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Old School Tiberian Sun Players


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Good thread and good times! Kudos to those who know what Ton2 even means. If you do, you were probably playing with dial up internet.

Sorry for my long nostalgic rant. Just the mention of Ton2 can trigger this.


Now you may commence with the "I never saw you there spo0kycow, your just a modder" replies.

To that I will reply "Go then, there are other nicks than these".


Playing Tib Sun on and off since 1999 upon its release, I would sometimes go to Ton2 just for the quiet before it became the hangout. Back then I was shy and did not engage in chatting it up as much as I do now so I sought out quiet rooms.


Aside from countless hours of lost sleep, I enjoyed playing games with Seb, Joe, Dan, Mike, Stef, Hileman, getting my ass kicked by Kapa, you sexy beast, and the first game I managed to beat TRZ on Terrace only to have the game recon.


I remember one of my first clans, SunGod and meeting abarrat and Lurker90K. My adventures as an admin at the fan created website, Westwood Studios Exposed (WSE) and our direct interactions with Luis and Brett (Westwood Studios founders) and our attempts to get them to patch the game to prevent cheats, which they denied worked.


I remember us joking about the patch that supposedly made harvesters smarter requiring less control from the player to maximize their economy that did not work very well. I'm sure there is more than one Forest Fires player that has been top left only to notice their harvester trying to drive all the way around to get to the tiberium it thought was closer despite it being on a cliff, bypassing three other tiberium fields along the way.


Remember Sunflight? Ahh the days when a chatroom actually had a live person trying to moderate it before bots and blacklists took over that job. Poor Sunflight and the abuse she endured.


I also remember when Westwood would only allow you four nicks per email address. And the system to create a flag emblem for your clan.  Ahh the good ole days. Purchasing Tiberian Sun in Walmart for 50 bucks back when games were sold in big boxes with paper instruction manuals. It did not matter what time of the day or night it was, there was always a scroll bar in the game list lobby window.


While I am sure I was not the only one to think of this, the only thing I regret was realizing and sharing with my clan that you could use waypoints to mark buildings before Nod was able to stealth which ended up in the clan newsletter and shortly after it seemed that everyone was doing it. Stealthing became next to useless but that was ok. Back then I was a GDI only player.


I wonder if my old friend who gave me the original game, Command & Conquer, back in 1995 realizes the effect he had on my life just because he "was not really into it". After that I put away my Nintendo for PC gaming and everything else changed. The rest is history. And if your still reading this, stop it and go play some Tib Sun!


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  On 1/24/2015 at 3:59 PM, Spo0kyCow said:



It did not matter what time of the day or night it was, there was always a scroll bar in the game list lobby window.


And if your still reading this, stop it and go play some Tib Sun!  <<(( if you insist))


one of the first 'slow' nights on ts    oct 28  2005


only 162 ts players online


my first tourney attempt rank 23!!  :D


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Yo Spo0ky, long time no see! I don't play any more, but was reading the forums and saw your post. How's it going?


Beef - any other logs from the 99-01 era you were using? Not many people on here were around back then, but I remember quite a few old players :)  You weren't 'beefy' were you? Did you play FS?

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Yeah, it's funny how FS died out in the end. I think a part of this was because most of the people who moved from TS to FS were the more 'progressive' players, the sorts who are willing to go out and try new things, and as such FS suffered for the fact that most of these same players then went on to other things like Ra2, Dune etc., and various other online games that started to take off around that time.

FS as a game is woefully underappreciated by the majority of the community who have been infected with the mindset that terrace is the only tactical challenge, and TS is the only 'proper' ruleset. I could argue about how flawed this whole way of thinking is, but I guess it's a bit late for that ?

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Actually Firestorm died pretty quickly after release. i remember checking firestorm and it was always empty and having to go to tiberian sun WOL server to see players.  Firestorm was morbidly imbalanced and still is which is why its dead. Had nothing to do with terrace players. firestorm removed getting infantry from sellnig structures making infantry rushes too powerful against players who didnt also spam infantry. you couldnt just sell structures for infantry. nod artillery also missed moving targets making them useless in firestorm. disruptors moved way too fast in firestorm. reapers were overpowered. it was a real mess of a game which is why firestorm was never popular.

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Disagree on just about every level, and I was there -- and I was good. Quite simply FS was/is:

1) More tactically diverse
2) Fewer bugs
3) Better maps

Main reasons for it dying quickly:

1) Different type of player base, with more 'early adopters' who prefer new games, and new challenges. Many FS players left for Ra2 when it came out, and then Dune, etc. Dwindling community led to more people going back to the common denominator for easier/quicker games. Thus it became a self-fulfilling prophesy.
2) Power of the Terrace community. Resistant to change. Made false claims about a game they couldn't compete in. (A lot of them didn't like the blue tib economy, the different strategies, and the fact they couldn't man rush so easily.)  
3) Cost of expansion, and time to learn. It was a completely different world back then. This was back when online gaming wasn't a big thing. Anyone who got into TS, typically didn't then go out and buy an additional expansion, with an additional layer of skills to learn etc. Easier to stick to TS.


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I liked firestorm and left ts for it but then went back due to hardly any games available. Also back then it took ages to install cds and you needed ts first installed for fs to work! I ended up playing Renegade as well which I liked.

Nowadays my kids don’t even know what a mouse is though! All iPads, Nintendo switch and PS4.

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  On 5/8/2019 at 2:46 PM, Mole40k said:

Disagree on just about every level, and I was there -- and I was good. Quite simply FS was/is:

1) More tactically diverse
2) Fewer bugs
3) Better maps

Main reasons for it dying quickly:

1) Different type of player base, with more 'early adopters' who prefer new games, and new challenges. Many FS players left for Ra2 when it came out, and then Dune, etc. Dwindling community led to more people going back to the common denominator for easier/quicker games. Thus it became a self-fulfilling prophesy.
2) Power of the Terrace community. Resistant to change. Made false claims about a game they couldn't compete in. (A lot of them didn't like the blue tib economy, the different strategies, and the fact they couldn't man rush so easily.)  
3) Cost of expansion, and time to learn. It was a completely different world back then. This was back when online gaming wasn't a big thing. Anyone who got into TS, typically didn't then go out and buy an additional expansion, with an additional layer of skills to learn etc. Easier to stick to TS.



Firestorm has way more bugs. hit "s" for stop over and over with juggernaut and it will rapid fire for example. Tell a bunch of limpet drones to deploy and then move a few times and youll notice them all vanishing. rapid fire can be done with reapers too i think. has something to  do with burst fire. why youre saying there are fewer bugs is hilarious. the maps in firestorm are all symmetrical not organic like tiberian sun so yes they were more balanced. simply having more units i guess you could say it was mroe tactically diverse however many tactics from tiberian sun were ruined like i said before selling structures gave you pretty much no units and you were easily killed by infantry rushes if you didnt build infantry yourself. orca bombers in firestorm bomb differently making them weaker. they even added weird things like aircraft damaging themselves if they attack a bridge. firestorm wasnt like generals zero hour where all the new content made it better. firestorm made tiberian sun worse which is why no on plays it. like i said nod artillery miss moving targets in firestorm. making them useless. the jumpetjet and disruptor move at 1000mph uncatchable by titans because they go 2x faster. they ruined so many units making them perform poorly and became useless. so if you play firestorm remember not to build artillery, and that nothing can catch a moving disruptor. also reapers instantly heal in tiberium and theres a bug where any unit attacking it during its dying animation becomes a veteran. firestorm feels like it was balanced by a different person than tiberian sun and didnt know wtf they were doing. 

So to restate. Firestorm is a buggy imbalanced mess of a game.

Edited by 9LivesCatFood
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