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Everything posted by Iran

  1. Why does MPF lag a lot more like RenCorner when I get 30ms ping more on RenCorner than MPF? WTF i get like no lag on RenCorner and on MPF I keep getting pulled around by lag, especially when jumping.
  2. You can hack around Auto-SS. Video is the best proof.
  3. We know about it, should be fixed. It isn't a publicly available cheat but we patched some things that should prevent it.
  4. Might have something to do with file permissions, can you try running the CnCNet client as Administrator?
  5. One way to test this is by hosting a modified version of the map, so the same map is transferred to every player. But AFAIK even when maps aren't transferred there should be a hash check on the map, might still be that a hash check is failing.
  6. I actually added the TAB key thing to Red Alert 1, C&C1 already had it but RA1 didn't (at least not the Windows 95 version). It should be easy to add more bookmark keys, you should ask FunkyFr3sh for it.
  7. Are you gonna use this to write more gay cheats
  8. Iran

    RedAlert2 mode

    Yeah its a bug they fixed in YR.
  9. Iran

    RedAlert2 mode

    Yes this exploit definitely needs to be fixed.
  10. Yeah there are two hacks, tomson pushed that fix he did for the hack you gave me (for unit control) and this one UI control hack still needs to be patched, tomson is writing a fix for that as we speak. Keep in mind that still needs to be tested.
  11. lolwtf, I know what he is doing and it's pretty gay. I know how to write a 'fix' for it but I should really do it properly.
  12. I wrote a fix for the controlling enemy units hack (really easy). Did they control your UI? What did they do?
  13. Not sure but it was the name before they changed it to C&C Renegade
  14. It's one of the resources for Renegade LevelEdit, open it with ResourceHacker.
  15. https://www.google.nl/maps/place/A27,+Raamsdonksveer/@51.7174049,4.8896503,3a,60 y,180h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2Y9SULIoVvEHAGzH3t13nQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4 !1s0x47c663b834cbfee7:0x37d74aa77daab930!8m2!3d51.691571!4d4.8850895
  16. Does Crush still play?
  17. You need to use the exe from the portablera site, i don't think funky has them in the cncnet exe. R1,p1,p2,p3,R2,p1,p2,p3 Where R1 = Id, p1 = 1, p2 =2, p3 = 3, R2 = id..
  18. https://github.com/Iran/ra303p-iran/blob/master/docs/features.md Readme also has explains other features like mini-campaigns and embedding tutorial.ini text inside your map file. I haven't really sorted the feature list by feature type, I added extra map trigger actions but those actions are listed at the end of the readme files, stuff like launching nukes, building/selling buildings for Houses, iron curtain zones and other things were added, including IIRC triggers for adding money and changing houses for objects.
  19. The only reason why there's a resolution is because the amount of cameo items in the sidebar is hard-coded, if the resolution is too high it will try to display too many. Funky added a check for higher resolutions to prevent that.
  20. I watched some videos of the TS and RA2 mods for OpenRA and they look really cool. The C# code for OpenRA is also really nice.
  21. Pretty sure this is the import table for your application
  22. Yes hence I used the debugger and hooked the import address for WriteProcessMemory...as it doesn't change.
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