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Hello all,


I am The Dutch Ghost, a gamer from the Netherlands.

I have been gaming since the 90s but skipped Command and Conquer at the time of release as I was more into FPS games and adventures and preferred space sci fi settings to "twenty minutes in the future".

These last couple of years I have grown somewhat disappointed with some of the releases on the PC because of their cross platform nature and the lack of any sci fi elements, so I have been checking out games I have previously ignored.


Years ago I did buy Tiberian Sun but I could not get into it at the time and sold it on again. I later bought C&C Renegade when it was in a bargain bin. (that game is probably rated lower here as it is not a RTS but it was what got me interested in C&C again when I replayed it again recently)

I also have a copy of Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath but I have not dared install them as I don't know what DRM they carry. (plus I kind of miss the atmosphere of Tiberian Dawn/Renegade)


Anyway hope I didn't ramble on to long.

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C&C3 and Kanes Wrath has no obvious DRM features but you do need a EA login for multiplayer (not that I can be bothered to play multiplayer)

If you want a more updated version of tiberian dawn then C&C3 is your closest bet, with a lot of faction structure and Gameplay similar to the original, only in 3D (and bikes aren't OP anymore either)

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Hello, I'm Zeratul. (Z3ratul99 in most online games if Zeratul is taken) My first C&C game was Red Alert 1 on the PS1, which I had a lot of trouble getting into. When I was able to play the PC version, which I don't really remember how I ended up with, I fell in love with the game. Later a family friend introduced me to C&C95 and Tiberian sun + Firestorm and I just had to buy them. I was given RA1 expansions, RA2 + Yuri's Revenge, and Generals + Zero Hour by a friend who had lost interest in gaming. I stumbled across C&C Renegade at a Staples (of all places) and loved that as well. I was a little disappointed with C&C 3 due to changes to fit cross-platform gaming, but I still enjoyed it for the most part. Now I don't have a computer able to run it at all.

My memory is fuzzy, so aside from Red Alert and C&C 3 these are not ordered by date obtained.

I've been to this site several times over the years, but I never thought to register until now.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, I am Raickanku and this is me:

My name is Wicher, born 1995, I am from the Netherlands, attend university and I have experienced C&C since its dawn, tiberian dawn (not actual release ofc). I played it on the playstation at my uncles place since I was about 6 years old but I have seen them (twins) play it since before I can remember.

Sun was my favorite game for a long time, mainly because I was very young when I first saw a friend play it.

Wars is my favorite RTS.

Twilight... I haven't played twilight [insert awkward chuckle]. However, I have seen a lot(maybe all) footage of it.

I have read a lot of background, rewatched a lot of footage from Red alert 1, Tiberian dawn, sun, wars and Twilight. I also used a lot of information from the wikia.


You can also find me active (since recent) on the official C&C forums under the same nickname.

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Heh, another Dutchie. Be proud; Dutch people have made the C&C community what it is today :D


Seriously. XCC Mixer (the main C&C1/RA1/TS/RA2 modding tool in the community), and both graphical map editors made for C&C1, were made by Dutchies.


I'm Flemish, btw ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Hi all! :)


My name is Dag. But you can call me Dawg if you wish. I live in Norway (Age 26). I have been a c&c fan since the first game come out. (Huge fan of C&C95,Tiberium Sun,Firestorm,C&C3: Tiberium Wars,C&C3: Kanes Wrath,The Dawn Of The Tiberium Age,Dune2000 & Dune II) I was very young back then. But anyways. Am here to find some people to play with & talk to you all. Have a great weekend to you all!



Dawg out!

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys!


I hadn't yet the opportunity to look in here, but now it's time to introduce me here.


I'm from germany, but have my roots in east europe too.

My nickname is a leftover from earlier time I was active in some occult thrash metal bands  :D

I'm playing C&C since mid-90s and do mapping and modding the old games (up to YR) since this time aswell.

Other things I do are travelling,  reading, writing.

If you have questions, ask!  ;)


  On 7/18/2014 at 2:44 PM, Hecthor Doomhammer said:

Viking at heart here. tought myself to read the Elder Futharken Runes

Runes are a nice thing. I can read the elder Futhark too  :)
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...



Hey Guys, My name is Tim and I come from the lands of South Australia. 25 years old and love these games to bits. Bought the Ultimate collection on Origin to relive the memories a while ago but have never been able to get them to work on Windows 8.1. However I have been playing Red Alert 2 & YR on a Windows 7 install.


I have just installed Dune 2000 and ready to smash out as Harkonnen.


EDIT: I am also looking at creating a tunneling server to help the Australian Community (If there are many here), unfortunately the server I run at the moment is an Ubuntu Server. Is there a tunneling program for Linux? Thanks

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