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Everything posted by dkeeton

  1. The original cdroms don't work on windows 10 anymore. Follow these instructions for installation https://cncnz.com/features/technical-support-help-guides/installing-command-conquer-red-alert-2-yuris-revenge/
  2. To play, you will have to go to Windows Defender Security Center -> Virus & Threat Protection, then click on Threat History. You will see Win32/Azden.A!cl, click on that and Restore. Edit: Microsoft has updated their definitions and cncnet5.exe is no longer getting flagged. All you have to do now is to update your virus definitions in the Security Center.
  3. dkeeton

    Proxy ?

    Cool, sounds like you'll be online in no time.
  4. dkeeton

    Proxy ?

    It says you have an unsecured web proxy that's operating from your IP address. How many computers share this IP? Maybe your PC has a virus that's installed an http proxy, or maybe someone else in your house.
  5. https://pureinfotech.com/allow-apps-firewall-windows-10/ Find cncnet5.exe and ra95-spawn.exe.
  6. Did you grant it access to private networks and public networks?
  7. Did you get a popup that asks if Red Alert can access the network?
  8. Are you playing with or agains AI players? That could be the cause of the recon errors. Another cause of recon errors is if you have different files. To fix that you could both do /reset in the game lobby to reset your files back to normal. Alternatively you can use the ts-client which has an auto-save feature that will allow you to reload a save game if it goes into recon.
  9. Did you check to see if there was WIN95 compat set for game.exe and gamemd.exe?
  10. I don't see any black bars in those screenshots. Is this ra2md.ini? Or actual ra2.ini....
  11. This probably doesn't have anything to do with your renderer. Can you make a screenshot of the problem?
  12. Can you try follow the solution found here: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/9293-no-sound-effects-ra2yr/
  13. In Yuri's Revenge, the menus will always be 800x600, it's something built into the game. When you play a game, does it go fullscreen? Are you having the same problem with Red Alert 2?
  14. In the cncnet client, choose TS-DDRAW or CNC-DDRAW and Change the compatibility options of ra2.exe, yuri.exe, game.exe and gamemd.exe to remove "Run as Windows 95" (Uncheck the box)
  15. dkeeton

    QM Frame Rate

    That was how to open ports to allow p2p. After another game, can you send qm-log.txt file from your game directory.
  16. If you have ScrollDelay= in your SUN.INI file, try setting the value to 0. Or try some other number.
  17. Make sure both players are using the same version. Let the cncnet client update itself to the latest version. If it doesn't update then delete the file called "version" in the game directory and restart the client.
  18. Try re-install from a fresh download https://cncnet.org/yuris-revenge#download
  19. What operating system and What graphics card do you have? To set place building to spacebar change this in keyboard.ini PlaceBuilding=32 And make sure no other key is using 32.
  20. There are no problems with newer OSes anymore. And you could try installing the snap package by `snap install cncra2yr ` (The snap is not officially supported by us and it doesn't work for me)
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