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Tiberian Sun patches - Fix for the windows 8 / 10 menu problems and more


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Hi so i had the problem with TS and then i downloded the thing u likend and then it worked perfectly fine the 2 first missons but then it crassed and the whole pc froze i culdent do anything not even Ctrl alt del. so i had to force the pc to turn of using the power buttom. Do u have any ide what the problem can be?

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  On 12/11/2018 at 8:59 PM, Nizzlo said:

Hi so i had the problem with TS and then i downloded the thing u likend and then it worked perfectly fine the 2 first missons but then it crassed and the whole pc froze i culdent do anything not even Ctrl alt del. so i had to force the pc to turn of using the power buttom. Do u have any ide what the problem can be?



What renderer do you have selected in the config program? Try through all of them and see if another one works better for you. Maybe run the game in a window while testing, this way it's easier to close and you don't have to reboot if it's not working.

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Hi Forum newbie here Hi all,  Ive downloaded the origin ultimate collection version of tiberium sun + Firestorm .

When i first tried to run it i experienced a full screen display of the mock EVA setup video, but on hitting esc to get to the game menu the westwood logo vid and game selection menu only appear as circa 1/4 of the full display in the screen centre.  firestorm is beyond selection but on starting tiberium sun its menus also suffer the same problem (only the upper left quadrant being visible)

I modded the compatibility -> win xp sp3, colour detail -> 16bit, and 'run as admin' for each .exe in the game folder.

added a video section to the .ini to specify 800x600 in ra2 syntax???

applied your patch And selected each of the graphic modes in turn with different resolution combos 640 x400 800x600 1024 x 800? (dont quote me on the resolutions..)

to no avail :(

I thought getting Ra2 and Yuri's Revenge going was a pita, 

Can someone please advise as what to try next?

Many thanks in advance..




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  On 12/28/2018 at 8:59 AM, fil said:

Hi Forum newbie here Hi all,  Ive downloaded the origin ultimate collection version of tiberium sun + Firestorm .

When i first tried to run it i experienced a full screen display of the mock EVA setup video, but on hitting esc to get to the game menu the westwood logo vid and game selection menu only appear as circa 1/4 of the full display in the screen centre.  firestorm is beyond selection but on starting tiberium sun its menus also suffer the same problem (only the upper left quadrant being visible)

I modded the compatibility -> win xp sp3, colour detail -> 16bit, and 'run as admin' for each .exe in the game folder.

added a video section to the .ini to specify 800x600 in ra2 syntax???

applied your patch And selected each of the graphic modes in turn with different resolution combos 640 x400 800x600 1024 x 800? (dont quote me on the resolutions..)

to no avail :(

I thought getting Ra2 and Yuri's Revenge going was a pita, 

Can someone please advise as what to try next?

Many thanks in advance..





Run TSLauncher.exe. Click on Settings. Choose your resolution and choose Automatic/Fullscreen for the other options. From the launcher Click "Play Offline".

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  • 3 months later...

Hi, really hoping this forum is still active and somebody can help me out.

I bought the C&C Ultimate Collection and the original C&C and Red Alert have worked fine, but I'm struggling to get Tiberian Sun to work.

Initially I had the main menu freezing problem which I've now read a lot about in forums. Searching for a solution I found your patch so I've installed it, it's got me through the menus and I thought I was finally going to get to play the game.... but I can't see the mouse cursor in the game! If I hit Esc to open the options menu the cursor appears, but disappears again as soon as I resume the game. ?

I've been playing about with the different rendering options available under settings - some of them don't work at all for me (can't even get to main menu etc). GDI setting is the one I used that got me into the game, but with no cursor. I did find some suggestions about turning off cursor trails in the settings for the mouse, but I've had a look and they're not turned on.

As you can probably tell I'm no computer expert, and I'm totally stumped. Any and all help appreciated!

Oh and I'm using Windows 10.

Thanks in advance!


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  On 4/11/2019 at 9:31 PM, Wypinho said:

Hi, really hoping this forum is still active and somebody can help me out.

I bought the C&C Ultimate Collection and the original C&C and Red Alert have worked fine, but I'm struggling to get Tiberian Sun to work.

Initially I had the main menu freezing problem which I've now read a lot about in forums. Searching for a solution I found your patch so I've installed it, it's got me through the menus and I thought I was finally going to get to play the game.... but I can't see the mouse cursor in the game! If I hit Esc to open the options menu the cursor appears, but disappears again as soon as I resume the game. ?

I've been playing about with the different rendering options available under settings - some of them don't work at all for me (can't even get to main menu etc). GDI setting is the one I used that got me into the game, but with no cursor. I did find some suggestions about turning off cursor trails in the settings for the mouse, but I've had a look and they're not turned on.

As you can probably tell I'm no computer expert, and I'm totally stumped. Any and all help appreciated!

Oh and I'm using Windows 10.

Thanks in advance!




Can you try a skirmish game and check if the cursor works there? The game actually hides the cursor in some missions (You just have to wait a moment and you will gain control, the cursor will show up again).

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  On 4/12/2019 at 12:41 AM, FunkyFr3sh said:


Can you try a skirmish game and check if the cursor works there? The game actually hides the cursor in some missions (You just have to wait a moment and you will gain control, the cursor will show up again).


Thanks for getting back! I'll give that a try when I'm home later and report back. I did briefly try loading a skirmish but got a bit lost in the set up screen - I couldn't see a way to actually start the game, but I may have used the wrong resolution at the time and some info had slipped off the side of the screen. 

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  On 4/11/2019 at 11:03 PM, dkeeton said:

Launch cncnet and go online one time to get updates, then after that set the renderer to Automatic, or ddrawcompat if automatic doesn't work.


Thanks, I'll give that a go tonight! Probably being dim here but just to check - do you mean open the game (the patched version) and choose play online? Or is there a cncnet.org page I should visit to get the updates? I was having a look on cncnet.org and can see the game available for download, or the patch which I have. 

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  On 4/12/2019 at 12:41 AM, FunkyFr3sh said:


Can you try a skirmish game and check if the cursor works there? The game actually hides the cursor in some missions (You just have to wait a moment and you will gain control, the cursor will show up again).


Ok guys, I'm regularly a dumbass on computers but I outdid myself!! As you say Funky the cursor shows up after a minute or so - as we say in Scotland "what an eejit!" Thanks for your patient assistance, and for your hard work patching the game when EA clearly couldn't care less! 

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  On 4/20/2019 at 10:40 AM, FunkyFr3sh said:


Try to change your renderer to either GDI or DDrawCompat and check if one of these are working.


It starts, but now it's only in the upper left hand side of the screen, with either setting.

I fixed it by changing the resolution, but now when I'm in a mission and go to the menu screen and exit the menu screen it leaves a menu sized box that won't go away.

Edited by weirdmario
New issue
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Hi, been playing some TS last few days.  I have the original free version from EA installed and I applied the TS Patch from this thread.

Game runs fine but I appear to be getting sound 'popping' after certain game audio is played.  Doesn't seem to matter if I use my headset or speakers. It's like a slight crackle after I have been play for 5-10 mines.  Happens when I select units and after that audio has play I get like a pop/crackle.

Is this normal?

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TS does that on certain audio chipsets. Sometimes audio levels seem to shoot up for a sec and return to normal. This even happens on certain 90's and early 2000's era PC's I've tested the game on. No idea why though.

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  • 4 months later...

Is it possible to even fix ts  windows 8?

I got windows 8, and 2560 x something screen. I can play ts without lag or issues in skirmish, but when i go online and play, i get these lagg spikes every 5 sec. it make no sense, and ive tried all the renders. Any solutions for this?



*** When i put the reso down to 1980 x 1200 its fine.

Edited by Weaponx
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  • 2 months later...
  On 11/9/2019 at 1:31 AM, Dusty59 said:

ok i just downloaded the patch it runs i can change options and everything but it keeps saying cant create direct sound object and i dont know how to fix it pls halp



Probably a problem with your drivers, check the website of the manufacturer of your pc and see if they have a updated audio driver.

Maybe the tool from intel can solve the problem for you automatically too, it's worth a try at least https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/detect.html

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  • 1 month later...

Hello. perhaps someone can help me? I have the original CnC Tiberium Sun discs but I keep running into issues. The game has issues just installing(very minor scratches on the disc so there shouldn't be problems) when I finally do get the game to install I am met with an error stating that I must use an administrator account in order to play the game, and finally when I try to install the patch in the Westwood>Sun folder it tells me the game is not installed there. Can anyone help me solve this?

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