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Everything posted by Nyerguds

  1. CnCNet online play for RA2 relies on the Yuri's Revenge engine since the YR engine contains some important exploit fixes which even the later patches of RA2 vanilla doesn't fix.
  2. Nyerguds


    What do you mean, "added", lol?
  3. The gun that's on the Bradley in real life isn't a tank gun though; the vehicle is actually an APC. C&C uses a modified Bradley with a heavier gun. Both of those you mentioned are machine guns, btw, not actual tank guns.
  4. Nyerguds


    The moment I noticed this quirk in TD was the moment I lost 700 credits to an ally :puppydog: So, you can't do that in TS, then? Pity.
  5. Nyerguds


    The cncnet site specifically makes the difference now... why are people still asking this? Also, they just disabled the New Game button? They should just have put in a dummy first mission for both sides with "this version does not contain the campaign" as briefing text shown before starting
  6. Congrats on letting people maintain a terribly outdated and insecure operating system!
  7. It's "KB3086255", and, uh, really, just google around. There are even video tutorials of that. It's basically just disabling automatic Windows updates, then uninstalling that specific update, then waiting for it to pop up again as pending update, and when it does, disabling it and telling your system not to bother you with it again. After that's done you can enable automatic updates again.
  8. My first thought is that you misspelled "General".
  9. Nyerguds


    You can't force-unload a harvester in an enemy refinery, lol XD I was thinking players could exchange Mammoths with APCs with cyborg commandos inside them, building up build-limited units on both sides, but sadly captured APCs apparently don't convert the crew to the new side :laugh: Mind you, in FS, ally-capturing between a GDI and Nod player should allow infinite mobile factories... but you don't even need any repair pad tricks for that.
  10. Nyerguds


    You forgot step 3.5; recapture your service depot after the ally has moved the MCV off it As I said, it doesn't work on TS unless you purposely damage the MCV so it stays on for long enough to capture it. That same auto-eject logic also makes it near-impossible to sell units on the service depot in TS... I think force-capture with ctrl works, in TD at least, so I don't think you actually need to un-ally. Also, in TD they can pay you back because unloading harvesters in allied refineries gives the ally money XD Hmmmmm...... Doesn't this technically open an exploit to build infinite Mk2s? Build, damage, put on repair pad, let ally capture it, build another, give to ally, build another, give to ally... XD Not very practical though, especially with the added cost of all the engineers. And I imagine you'd have to be allowed to capture the occasional silo from that ally to cover the costs. But imagine the look on the face of your enemies when about eight Mk2s get airdropped in their base :roll: Someone should try that out, just for the lulz.
  11. Nyerguds


    Capturing a service depot with a unit on it works in all games. Same logic as capturing helipads/airfields. It's actually a legit way of giving high cost units to an ally in TD / RA1. Wanna help out an ally who has a single engineer left, but enough money to restart? Donate an MCV to him! You can force-capture allied structures in TD IIRC In TS it's just harder because they immediately get off again when repaired.
  12. Nyerguds

    Korc's cncnet

    omg those desktop icons xD
  13. Per-player maximums also have their drawbacks, anyway; allied tanks are lower damage and lower cost, so I'd imagine they need more units to get the same battlefield effect.
  14. Well, I doubt I still got the original unconverted file, but the cameos pack itself can be found here: http://www.ppmforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=14518 All in TD palettes though of course.
  15. Uh. DOS C&C simply doesn't have a non-caps font for that. But how is THAT relevant to anything? I thought you were talking about running the same missions on C&C95.
  16. I think the all-caps thing is a problem in XCC Editor, actually. Could be it's fixed in the later versions, mind you. IIRC, Olaf decided to convert the entire ini to upper case, because he noticed that the game could not read ini key names if their first letter was lowercase. The editor also puts the entire briefing on one line, thereby destroying the ## thing, which only works at the end of a line. And, obviously ## doesn't work in DOS C&C; I added that with my patch (misremembering the line break symbol in RA1, which turned out to actually be "@@" )
  17. Nyerguds


    Try testing it on an unpatched skirmish game, then?
  18. I don't think the game should be set in 16-bit colour mode when you use the custom renderer...
  19. MattAttack: At which point did you get these errors? I've only had errors around that area once, and in that case it crashed in the New Missions menu itself, not during actual gameplay. The code seems to be related to drawing text on the screen, so maybe invalid characters can cause it.
  20. Psssh, That torpedo defense one is way too amateurish. No way I made that. I'm talking about the Missile Tower, and possibly the Tech Center one, too. The ion cannon one's identical to the icon now used for it in C&C95 v1.06, btw. Guess you just made it from the same render [edit] Ah, nope, my tech center one was on a desert background. Just the missile tower, then.
  21. Always funny if they post one value instead of the whole error message. And it's usually the wrong value of the two, too....
  22. Nyerguds


    Eh? Deployed vehicles? When were those ever capturable? Except, y'know, the MCV and Firestorm's mobile factories...
  23. Hehe. Fairly sure I made some of these icons, back in the day
  24. Maxi: Tried the game's install folder? It's the only place where the game will look for them. Funky: It's from my site. For C&C95, I actually made the opposite XD
  25. Also, the Advanced Comm Center is no longer capturable, because it made no sense at all that the GDI superweapon could be captured but the Nod one couldn't. And it was more than likely a bug caused by the thing being capturable in Nod mission 12, anyway.
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