u get the best of both worlds and no disadvantages, I would like to see them expand on this original idea/theme. 21) Id like to hear the exact same sound files for the commando unit and also a close as possible look for the graphics of him. None of these renegade sound effects 22) With bigger maps proper range for tanks and artillery/mrls 23) id like to see cross tech units for when you capture tech from a different faction like in ra2 Thats all I can think of for now but thats what I want what about you guys? What do you want to tell EA?
  20. Sorry to ask this again, but I think in this section of of the forum are the most dedicated and passionate cnc1 players in the world, also there's not that many of us, so the thread wont get long and blurred (hopefully) Im going to hopefully collect your answers and give my own, and then send the information with a link to EA, then hope and pray they will pay attention to it. I think not only are we the most dedicated cnc1 players in the world but also we are the most in touch with what will make the game good for everyone. Even those with highly contrasting opinions on that tend to balance each other out well. So I think it will be the ideal market research for EA, and I'll collect it and deliver it to them, and leave the link, in order to do all I can in my limited control in order to make the cnc series live on successfully.
  21. Also spreading my junk around might not be wise as ive contaminated the system enough asit is,I can release a finished high quality map pack once ive finished them all I have a terrible habit of half completing a map and then moving onto a new idea that excites me before the last one is finished
  22. Thanks Weaver lol :-))))))))) I have along flight back to England in December,and an even longer time without internet after as I get reconnected, I promise to update all ugly maps make them pretty ,finish all unfinished maps, and generally make them all neat and ordered as its a complete mess at the moment. Ive stopped releasing junk into the system mostly now although I accidentally released a few unfinished maps, will keep them all unnamed from now on. Test map will become a proper finished map just deciding what to do for the finishing touches. Ive got some nice new ones coming. I dont know what to do about maps like r tard edition, rock n roll etc if anything I cant really make them pretty easily, and they are fundamentally flawed so it will be a waste of time, Im hoping it will just go away with time. Im glad some people got enjoyment out of them/ my edits though. To manu and N3 "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" thanks for the great maps guys I loved playing them editing them and making maps inspired by them.
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