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Everything posted by TaxOwlbear

  1. Will do. Thanks for the help, everyone.
  2. Thanks for the link. I think that's way above my current tech knowledge, though.
  3. Possibly. I checked the website, but found no mention of the code or anything.
  4. I know that CnC DDraw isn't designed to work with any game, but I gave it a shot to run Seven Years War in windowed mode. It actually works perfectly... except that the screen is all black. However, FMVs play and are visible, and the menus and the game as such work fine - but I can't see anything. Is there a way to configure this for SYW?
  5. TaxOwlbear


    Are they affiliated with the VERY EXPLOSIVE petrol company?
  6. Counterstrike is a pure mission pack, like The Covert Operations. It adds a bunch of single-player missions, but that's it. There are some new units, but all of them are special units that are not available in multiplayer, skirmish, or the vanilla campaign. Aftermath does the same, but also makes changes to existing units and adds new units. These are actual new units that can be built and are available for multiplayer and skirmish.
  7. In this mission we have to put down another civilian riot... but the civilians are way better armed than we are! Also, this mission has two "endings" which is rather unique. Soviets Mission 8: Grunyev Revolution
  8. Which version are you running? Original CD version? Windows version in a virtual machine? DOS version in DOSBox?
  9. Are nukes really AI-proof? I could have sworn that the Soviets nuked me once in the last Allied mission. Or is that scripted?
  10. This mission is one of my favourites. We take on the Molotov brothers, two arms dealers with a personal army on a private island - using mixed Allied and Soviet technology, as usual. Soviets Mission 7: Brothers in Arms
  11. This mission is pretty simple: Blow up stuff with your overpowered missile subs, land Volkov, blow up more stuff. It's also the expansion's shortest mission. Soviets Mission 6: Situation Critical
  12. Launch the game via the TDRX batch file. Don't use the Origin launcher.
  13. We finally capture the Chronosphere, and actually get to use it. Also, poison makes you explode. Soviets Mission 5: Don't Drink the Water
  14. Interestingly, this is actually the follow-up to the last Soviet mission where we nicked the stealth transport. This time, we use it to blow a lot of stuff up. You can actually neutralise large chunks of the Allied presence with Volvok alone, but the reinforcements you get later make it a lot easier. Watch out for the ships, though, or you could end up in a situation where there's Allied ships left with no way to take them out. Soviets Mission 4: Test Drive
  15. When you launch the launcher, there should be a menu option for the ant missions. Have you tried that?
  16. In this mission, we steal an Allied stealth vehicle prototype that actually reappears later! It's not a particularly long or difficult mission, and we do get Volkov and his murder dog for it. Not the nigh-invincible version, though, but the Communist Tanya version. Soviets Mission 3: Let's Make a Steal
  17. Old post, but since this thread was ressureced: SoSe froze and crash (and had funky colours) for me in fullscreen mode works fine under Windows 7 if forced into windowed mode via C&C Draw.
  18. Give every infantry the Tesla Tank's zap attack.
  19. This mission introduces (sort of) a later staple of Red Alert: The Tesla Trooper (called the Shock Trooper). While rather expensive and still with the weak defences of an infantry unit, the Shock Trooper has a couple of advantages. Its electric attack is good against everything that doesn't fly, and a Shock Trooper can't be crushed by a tank. As or the mission itself, it's one of the easier ones. For the most part, you wander around zapping civilians. The only danger are Allied anti-infantry weapons that make short work of you Shock Troopers, but you get additional weapons to take care of those. Soviets Mission 2: Shock Therapy
  20. Here's the first Soviet mission. The mission is pretty straightforward: Build a base and blow up the Allied base. The trick here is that the Allies send in Chrono Tanks every now and then on a rocky patch put there so you can't just block it with a bunch of Power Plants. Soviets Mission 9: Testing Grounds
  21. I don't know whether I mentioned this anywhere, but right now, the second-level repair ability repairs overcharged Power Plants faster than they get damaged, which means that overcharging can be used all the time with no downside.
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